(C. 26) Evil Expects Evil

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A/n this was LITERALLY all supposed to be chapter 24 and now its three chapters long!!!


Mori reached forward, an unexpected motion, and grabbed the collar of Y/n's dress, pulling her back into his arms. He had a scalpel to her throat before anyone could ever blink. Kunikida and Tanizaki both stepped forward, ready to attack as they saw Y/n look over at her husband with something akin to fear.

"Considering I have your pretty little wife beside me and that excellent ability of hers," Mori smirked, "I'll be safe."

Dazai just laughed, putting his free hand into his jacket pocket as he took a step forward.

"You forget I know all your weaknesses." he responded with a smirk of his own, "I know she refuses to use it for you and that you're too scared to try and force her, considering what consequences could ensue from such an action."

The onlookers who knew of Y/n's ability wondered if Dazai meant that Y/n could simply choose a future to ruin her attacker, or if it was Dazai himself Mori really had to fear. Power radiated from the bandaged man as he glared at Mori, his eyes sharp as a knife.

"And you forget," Mori began, tightening his grip on Y/n who gasped slightly, "that I know she will do whatever it takes to ensure your safety. You forget I have her in my grasps."

"Touch her, and I'll break your fucking neck." Dazai hissed, the smile falling from his face as he advanced, "You know, I'm not a jealous man, but she is mine. End of story. Don't forget that."

"Oh Doll, how sweet." Mori cooed, lowering his head to Y/n's shoulder as he addressed her, curling himself around her as she began to tremble slightly, "Really, I'm so happy you found someone to care for you like that, a mess as you are but, call your guard dog off."

Y/n looked at Dazai, knife still at her throat and pleading silently for something. Dazai hesitated under the force of her gaze. Without a word to him, she shut her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Rin, I would appreciate it if you let go of me. I do not like it when you touch me." she said, eyes still shut.

Though her voice was quiet, she remained firm and even. Mori looked down at her, eyes widening slightly as he did so.

"You heard her, hands off." Dazai said after they had stood in silence like that for at least fifteen seconds.

Slowly, Mori lowered his blade, letting go of Y/n and taking a step back. She let out an audible exhale of relief, raising one hand to her pounding heart.

"Fucking hell." she muttered under her breath, turning to the side so she was no longer staring straight towards Dazai and the other Agency members.

She reached into the depths of her black dress, pulling a cigarette and a lighter out of the pocket of her skirt. Lighting it, she inhaled deeply. Mori looked to Dazai, having regained his composure and sending the man a sickening smile.

"My offer still stands." he stated cooly, "We will be taking our leave now."

Mori looked to Y/n for a moment who still had her back to both parties as she took another drag from her cigarette. When she didn't move to leave with them, he simply left without her. It wasn't until Black Lizard and the Port Mafia Boss were long gone that anyone said anything else. Y/n was the one to break the silence when they did.

"I don't belong to anyone," she stated and though everyone could hear her, they knew she was speaking to her husband alone, "stop treating me like an object. I don't care if it is for my defense, I don't like it."

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