(C. 35) Welcome

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A/N Last chapter before the epilogue :(


Y/n had been up since the early hours of the morning decorating the house. There were streamers on every wall, about eight billion balloons, and she had baked a cake. Dazai stood in the doorway to the living room, a mug of hot tea in each hand as he leaned against the door frame. He watched as she worked to shelve the pile of books in her arm with a loving smile.

"How's it going?" he asked, pulling himself from the doorway and walking over, holding one of the mugs out to Y/n.

"Almost done." she hummed, shelving the last book she held and turning to face him.

"How'd we end up adopting three kids. That's what I've been wondering."

Y/n chuckled, grabbing the mug from him and taking a sip. Lowering it from her face, she held it in both her hands, her eyes fixed on the dark liquid.

"Oda would be proud, don't you think?"

Their eyes met again. Dazai hummed in thought, surveying the room for a moment before returning his attentions to her.

"I think so." he nodded, a bit sadly.

Y/n turned to the bookshelf, handing her mug back to Dazai. She began to fiddle with one of the shelves, letting out a sigh.

"We're gonna need to replace this soon. Look, it's buckling."

"Ikea this weekend?"

Y/n lit up.

"Can we get lunch there?"


"And a bag of frozen meatballs to bring home?"

He laughed.



Dazai handed her back her cup and they shook their free hands. The doorbell rang.

"Can you get it?" Y/n asked, "I think it should be Yosano with the strawberries for the cake's decoration. I have a couple more things to finish up in here."

"Course, Love."

"You know," Y/n hummed as she walked over to the table, placing her cup down on it and filling her arms with more books in need of homes, "I like 'Love' much better than 'Belladonna'."

"Sorry, you're not getting rid of that one." Dazai called back over his shoulder as he approached the door, "It's too perfect."

He opened the door, ready to greet Yosano. Instead, Atsushi was standing there, fighting with Akutagawa beside him. There was a plastic container of strawberries in one of his hands.

"Uh, Y/n?" Dazai called down the hall.

"Yeah?" she yelled back.

"It's not Yosano."

"What?" Y/n stepped out into the hall, her arms still full of books as she walked up beside Dazai, "I really need tho-"

Atsushi and Akutagawa had calmed themselves by now, watching as her eyes widened slightly with surprise.

"Why is he here?" Atsushi asked.

"I was invited, dumbass." Akutagawa scoffed, sliding his hands into his pockets.

"Oh, strawberries." Y/n hummed, sliding the books to one side to free a hand and grabbing the container from Atsushi, "Thanks, I needed these."

She turned back to the hallway, humming a little tune as she walked to the kitchen, depositing the items she held onto the counter. Dazai turned back to the two boys, shaking his head slightly. He stepped to the side, making space for them to pass.

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