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     Two weeks before classes start at Oakwood, I'm back to my usual routine.

     I start every morning with going to the gym, which happens to be in the Gretzky centre. I only go here because my dad gets me free use of their gym and I'm a student so I take all the free shit I can.

     This morning I arrived just when the hockey team was getting a talking to by Coach Jared. He might be the only man on the planet able to make a group of 6'0 plus men look like third graders. Coach Jared has to be one of my favorite people in the world. Sounds like the dream job; getting to tell a bunch of arrogant men that they have to do 10 rounds of suicide drills and no one dare complaining.

     I love being here in the morning because it's usually quiet. You have to use a keycard to gain entrance which means only people involved in the hockey program have access. Most days, none of them are here before 6.30 when I go. Today I got delayed when my car didn't start, hence the run-in with the team.

    The gym is situated on the second floor, while the rinks, the locker rooms and the staff-area is located on the first. The centre is gigantic and modern - it was rebuilt five years ago when the hockey program took off, attracting some of the biggest talents in the nation. My dad was a part of the donations, and if I remember correctly they almost named it the Levine-centre before he stepped in and refused to have his name on it. How noble.

   I get started on my program, which today is leg-day only. It's my favorite day of the week because regardless of how exhausting it is, I barely have to use my arms. I also feel stronger in my lower body than my upper.

    Three sets later and I'm slick with sweat and red as a tomato. Although my mother and all my brothers tans easily, I've been given my fathers fair skin that turns red at the thought of both sun and exercise. That's another reason I love working out in an empty gym; no one can see my red face.

    On my way out of the door leading to the hallway I meet Owen. He looks like he's been on a seven days detox-cure and had to take a dip in the pool after. He's carrying his hockey gear halfway on his body, halfway off.

    "Jesus christ what happened to you?" I ask trying to mask a laugh.

     "Louis fucking Jackson happened to me" he hisses. "I'm killing him when we get home, if Grey doesn't get to him first". I follow his gaze ten feet over to where Greyson Carter has Louis pushed up against the wall. Greyson's eyes meet mine for a second before I look away, trying not to blush. Another flaw of my pale skin, literally everything makes me go red. I don't even have to like you for my face to betray me.

     "Not only did he keep the house up all night with his puck-bunny, he got in a fight on the ice today so we all had to do extra drills". I raise my eyebrows in surprise. Louis doesn't strike me as a someone who would get into a fight. If anything, it's usually Greyson who does.

      "Sounds tough" I say trying to be genuinley understanding but the truth is, I don't understand. I have never played a team sport. My dad tried to make me follow in his footsteps until I had three brothers but to no avail. I love watching hockey, but if you put me on the ice I can't move an inch. Which is ironic, considering my dad is a 9 time Stanley Cup winner.

     Owen pouts. "It is tough, Lenny. I might need a massage after this".

    "In your dreams, Owen" I laugh and he shakes his head. "One of these days I'm gonna get that massage from you".

     Owen is one of my best friends. I have known him for three years and there has never been anything more than platonic feelings between us. In fact, I consider him my fourth brother. He is one of a very exclusive group of people from college that I have introduced to my family. Partly because of who they are but mostly because they are fucking crazy.

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