Chapter 1: The Soldier & The Ripper

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"Northwest of Vale, 2 years ago. We got our hands on intel that Liquid Snake was involved with the White Fang. The timing was too convenient, but Liquid kept our nose out in the cold for too long."










A lone man in a cloak was walking throughout the northwest area of the kingdom of Vale, with nothing but a cigarette, the sounds of the night and the sound of the rain pouring down to accompany him.

While on the surface, the man was just wondering around aimlessly but in reality, the man was actually walking towards something. Cool, calm and collected, the man continued on walking while enjoying his smoke before he stopped suddenly, and turned his head to look left.

He saw an old, decently sized warehouse in the distance from where he currently was before started to make his way there, being as inconspicuous as he could which came incredibly natural to him.

Making his way to the warehouse, the man was able to see a few masked individuals as he used the nearby trees and bushes to conceal his presence, and took a moment to assess the situation.

He noticed a few members of the White Fang, one of the most notable Faunus rights groups in the world that in recent years, turned to more violent methods outside, as he threw his nearly finished cigarette to distract the guards as he snuck right past them, and entered the building through the back.

He then quickly found a place to conceal his presence when he could overhear a very familiar voice.

"Be alert. He'll be here soon, I know it. And be on your guard, he has a lot of tricks up his sleeves." The voice said before going down an elevator as the man then removed his cloak, revealing his sneaking suit and getting a good look of his face.

The man is in fact Remnant's greatest solider and hero, Solid Snake.

Snake pulled out his traq gun and used it to knock out a few White Fang members, making the coast clear as he hopped onto the Codec

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Snake pulled out his traq gun and used it to knock out a few White Fang members, making the coast clear as he hopped onto the Codec.

"It's Snake. Do you read me Otacon?"

"Loud and clear Snake. What's the situation?"

"Your intel was spot on as usual, Liquid's involved with the White Fang."

"It's just as I feared, Liquid's been supplying them with weapons. Though what Liquid gains from this, I have no idea."

"Whatever it is, it can't be good. Have Izuku and Raiden arrived yet?"

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