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     I am going to kill Owen. Or Louis. Or fucking both.

     I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's one of their puck-bunnies screaming as if their life depended on it right now. And trust me, it's overdone. Neither Owen or Louis have the abilities that would varant the sounds I'm hearing.

    After what feels like forever, the noises grow less persistent and eventually die down. Fucking finally.

     I am lucky enough that my room is on the end of the hallway so I usually don't have to listen to my best friends go to ram-town. Most times, it's the other way around, but today is first day of pre-season training camp, something I take very seriously.

     I get out of bed and go into my attached bathroom. Alternate-captain perks. Justin, our captain, and I got the two biggest rooms while Owen and Louis got stuck with the smaller ones. They argued about it, naturally, but in the end I got the room I wanted. Having a personal bathroom has proven extremely helpful when I have girls over. They can do their after-sex stuff in peace and in turn it makes them leave quicker. Win-win.

     My phone chimes with a notification.

     I put my phone in my pocket and throw a hoodie on

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     I put my phone in my pocket and throw a hoodie on. The black, yellow and white colors of the Oakwood Massachusetts State Hockey team have become my uniform these past three years. Why would I need an elaborate wardrobe when all I do is train, play hockey and go to parties?

     I walk out of my room and down the massive stairs overlooking the first floor. The landing connects to the living room which consists of a massively overpriced sofa and a 65' TV. The kitchen is on the right and while it's black and sophisticated, it's another expensive asset in this house. The only reason we can afford to live here is because Owen's father is a business-tycoon and very invested in his sons hockey career. Must be nice having a family who supports you.

    Every year we have a pre-season training camp, and every year my routine is the same. Get up two hours before, eat an egg and two pieces of toast, go to the Gretzky centre, get suited up and do ten laps on the ice before training starts. My superstition started freshman year and I've been successfull since so now I don't dare to stop.

     Justin is already in the kitchen when I get there. He gives me a nod when he sees me and pops four pieces of bread in the toaster. He's already got the eggs boiling on the stove. Justin Hastings is my best friend and the dad of the group. A beauty of a player and an even better man off the ice. He's the golden boy of Oakwood State and the perfect captain.

     "Coach Jared posted the first liners" he states, gesturing towards his computer. I walk over and check the page. As predicted we all have kept our spots on the first line for our senior year. My life wouldn't be over if I got bumped to second line.

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