chapter 16

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The Jeon-Park Family :) ->

"Jihyung, get your ass over here, quick!" Jina whispered as Jihyung walked into the hospital ward

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"Jihyung, get your ass over here, quick!" Jina whispered as Jihyung walked into the hospital ward. 

"Good morning to you too." Jihyung rolled his eyes. "I got you breakfast." 

It was only the next day after the mission and Jina was rapidly recovering thanks to the advanced technology- even for 2022- in the medical ward. Even her wound was already closing up, and she was able to sit up without any pain. 

"Aw, thanks." Jina smiled. "Anyway, that's not important. You have no idea what Dad told me yesterday!"

"Alright." Jihyung grinned at his sister's excitement, "Let's hear it."

"He's breaking up with Lisa!" She exclaimed, and Jihyung gasped. 

"No way, for real?" Jihyung asked, amazed. 

"Yeah, he came here to get checked up. And then he asked me how to break up with someone properly." Jina nodded, explaining. "So I told him, and then asked why, and... he said he likes someone else!"

"This is amazing, we have to tell Joon Uncle!" Jihyung high-fived Jina, who agreed excitedly. 

"Yeah, things are finally working out!"

Jihyung handed Jina the apple and waffle he'd got her and left for training, leaving her to rest a little longer. When Jina woke up, there was a new agent in the bed beside hers, his leg wrapped with gauze. 

"Woah, that looks bad." Jina commented, noticing that the agent was around her age. 

"Yep." He grimaced, fixing his glasses. "I got shot."

"Same." Jina sighed.  "I haven't see you around here, are you new?"

The stranger seemed happy he had someone to talk to as he responded, "Well, not really, a month long mission just ended, that's where I came from." He winced as he turned to face her. 
"I'm Jungwon by the way. Yang Jungwon." 

"Oh, I'm Jeong Jina." She smiled. 


Jimin sat down in the frontline lounge that day, aimlessly playing a game on his phone when he was tapped on the shoulder. 

"Oh, hi Joon Hyung." Jimin smiled.

"Hi." Namjoon smiled cheekily and sat next to him. 

"Why are you so happy?" Jimin laughed. 

"My two favorite agents lead a successful mission. Is that not something to be happy about?"

"Your favorites?" Jimin raised an eyebrow. 

"Okay, second favorite, Seokjin is my favorite." Namjoon shrugged, "But you like working with Kook right, I'm thinking of assigning you guys another mission."

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