(C. 15) Enemy Base

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"Man, I'm so bored!" Rampo's voice cut through the silence of the safe house, "I wanna go outside!"

"Nothing out of the ordinary in the footage?" the President asked, not looking up from his book.

"Just a bunch of nothing." Yosano sighed, her gaze fixed on her computer as she surveilled the camera footage from the hall leading to their hideout.

"The only way to get into this hall is through the underground railroad tunnel. Even if the enemy does try to enter, the security camera footage will tell us before they get here." Fukuzawa thought aloud.

"And there are lots of traps along the way too." Yosano added, resting her chin in her hand.

"War is so boring. My emergency snacks ran out in half a day." Rampo complained, shaking his empty bag of chips to emphasize his point before turning to Yosano. "I know! Hey, Yosano, let's play hanafuda on these computers!"

"Oh?" Yosano responded, an evil glint in her eyes, "What are we going to bet?"

Y/n and Chuuya stood near the entrance to the old abandoned railway, looking into the darkness within.

"Attacking enemy bases always makes my heart dance with joy." came Mori's crackled voice through their headsets, "It's time for the next move. How go the preparations?"

"Everything is ready." Chuuya curtly replied and Y/n stuck her tongue out at him, making fun of his professionalism. He rolled his eyes at her in return.

"You have more than enough force to crush the Armed Detective Agency." Mori stated, blissfully unaware of their playful interaction, I look forward to hearing of it."

The headsets clicked, alerting the two Mafia executives that their boss was no longer on the line.

"Why did he send you anyways?" Chuuya asked as they stepped into the tunnel.

"He didn't want to, he made the mistake of giving me a choice." Y/n shrugged, carefully avoiding a trap in the floor.

"He must know you're not gonna do anything to help me."


Chuuya crushed the trigger for another trap with his ability, breaking it in the process. They were making quick progress, all the safeguards the Agency had put into place were so obvious.

"Leaving all the work to me? Lame."

"You don't fool me, I've known you too long." Y/n berated him, "You like being the center of attention, the driving force behind an operation. You like doing things single handedly."

"Got me there." he smirked down at her as she triggered a trap purposefully, allowing a boulder to fall from the ceiling in front of them.

"You gonna get that?" she asked, gesturing to the large rock.

"God! I really have to do everything around here."

Quickly, he blew the boulder into bits, destroying one of the cameras in the process. Progressing further down the tunnel, the pair found that the traps became more infrequent while there were now cameras every few feet. Chuuya crushed them all with his ability while Y/n watched, growing bored with the situation.

As they continued to walk, trading playful insults, Yosano and Kenji came into view. The four all came to a stop, about ten feet between them. Yosano held a huge cleaver over one of her shoulders, staring the Mafiosos down intently.

"Oh, come on..." Chuuya drawled, his hands in his pockets and his coat hanging loosely from his shoulders, "only two?"

"If you're dissatisfied with your reception, come back after making an appointment." Yosano responded.

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