chapter 13

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The agents stormed the warehouse, Jina sucking in a breath as she saw the state of the warehouse, the smell of blood immediately filling her nostrils. Then, she sprung into action. Leaping over the log that blocked her way, she rushed towards the hostages, yelling, 

"Everyone! Head to the exit!" 

The smart ones followed her directions, quickly grabbing their children are rushing out the backside of the warehouse. 

Meanwhile, Jungkook and Jimin were in the process of fighting 6 guards at the door. Jimin gave Jungkook a quick smile, "To you, Jeon." Pushing a guard towards Jungkook, who kicked him in the face. 

Jimin spun and knocked out two guards from his position in the air, landing swiftly, and then looking up to see Jungkook being strangled by a particularly burly guard.

"Shit." Jimin said, rushing in that direction, shooting the last guard in the stomach. 

"You dont want to do this, kid." The guard said, smirking. "This your first day?"

"Oh, you shouldnt have said that." Jimin seethed, tucking his gun away. He wouldnt be able to shoot with Jungkook still in the guard's arms. This would be hand to hand combat. The guard threw Jungkook on the ground, who struggled to get his breath back. Jimin feinted quickly and then twirled a knife in his hand, throwing it directly at the guard. It stuck onto his thigh, and he screamed in agony. He tossed it to the side, approaching Jimin menacingly, but Jimin grinned, using the wall as support and jumping to land on the man's shoulders. Holding his face in a headlock, Jimin could feel the man clawing at his arm. Jungkook rose from the ground and took out his gun, shooting the man deep in the chest. Jungkook rushed forward and caught Jimin, who was falling to the ground as the brute crumpled underneath him. 

Placing him down gently, Jungkook scanned Jimin's body. "All good? No injuries right?"

"I should be asking you that." Jimin laughed. "You were just choked."

Jungkook clasped his shoulder, "I'm fine. Let's go help the others."

In the warehouse, the agents and frontline officers had managed to get most of the hostages out, but there were still 10 guards fighting to keep them in. A group of children were huddled in the corner, where Jihyung was standing in front to block the guards from reaching.  Jihyung was struggling single-handedly till Jungkook burst through the doors, noticing him immediately. His eyes scanned the room to check on the rest of the agents before rushing to help. Hitting two guards with a baton and then kicking another in the stomach, Jungkook looked to Jihyung. 

"Alright, kid?" Jungkook said. His hair had fallen out of the ponytail and was now splayed across his forehead. 

"Yeah." Jihyung said breathlessly, "Can you check on Jina, I dont see her." 

"I told Jimin to, dont worry." Jungkook said, watching Jihyung send a guy flying to the ground with a swift kick. 

Jungkook smiled approvingly, carrying three children in his arms and rushing outside, where he spotted Jimin. 

"Everything alright inside?" Jimin huffed, trying to help an old woman into the ship. 

"Yeah. Where's Jina?" He looked around, confused. 

"I dont know." Jimin paused as the old woman entered and Jungkook put down the kids. "I looked everywhere."

"Okay, keep looking, we gotta get these people out."

"Um, fellas?" Namjoon's voice was heard in Jungkook's earpiece. "You got an army approaching. Get the hostages in the ship. Send the ship away, we're sending you a new one later."

"Right." Jungkook gritted his teeth. Entering the warehouse, he saw all the guards on the ground, the agents looking around victoriously. "Agents, I need all the hostages in the ship in 5 minutes. Officers, with me, immediately. Soyeon, please find Jina, I don't see her."

Jimin and the rest of the Frontline officers surround Jungkook, while agents carried and guided the hostages out of the warehouse. Jihyung was clearly worried, but hid it well, swallowing and placing children on his shoulder to take them to safety. When the last hostage was in, Jihyung could hear the rumbling of an army approaching, praying and hoping Jina would make herself visible immediately. 

"How many, Joon Hyung?" Jimin said into his earpiece.

"100." Namjoon said, and the officers went quiet. The agents hurried to join the officers, hoping to understand the situation. 

Soyeon was nervous as she tried to navigate the foresty area, peering to find the young agent. "Jisoo Unnie, any detections?" She asked her in-ear, and the tech agent assigned to her sighed. 

"Not yet, but there is some coming from inside the forest."

"Deeper?" Soyeon mumbled, trudging in to the welch. 

"Wait!" Jisso exclaimed, "There's something right next to you, turn around."

Soyeon frowned. She spun around and then heard a hoarse whisper, "Soyeon..."

Soyeon gasped, noticing Jina lying on the ground, propping herself up with her hands. "Jina! What the hell happened?" She rushed to her side, "Look at me, keep breathing."

"Was... shot..." Jina said, eyes dilating as she struggled to catch her breath. 

Soyeon tried to not freak out, dialing Jimin's agent number into her walkie-talkie. "Officer Park?" Her voice trembled, as she held Jina's wound shut with her hand. 

"Soyeon?" Jimin frowned, "Everything okay?" Jimin walked away from his position next to Jungkook, holding his earpiece to hear more clearly. 

"Jina...she...she's been shot." Soyeon said, stuttering. 

Jimin paled instantly, stumbling and his eyes darting across the group of agents. "W-Where are you?"

"The forest, just, just by the edge." Soyeon said, voice growing desperate, "Officer, what do I do?"

"Okay... um, stay still, I'm sending a medic your way. Don't let her bleed, Soyeon, please." Jimin said. 

"Alright, that's the game plan. Officers in front, Agents, all around the sides, some on the buildings on top, alright, I need them surrounded." Jungkook ordered, hesitating when he noticed the empty spot next to him.  "Okay, get into position, all your weapons should be functional. We got this, guys."

Jungkook clapped his hands, and the group dispersed. He rushed towards Jimin, who's worry was evident on his usually calm features. "What's going on?" 

Jimin's eyebrows were knitted together, a bead of sweat appearing on his forehead. "It's Jina." Jungkook sucked in a breath as Jimin continued, "She got shot."

Jungkook's hand instinctively raised to his mouth, his posture faltering. "What? Where is she? I need to chec-" He started to say.

"I sent a medic. A group, actually, and Soyeon is telling me what's going on. I need you to be strong for both of us." Jimin stared into Jungkook's eyes, which were hardened by the conditions they overlooked. "And Jih, he can't know. Not now. Lead the team, I'm joining you as soon as she's alright." Jimin squeezed Jungkook's hand for a second, then raised his left hand to brush hair off of Jungkook's forehead. 

Jungkook squeezed his eyes shut momentarily, and then nodded. "Yeah," he nodded, "Yeah, I got it. Come back with good news." 

"Did you hear that, Joon Hyung?" Jungkook said, quietly as assumed his position in the front.

"Yes." Namjoon's voice sounded from his in-ear. Back in the compound, Namjoon's hands shook as he managed the detection system, voice wavering. "Don't you dare come back without her, Jeon." 


cliffhanger chapter?? please vote and comment if you enjoy, it really motivates me to write more haha. love you guys <3

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