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Lennon is sleeping in my room.

I didn't expect her to ever sleep in my room. I had hopes – I am a man after all. But I respect her enough to not have wanted it to happen unless she wanted it to.

And no. I didn't sleep in there with her.

But just the thought of it is driving me crazy. I couldn't sleep a second and it had nothing to do with having to sleep on the sofa or that the last people were out of here at four in the morning.

When she stumbled into my chest yesterday, gripping my arms to hold herself up, I knew she was way too drunk. She would never willingly be that close to me had she been sober. When she called me Owen and wanted me to lead her to his room so she could fall asleep I picked her up and brought her to mine instead.

That might have been a mistake.

But she was cold out within minutes, so I let her be.

There's something about Lennon that makes me feel protective. And I fucking hate it.

I decide to get up before I get the chance to dwell on it. I take a cold shower and put on a pair of Oakwood State Hockey sweats and a hoodie before walking back into the kitchen. The place is a fucking mess, so I decide to be responsible for once and start cleaning up.

It has nothing to do with the girl upstairs.

After the kitchen has been tidied and I still haven't heard or seen a soul I decide to get my laptop to review game footage. There's hardly ever a quiet moment in our house and although I love my friends to death, they don't analyze the way I do. Justin is a natural hockey player. He can analyze a game by watching the footage once and then he's good to go. Owen and Louis are also incredible players but sometimes I get the impression that they don't care if they break into the NHL team or not. I have no choice; I have to.

And I will.

I am willing to do a lot to make sure of that.

Being dubbed the most talented player of the generation only gets you so far.

I pull open the software we use to review game footage and click on the most recent analysis added by Coach Green, the analysis expert on our team. In the clip, Florida State University's right winger skates towards our goalie, Jeremy, but is intercepted by Shane. Shane sends the puck up the rink, reaching Louis who passes it to me and that's where the clip ends. I remember what comes next, of course. I remember every game I play. Especially every mistake I make.

Looking at the play now, it's obvious; I should have passed it to Owen who had a clear shot on goal. Instead, I got greedy and went for the shot myself ultimately losing possession.

I get so focused on the plays in front of me that I don't notice her come into the kitchen. I hear the tap running and turn towards the sink. She's standing with her back to me, her long, wavy hair pulled up into a bun at the nape of her neck in an obvious attempt to contain it. She's not wearing the clothes she wore at the party yesterday.

She's wearing something much better.

One of my t-shirts.

It's massive on her, more like a dress than a t-shirt. It hides all of her curves and reaches so far down her thighs it barely shows her legs, yet it's the most beautiful I have ever seen her look.

Shit, I'm a loser.

I force myself to look away.

"Thank you for letting me sleep in your room" Lennon's quiet voice breaks the silence in the kitchen.

"No problem" I reply, clearing my throat.

The silence grows back as she sits down on the island opposite me. I try not to be distracted by her but it's fucking impossible. She's doing nothing, yet it's making me want to grab her and pull her towards me. Capture her mouth in a kiss. Feel her long curls in my fist.

I'd take anything at this point.

I force myself to block out her presence, mostly so I don't get hard. That would be a catastrophically big mistake.

"Listen" she says, fiddling with her rings. "I remember zero about yesterday after a certain point, so I apologize for anything Sheila did".

I raise an eyebrow towards her. "Sheila?".

"Yes. She's my drunk alter-ego who only comes out every four years or so".

"Well, Sheila didn't do anything too bad".

"Thank god" she sighs, and I wish I could relive that sound.

"If you don't count the begging me to stay in the room with her or trying to take her clothes off in front of me" I shrug.

I watch Lennon go red as she puts her hands on her face, groaning. I start laughing and she looks at me with narrow eyes.

"I'm just kidding, you fell asleep instantly" I say through laughing.

"Greyson!" She throws one of her rings at me and I narrowly manage to duck out of the way. "You're such an ass".

She pretends to be mad at me, but I can see the tiniest slip of a smile hiding behind that mask she wears around me. I know she pretends to hate me. I don't know why, but I'm determined to find out.

"Do you know if Owen stayed here yesterday?" Lennon asks after a beat of silence.

"I doubt it" I tell her. "I never saw him go into his room".

"That bitch" she mutters under her breath, and I can't help the laugh that spills out of me.

"Did you just call him a bitch?" I contain my laughter behind a cough as I look at her. Her usual soft features are curled into another frown.

"He's supposed to be my ride back to my apartment" she says as she checks her watch. "Two minutes ago...".

If I had learnt one thing about Lennon Levine these past weeks, it's that she sticks to a schedule religiously.

"I can drive you" I offer as she gets of the stool and starts gathering her things. "No, I'll walk. It's not a long walk and I'll use it as my cardio for today. I just need all my things".

I watch her run upstairs and come back in a matter of minutes, carrying her outfit from yesterday in her hands.

"I'll borrow these" she says as she walks past the kitchen into the foyer. "Bye Greyson" she yells as the door closes.

I shake my head. I doubt I will ever know exactly what is going on inside her head. But I know I'd love to. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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