chapter 4

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Jungkook sat on the couch of the Frontline lounge, tapping his head frustratedly. Why had he got angry at Lisa? He brought his knees to his chest, watching the new Avengers movie on the TV. He felt the couch sink next to him and smiled when he saw that it was Jimin. Jimin was wearing a slightly sheer white shirt and black trousers, with simple makeup. Jungkook's heart seemed to beat a little faster with the sight, Jimin's clear skin seemingly shining.

"Hey." Jimin said, flashing Jungkook a smile.

"Are you going out?" Jungkook asked, realizing Jimin was far too dolled up for a night at the facility.

Jimin nodded. "Yoongi hyung set me up on a blind date, but he's not here yet." Jimin looked nervous, Jungkook noted.

"Don't worry, he wouldn't miss a date with a guy like you Min." Jungkook said, smiling. Jimin laughed and raised his eyebrows, "I mean I would certainly not if my date was as gorgeous as you."

Jimin immediately blushed, finding the ground interesting to look at. Whatever, it was probably just a genuine compliment. "Thanks Kook."

"Any time." Jungkook crossed his arms and caused his biceps to bulge out of his sleeves, making Jimin's heart skip a beat.

"Ah he's here, thanks for the company." Jimin said, getting up and then saying, "Is my hair okay?"

"Perfect hyung." Jungkook grinned and Jimin chuckled, leaving the room with a wave. Jungkook shook his head to get rid of the thoughts of Jimin clouding over his mind, replacing them with ideas to get Lisa back on his side. Just as he was thinking, Namjoon entered with Seokjin, both of them hand-in-hand.

"Oh, hey Jungkook." Seokjin said, smiling.

"Your much cooler boss has returned." Namjoon grinned, waving with his free hand.

"You guys are disgustingly adorable." Jungkook said, rolling his eyes. Seokjin released Namjoon's hand and said something about the bathroom, leaving the room.

"You good Joon Hyung?" Jungkook asked as Namjoon stretched his back, sitting down.

"I am unfortunately at that age where I am at risk of having arthritis." Namjoon said, grimacing.

"You're that old?" Jungkook gasped, stifling his laughter. Namjoon slapped his shoulder and responded irritably,

"Tell anyone and you can say goodbye to the brand new shield I'm making for you."

"Geez, guess we finally know who the real old man on our team is."

Namjoon glared, "Zip it."

"Okay, okay." Jungkook said and then remarked, "Hey, your new recruits are incredible by the way! They kicked ass today morning in sparring training." This caught Namjoon's attention and he arched an eyebrow, saying;

"New recruits?"

"Yeah, Jina and Jihyung. You should have told us about them earlier you know, it would have given them an easier time. I almost called security on them when they first got here."

"I don't remember meeting new recruits. The last one I interviewed was this ginger chick from Gwangju."

"Huh. But they got through my authorization, with the password and everything. You know how strict I am when it comes to that."

"Weird." Namjoon said bemusedly, "Maybe I just forgot."

"Most likely. I am beginning to worry that you have dementia or something. Are you really that old?"

"Haha. So funny."

"Wasn't a joke. Oh and make sure to check on them. You have to give them their final briefing and rework the fingerprint scanners. The poor kids have been taking the stairs all day."

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