Chapter 2: Winding Down

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Otacon was logging all the information Snake, Raiden and Izuku learned while on their mission while understandably, being concerned about the implications of Liquid's plan.

Otacon knew from constantly dealing with Liquid over the years that there's far more to it then just attacking Atlas, which is up to speculation as to what else he's planning at the moment.

And then there's the matter of how the White Fang fits into Liquid's plan, is he going to make them part of his army, have them be an independent third-party or what?

Lots of things were flowing through Otacon's mind as Raiden came into the room and sat beside him.

"So, what do you think Liquid's angle is?"

"Hard to say Raiden, but we all know it's not as clear as Liquid destroying Atlas, course all other variables are yet to be seen. Plus, doesn't help that Liquid definitely has corrupt officials, soldiers and members of the Schnee Dust Company, if not the whole company on his payroll." Otacon said as Raiden nodded his head in agreement.

"Makes sense, otherwise how else would Liquid have weapons and dust smuggled out of Atlas without no one getting suspicious." Raiden said, knowing the fact it's not much of a secret that Atlas has plenty of issues.

"Exactly, plus doesn't help the White Fang might end up being a real problem down the line." Otacon said as Raiden turned around in his chair.

"I talked with Blake for a bit, and she told me that the White Fang members she saw being armed were part of the Vale branch, which Adam's on charge of. So as of now, war with the whole White Fang doesn't seem to be on the table, but I could be wrong." Raiden explained as Otacon felt a temporary moment of relief and readjusted his glasses, when his scroll vibrated as he picked it up.

"That your girlfriend or something?" Raiden quipped, clearly joking when he noticed Otacon faintly blush, which absolutely shocked him.

"No way, I was just joking. Who's the lucky lady?" Raiden asked, very happy for Otacon as he patted his friend on the back.

"W-Well, it's Naomi. . ." Otacon said before Raiden shot up as his jaw dropped.

"Dr Hunter?! How'd you managed to pull that off?!" Raiden asked, in absolute shock and disbelief at this discovery.

"Well, we were working on a project together last month, and one just thing led to another." Otacon admitted, rather sheepishly as Raiden lightly slapped him on the back.

"No need to be embarrassed man, good for you." Raiden said, congratulating his friend as the two men smiled and shared a laugh.

Meanwhile, Izuku was in the middle of intense training as he was holding a sword in his right hand, and a gun in his left as he then back flipped over his virtual opponents, and quickly went on the offensive.

Izuku swung his blade with lots of concentration, aggression and precision as his blade cut through his enemies with ease, while he also blocked and dodged seamlessly.

Izuku then pushed them back before throwing his sword into the air as he began shooting his opponents right in the head, while constantly rolling out of the way of the enemy strikes, landing solid shots before bouncing off one of them and grabbed his blade with his foot in mid air.

Izuku then dove his blade down into a opponent before spinning around in a circle, letting his blade cut through multiple enemies at once.

Izuku readjusted his position as he reloaded his gun and the moment he finished reloading, he bashed his fist through the chest of one of his virtual opponents, then channeling electricity into his blade before slamming it into the ground, causing a massive shockwave that took down the rest of his enemies.

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