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             I think I just got roommates.

             I mean, I know, I just got roommates. We already decided who gets which room. Arden wants the natural lighting so she gets the room at the end of the hall and in exchange for not getting selfie-light, Jade gets an on-suite bathroom. I get to keep my master bedroom because I pay the most money.

             I met these women exactly twelve hours ago and now we live together. Owen's going to call me crazy when I tell him, but there's something about the two of them that makes me feel good. And while my anxiety spiked for a second when I was in the shower contemplating what the hell I'm doing, it felt right. I want to take chances. Live outside of my comfort zone, and if I can gain two friends doing that; it's a win-win. I'm sure a little change to my schedule is not going to kill me.

             Besides, I met Arden and Jade because Arden was breaking up with her cheating hockey-boyfriend, so I think we might be soulmates.

          "Lennon, your apartment is beautiful but I beg you, tomorrow, we go furniture shopping" Arden says, holding up a black decor-pillow that she's found on the sofa. "It's so manly" she grimaces.

           "I'll provide the money and you can be the stylist" I smile and her eyes light up. "My favorite words" she exclaims. Arden James is gorgeous - Sports Illustrated front cover gorgeous. Her dark blonde hair flows down to her shoulder, curtain bangs framing her diamond shaped face and her eyes is this deep-blue color I've never seen in real life before. Tall as a model - 5'10 to be exact, and her figure is nothing short of spectacular. If she wasn't so amazing I'd be intimidated.

         Jade is roaming around my closet trying to pick out something to wear for tonight. We are going to a bar - Arden's request - to get drunk. I've never been to this place but according to my new best friends, it's the hottest place to go, mostly because they don't check ID's.

         I'm sitting, legs crossed, on top of the kitchen island curling my hair. It's quite curly already, but I like to enhance them whenever I'm going out. It makes me feel pretty. The logical parts of my brain tells me that I'm pretty regardless but I tend to let the insecure part win. My make up is done; I went for a soft look - no eyeshadow, but lip gloss and blush. I don't like the way my eyes look with eyeliner and my lash-extensions so I tend to avoid it.

        "Shit Lennon, you have more clothes than I've ever owned in my life" Jade comes out holding three dresses. "I don't know what to choose".

         "What are the options?" Arden asks, putting down the mirror in her hand.

         "So I found this green dress. Tried it on and it hugs my curves in all the right places however it reaches down to my knees" she sighs, holding it up to show us. Like me, Jade is petite. I'm just over 5'3, and she reaches me to my neck.

         "Yeah, I got that one online and never returned it" I say as she tosses the dress to the side.

         "This one, is my favorite" she grins and holds up a black, sleeved prada dress that she would die if she knew how much costs. It simple, pure black and no details other than the open back - but it's beautiful and would look so good on her olive skin. If there was a picture of anyone under the word 'breathtaking' it would be Jade Santos. Her long, straight, hair is brown, like the most delicious dark-chocolate, and her eyes are brown but sort of yellow like caramel. Her soft features make her seem like the girl next door but once she opens her mouth her feisty personality shines through.

           "It's yours" I smile and Jade's mouth hangs wide open. "No" she replies. I laugh, and reassure her she can have it. When her eyes fills with tears, I know that I have met my people. She runs over to give me a hug and it might be one of the best moments of my life.  

           "This moment calls for wine!" Arden shouts, running over to the fridge to get the chardonnay out. She pours us three glasses and we klink them together as I snap a picture for my instagram story - because apparantley I need to 'up my game' according to Jade.

         "I'm getting some tonight!" Jade says before emptying the remainder of her glass. I cock my eyebrow at her and Jade shakes her head. "No you are not. No more boys, we only date men".

Jade waves her hand dismissevly and turns on the music. "Shit, this is our new theme song!" Arden says when 'Wannabe' by Spice Girls come on. I roll my eyes light-heartedly, and laugh when they drag me off the counter and starts singing and dancing. I say singing, but what I really mean is shouting because if this wasn't such an expensive building I'm sure my neighbors would hate me.

         The combination of the music and the singing must be why we didn't hear the front door open. It would also explain why Evan is standing halfway into my living-room, staring at us as if we have all grown an extra head.

        Jade is the first to spot him, and when she does she screams and runs into the closet  because, I assume, she's not fully dressed. Poor Evan goes red and tries to avert his eyes. "I'm so sorry the door was open and I was coming home and I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang I'm so so so sorry" he shouts, holding his hand in front of his eyes looking anywhere but at us.

        I turn off the music. "Relax, Evan. Jade will live". He looks a me, panic evident in his eyes and he's still red as an apple. Evan looks like he's been out. He looks exceptionally good in black jeans, a white suit shirt and an Oakwood university bomber-jacket and I can't help but check him out. His hair is swept backwards making him look like a blonde James Dean.

        "I didn't know you have visitors, I would've knocked" he smiles, finally meeting my eyes.

         "I'm Arden". Arden gives him a wave and he waves back sheepishly, but doesn't say who he is. From the three times I've interracted with Evan, I've gotten to know that he's shy. No, shy doesn't even cover it; he's extremely shy. At least when you first meet him. But that's also what makes him so endearing. He's so handsome you expect him to be this loud and obnoxious man, the fact that he isn't makes him even more attractive.

        I feel a strange protectiveness over him when Arden all but devours him with her eyes.

        "This is Evan, he lives next door" I tell her when he doesn't give any indication he's going to speak.

         Arden sucks her lower lip into her mouth and lets her gaze roam shamelessly over Evan's body. "Shit, Lennon! Are all your neighbors this sexy?". Evan goes even redder than he was before and puts his hands in his pocket. 

       "Go check on Jade, please will you Arden? I'm not sure she's breathing in there" I nod towads the closet Jade still hasn't come out of. Arden puts her tongue out at me and flips me off as she walks off. Laughing, I grab Evan by the elbow and lead him back into the hallway.

       "Sorry about them" I smile and he relaxes visably.

        "I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to barge in". 

         "It's fine. We're going out in a second anyway" I tell him. 

        "Anywhere in particular?" He asks. "Because I happen to know a place that's hosting". 

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