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      "Who's coming to the Den tonight?" Shane calls out, gaining the attention of every man in the locker room.

       The fourth pre-season practice day is over and we all got fucked up again. Coach Jared woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, apparently. He decided that we all needed a beating and assigned practice drills without the puck today. My least favorite kind.

       When nearly all hands go up, Shane nods pleased. "Good. Because it's mandatory!" he barks. Justin might be captain, but Shane does a good job uniting the boys. He's the unofficial get-together scheduler and while he's all dark and broody, he's got this big-brother feel about him. He makes sure everyone is involved, especially the freshmen who's just four days into life as an Oakwood player. I wish there was someone like him on the team when I was a freshman, but then again I probably would've been the brat that refused to listen.

         I put my practice gear into the locker attached to my spot in the locker room. Every Oakwood team has their own locker rooms and each player has a set spot with their name and number on it. The room is covered in black, yellow and white Oakwood memorabilities. A big mural showing everyone lifting Justin after our first Frozen Four win covers one of the walls. I love it, because we happen to have the same colors as the Boston Bruins. They picked me first in the draft two years ago and I can't wait to put begin that chapter of my career.

        I pull my phone out, fiddling with the instagram app before I bite the bullet and check if Lennon has accepted my follow request yet. She hasn't. I'm not surprised - she doesn't have a lot of followers. I guess I had the tiniest hope that she would accept me.

        "You want a ride?" Owen says, putting his hand on my shoulder. I lock my phone and put it in my back pocket. "Yeah, let me just get my hoodie from the rink" I reply and he nods, hauling his bag over his shoulder before he walks out. I pull my bag with me as I walk out of the locker room. I retrieve my hoodie and on the way back I hear her gorgeous laugh. It traps me like a net of butterflies and I snap my head to follow the sound.

        Lennon is leaning against the wall, laughing at something Evan Greene is saying. Owen is with them too, but the way her body is angled towards Evan tells me he's the lucky bastard making her laugh. It makes my blood boil. She's wearing light blue gym-thights, and a crop-top, her Oakwood hoodie draped over her shoulders and I know for a fact that her thights are enhancing the heart-shape of her ass. Her hair is braided in some sort of braid, resting gently on her shoulder, reaching all the way down to her belly-button. That's when I notice the piercing. She's got a fucking belly-button piercing.

       Can this girl get any more attractive?

       I walk over to them and her smile dissapears when she sees me. I feel a slight twang in my chest as her beautiful expression turns into a scowl. "Lennon" I say, giving her a nod, letting my gaze run over her exquisite body. She blushes slightly and I know she's fighting hard to keep that scowl on her face. "Greyson" she replies through gritted teeth. There's a tension between us that I haven't felt before. Pure sexual attraction and I know she feels it too.

        Evan's eyes dart between the two of us like he's a scared deer stuck in headlights. Evan's a nice guy - a little shy but one hell of a hockey player. He was seventh pick of the draft last year, getting picked by his hometown team Toronto Maple Leafs. I don't know how they know each other but the thought of him being the reason behind her happiness makes me strangely jealous.

        "Riiight" Owen says, making Lennon's eyes break away from mine and I'm a little dissapointed at how fast she gives him attention. "We have to get going, Louis is waiting by the car. I'll text you, Len".

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