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(Cut to Vacay Island. We see a clue board and a PEZ candy dispenser next to it. King Peppy is reunited with Viva)

King Peppy: Hey, Viva, do you wanna make candy necklaces that we never finish because we eat all the candy?

Viva: [pulls out a few candy from her hair] Great minds think alike, Daddy. [pulls her dad]

King Peppy: [chuckles]

Branch: Oof, looking good, Bruce.

Spruce: [he is seen wrestling his kids instead of doing push-ups] You bet. Hey, down. No pulling out Daddy's chest hair! Ow!

Brandy: [comes in and removes her kids away from Spruce] Kids, cover your ears. You look hot. [picks up her husband] Honey, break a leg.

Clay: Branch, I'm sorry we didn't get to see you grow up, but I'm excited to get to hang out with you now.

Branch: Yeah, same here, Clay.

Clay: Hey, you wanna join my sad book club? It's really cool. We just sit around and hug and stuff. And cry.

Branch: Yeah, totally. [he goes to see Floyd who is peeking behind the curtains]

Crowd: [chanting] BroZone! BroZone! BroZone!

Branch: What's up? You got the pre-show jitters?

Floyd: I can't believe that we almost missed out on all this. We may not be the new kids on the block anymore, but I'm loving this new edition of us.

Clay: You know, I'm really glad those 98 degrees of separation are behind us.

John Dory: Just as long as we're together.

Spruce: [chews] Mmm. Hey, you guys gotta try this menudo.

(Outside of Vacay Island, Branch's other boyband, Kismet arrives in this scene)

Boom: Guys, are we sure this is the place?

Trickee: Well, it does match the postcard.

Hype: "Wish you were here"? Branch is the only one I know who talks like that.

Ablaze: Oh, here we go now!

(Cut back to the backstage)

John Dory: That new song is sick, Branch! I knew you had it in you.

Branch: Oh, yeah, thanks. It's, you know, just a little something me and a few of my buddies were working on.

John Dory: What? [Branch's brothers look at him in surprise]

(bandmates whistling)

Branch: Hey, here they are now.

Kismet: [whistling continues]

Branch: What? You didn't think BroZone was the only band I've ever been in, did you? Please. [he and Kismet cross their arms]

Clay: Now, these guys know how to flex the drip.

John Dory: You are so in sync.

Branch & Kismet: [laughing]

Branch: Did you hear what he said?

Boom: [chuckles] I don't get it.

(They hear Poppy from backstage)

Poppy: Hey, Branch, it's almost showtime, and I was just thinking maybe we could— [sees the Kismet members] What?!

(Cut to Branch and Kismet performing)

🌈Just let me take you to a better place🌈

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