(C. 33) Kyoka

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"I love you Osamu. I promise I'll be safe."

Y/n turned back to Atsushi and Akutagawa, letting go of the earpiece and effectively ending her communication with Dazai.

"Listen up you two: this is the part where I take over. Follow me."

Y/n broke out into a run and the two boys quickly followed suit. She lead the way back into the bowls of the Moby Dick, quickly finding the control room she had recalled passing earlier, back when she'd been looking for Fitzgerald.

Once they had arrived in the room, she immediately began messing with the ships steering and breaks. Nothing she did was working.

"It isn't responding here either." she stated after a few moments, straightening up, "The ship is going to crash."

"I thought you said we survived?" Atsushi asked in alarm.

Y/n looked over at him.

"We do. All of us do, I think. Clearly this isn't how."

"We're out of time!" Atsushi exclaimed, "We need to do something, or everyone is dead."

"I just told you, we all make it. You two, me, Osamu... even that guy whose ability this ship is."

"I believe you." Akutagawa cut in, "It's jus-"

"Someone has infiltrated the ship from the outside." a gruff voice interrupted Akutagawa's speech, "They've taken control."

They turned to see Herman Melville standing in the door way.

"Ah! Great!" Y/n smiled, walking up to him, "Boat guy."

"Plan B." Dazai's voice crackled in through her ear piece and she held her hand to it, listening intently, "Be ready to hear from Kyoka."

"Roger that."

"Don't reveal anything you know, if you know anything about how this will go. It will ruin everything." he paused, "You do know how this ends for her, don't you?"

"Ah, you know me so well." Y/n smiled, letting her hand fall from the device, "Osamu said we are moving on to plan B but to be honest, I don't know what it is so we're just gonna have to roll with it."

The lie fell easily from her lips. Y/n had spent her whole life keeping secrets, making excuses. A part of her felt like all of it would be worth it if it meant she could save Kyoka. As if on cue, Kyoka's voice came from the control panel.

"There is still a way." she stated firmly.

"That voice..." Atsushi's eyes went wide, "Kyoka!"

All four people turned to stare at the computer, Y/n walking back up to it.

"Hey sweet girl." she hummed.

"I heard about the situation. Even if the Moby Dick can't be stopped from falling, with enough force from above, it can be destroyed before it reaches the city. I'll use this drone."

"I see... that's amazing, Kyoka." Atsushi exclaimed, smiling brightly, "We can save everyone."

Atsushi turned back to Melville.

"Prepare the parachutes, please. We need to get off this ship." 

The man nodded his assent. He turned, heading down the hallway.

"You know where the escape hatch is, right?" Akutagawa doubtfully asked his executive.

"What sort of operative would I be if I didn't?" she replied with a confident little wink.

Turning back to the control panel, she leaned in.

"You need to escape now too." Y/n told Kyoka.

"I can't." the girl replied, her voice hollow, "I'm captive here. My ankles are chained down. I can't make it to the evacuation system."

Y/n widened her eyes in a false panic, as Atsushi turned back to the control panel. Fear was one of the easiest things to fake, and one of the hardest things to hide. Y/n's act was convincing, but a falsehood. Atsushi's fear was real as he threw himself forward onto it.

"No... then..." he searched for the right words.

"Forget about me." Kyoka commanded.

"No!" Atsushi screamed.

"No can do, sweet girl. You are singular. I have so much care for you in my heart, I hope you know that." Y/n said, forcing her voice to sound heartbroken.

"I wont allow it! Change course!" he demanded.

"I didn't have a single ray of light until now." Kyoka admitted, a passion in her voice, "But today, I understood. I have choices."

"I am so sorry I failed you." Y/n said, a tear slipping down her cheek. 

This? This was real. The tear was real. Y/n had so many regrets involving the girl.

"I should have kept a better eye on you, tried harder to keep you from Koyo. I am so sorry."

"No." Kyoka insisted, "You tried your best. That is all anyone can do. You and Atsushi, you showed me the light, the good that was possible in the world and not just that. Because of you two, I got to experience some of it for myself. It became attainable. If I sacrifice myself, I can save everyone. I'll pass the entrance exam. I'll finally be a real part of the Agency. I would regret nothing."

"Stop it!" Atsushi yelled as Y/n brought her hand to her ear, activating the microphone on her headset for a third time.

"Osamu!" she yelled into it, "How could you do this!? How could you fucking do this?"

"Acting?" he asked.

"Yeah?" she shot back, answering his question in a way that also saved face.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Protect the orphans? What bullshit." she scoffed, "What would Oda say? If he knew you were doing this. Do you even care about that anymore? About him anymore? About me?"

"Do you want to stay in for dinner tonight? Or go out?" he asked, ignoring what she was saying, "Oh wait, you can't answer me. Guess we're ordering in."

"I... I can't believe you. I can't. There must be another way."

"I think you're so cool." Dazai sung a made up tune, "I love you so much. You are wonderful and I am pretending not to hear the things you're saying right now."

Y/n nearly laughed, almost broke her cover. Somehow, she managed to keep her cool.

"I... I think I'm going to need some time. When this is all over." she said quietly, "I..."

She shook her head, putting on a show for her companions but unable to actually say what she was implying.

"Wow. Really pretending not to have heard that one."

At the sight of Akutagawa grabbing the collar of Atsushi's shirt, dragging him from the panel, she dropped her hand, breaking contact once again. He turned to Y/n as he continued to walk towards the door.

"Let's go."

She gave a false, forlorn look towards the control panel.

"Let go!" Atsushi screamed, clawing at Akutagawa's hand where it held him, "Akutagawa! Kyoka! Listen to me!"

"Thank you." she replied quietly, "I am sorry."

"Kyoka? You are so loved Kyoka." Y/n repeated her earlier sentiments forcefully, "I am so proud of you." 

With a final look towards the control panel and crossed fingers, she turned on her heel and followed the others out of the room.

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