Chapter 5: The Offer

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The sun was shining bright upon the planet as Snake was in the middle of doing some customizing on his gun while Raiden was cleaning his sword, Solidus was doing some maintenance on his suit, Otacon and Naomi were doing some research right as Tai walked in, wearing a tie-dye shirt and tried to get his friends attention.

Snake and Solidus rolled their eyes as they kept doing what they were doing while Tai kept trying to getting their attention, clearing his throat ad Otacon turned around in his chair.

"We get it Tai, you're in a tie-dye shirt. Really funny." Otacon said before turning back around to continue his research as Tai just pouted.

"You guys don't appreciate comedy." Tai mumbled as he walked to the kitchen to grab something to drink due to the heat outside.

"No Tai, we do appreciate comedy, as long as it doesn't want us to go permanently deaf." Snake quipped as he continued working on his gun while Tai pouted.

"Even now I'm still not used to Tai's attempts at comedy." Naomi said to Otacon as they kept on working.

"Oh, it's way worse whenever both Tai and Yang start making bad jokes and puns together. One time on a camping trip a few years ago, Tai and Yang managed to make exactly 1,000 puns and bad jokes in the span of a day." Otacon explained to Naomi as her jaw dropped.

"It got so bad to the point I started drinking just so I could get any sleep. Yes, I ended up nursing a hangover the next day but it was totally worth it." Otacon explained as Naomi was just flabbergasted at the thought of Otacon being drunk.

"And now you know why we always suggest to keep a pair of earmuffs on you at all times." Raiden joked as Tai held his head down.

"You guys suck." Tai said as Snake chuckled a bit while shaking his head.

"Hey, you had rizz up half your team somehow, am I right?" Snake joked with a smug smile, before Raiden punched his shoulder while giving him a look that told him to read the room.

"Alright, alright, poor timing." Snake said while Naomi was confused by the sudden tension in the room as they heard a knock on the door, as Snake got up and answered the door.

"Oh, hello Nezu." Snake said as he greeted the small rat man.

"Hello David, mind if I come in?" Nezu asked as Snake motioned for him to come in, which Nezu did before sitting down.

"So, to what do we owe this visit Nezu?" Raiden asked as he finished cleaning his sword before placing it back in its sheath.

"Well, you all know that the school year at Beacon will start in a few days. And might I say Jack, your son absolutely crushed the entrance exam." Nezu said which made Raiden smile with lots of pride.

"That's my boy, we trained him well. Anyway, I get the feeling you're not here just to tell me how well my kid did." Raiden said as Nezu just chuckled at Raiden's response.

"Of course not. You see Jack, Ozpin finally decided to take my advice to have more staff at Beacon, and I wanted to ask you and David if you two would like to teach at Beacon." Nezu said as Snake and Raiden were both surprised at Nezu's offer.

"Us, teaching at Beacon? Why?" Snake asked as Otacon placed his hand on his best friend's shoulder.

"Well, I figured who'd be best to teach the next generation of warriors then Remnant's two greatest and strongest soldiers." Nezu explained to the two as Snake and Raiden looked at each other for a moment, both being on the same wavelength before looking back at Nezu.

"We'll do it, on 4 conditions. First, Otacon gets to be my teaching assistant. Second, this is more directed at Ozpin then you, but Raiden and I have to be in the know at all times, no lies. Third, anything connected to Liquid is ours to deal with. And fourth, I can get at least 2 smoke breaks a day." Snake said as Raiden, Otacon, Naomi and Tai all face plamm at Snake's final condition.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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