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      Two-odd-hours later and most of the team has moved to our house. Justin didn't let them drink in public but he's not going to babysit them at the house. And it fucking shows because most of them are black out drunk by now. I know I'm not the one to talk, I've spent a fair share of my college years drunk – but never during the season. Especially not during pre-season.

You would think the display of anger Coach showed on day 1 would've scared them into being more careful.

I'm sitting on the black leather sofa when Justin sits down next to me, drink – I'm assuming non-alcoholic – in hand. He gestures to someone, and I follow my gaze over to Owen who's busy flirting with a blondie in the corner.

"When are you two going to kiss and make up?".

"We're fine" I tell him.

"Just for once, listen to him, Grey". I roll my eyes at Justin.

"Why is this even a thing?".

"Surely we don't have to go over this again?" he says. "Do you not listen to a word I say?". 

"Obviously not". 

Justin groans. 

The front door of our house opens, and my attention snaps to the entryway. I hear her before I see her but when I do it's like time stops for a second. She's got her hair curled again tonight, and it wraps around her body like a shield. Her green corset-like top hugs her body and melts together with the denim skirt in a way I didn't even know was possible.

I was not expecting to see Lennon here today - or anytime for that matter. From what I've gathered from my friends, who's all told me to stay the fuck away, she barely goes to parties and especially not on Hockey-lane. I'd be willing to bet a lot of money she'd rather be at home with her book. 

She's leading two girls I've never seen before but she's easily the prettiest in the room. Our teammate, Evan, saunters in after them. A twinge of jealousy creeps up my chest and nearly gets stuck in my throat before I swallow it away.

"Damn man, you're so far gone" Justin laughs next to me. "I take back everything I've just said". 

My gaze snaps to his and I find him grinning like an idiot. "What?".

"Please. You just looked at her as if she's it".

"Shut up, she's just hot". I don't know why I go so defensive. Even if I was in love with her, which I am not, what would be so embarrassing about that?

"Whatever you say" Justin laughs, holding his hands up defensively.

I look back at where she was standing but she's got lost in the crowd with her friends. 

"Can't believe our team dinner ended in this" Shane sits down with us, his girlfriend Leah in tow. Leah is nice. She's a tiny human but what she doesn't have in height she has in confidence and that makes her a good fit in our group. She's the only woman we know who would put any of us in our place if it was warranted. They got together during our freshman year when they got partnered up on a project and have stayed together ever since. Next year, they will be moving in together in LA. 

"I'm not surprised" Leah says, leaning back on the sofa. Shane pulls her legs up over his thighs. 

"Yeah, neither am I" I agree. "They all seem too stupid for their own good".

Leah laughs and holds up her red cup in a salute.

Leah and Shane have that kind of relationship most of us want, but would never admit to wanting. They're secure, comfortable and so full of trust they don't even question each other if something comes up. They communicate. While a part of me thinks they have wasted their college years being in a relationship, the other part is jealous they have found that so young. 

"What's got him moping?" I hear Shane ask Justin. I didn't realize I had tuned them out but by the way they look at me as I meet their gaze tells me I definitely have.

"He thinks he can pull Lennon" Justin states and I make a mental note to tell him off for telling Shane and Leah about my business. Not that there is any business to be told. But if there was, I'm leaving him out of it as of now. 

It's not that I don't trust them. I do. I just know what they are going to say. 

As soon as the words leave his mouth, Leah and Shane break out in laughter. I scowl at them.

"Sorry, man, but she's so out of your league you're not even in the same sport" Shane snorts.

"No one is out of my league" I huff.

"Trust me she is".

"If you think that's discouraging then you are wrong" I reply, taking a sip of my water. Leah rolls her eyes, not impressed by my confidence. "I'm going to enjoy watching you get rejected, Carter".

Look, I know how it comes across. Like arrogance. But I'm confident. Even if it takes me seventeen more 'dates' at Arlo's and it still only ends up in us being friends - I'm confident she'll warm up to me. 

"You won't get to watch, because he's not trying it with her" Justin says. "I'm not having the house become a warzone during senior year".

"Besides, she doesn't date hockey players" Leah shrugs.

"Why not?" I try to make my tone indifferent, and if I fail, they don't make it known that I have. 

"Who doesn't date hockey players?" Louis sits down by our group. He's got the biggest hickey I have ever seen on his neck. "What the fuck happened to you?" I ask and reach over to poke him on the spot. 

"Oh this little thing?" he grins. "Just something of a trophy". 

"Jesus christ, man" I roll my eyes as Justin snorts, nearly spilling all of his drink. Before any of them gets the chance to tease Louis about his hickey anymore, a commotion from the patio makes Justin and Shane go off to investigate. Leah sees a group of her friends and then she's off too.

I wonder why Lennon doesn't date hockey players. That's something I need to ask her later.

I look around the room and I instantly find her on her way to the kitchen. She struggles to get through the crowd of mostly big athletes and their friends, but eventually she dissappears around the corner. 

I get up and follow her. 

Time to get your flirt on, Carter. 

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