Chapter Seven: Rooftop Tears and Lame Liars

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        I padded through the house. It was awfully quiet, and almost cold. My old rag doll was being dragged behind me. I felt as though I was in a trance.

"No! You stop. Don't you see what you're doing? You're tearing the family apart!"

I heard screaming.

"Calm down! Do you want the kids to hear?!"

It was too late. I had already heard.

Like a mouse, I crept into the basement. My mother and father stood there, yelling and pushing at each other. They didn't notice me.

"Mommy? Daddy? What's going on?" I whimpered, shrinking into the shadows.

"Oh, honey. Come here," my mom cooed, but I was too stiff and frightened to move a muscle.

"No! Temper, don't listen to her. Come to me, Tem-Tem," my dad pleaded, using that old nickname of mine. The fondness of it didn't fit with his barking tone.

"What? Mommy, why are you fighting with daddy?" I wondered aloud.

"Sweetie, go back upstairs, alright? Go play with Ronnie and watch some TV," my mom cut in.

I dug my nails into my hand, and pondered on what to do. "Okay," I finally said. I grabbed my doll's hand and shuffled up the solid stairs.

For a while, I was able to forget about the fighting. I turned on the TV full volume and played with my dolls. Half an hour later, my father climbed up the stairs, threw a chair violently across the room, and ripped some books. He walked up to me, kissed my forehead, and stomped to the door. He stared at me for a real long time, a few loose tears in the corner of his eyes. He opened the door and slammed it. That was the last time I saw my father.


        I couldn't believe this. Why, after all these years, would he be back? The man had caused so much pain, so much loss; I just couldn't figure out why he would even dare to show his face around me again. Not to mention my mom. 

It was dark out, so dark that if the whole world collapsed around me, I wouldn't even notice. I decided to take the long way back to the apartment. I just couldn't handle all the noise and lights of Times Square at the moment. I side-stepped my way through alleys, abandoned buildings and groups of people. Who cares if I got mugged. I was dreading returning home.

I walked around the corner, and could see my apartment, Season Heights, off in the distance. I slowed down my pace. Ten long, agonizing minutes later, I was up the stairs and at the door to my apartment. I snuck in and closed the door softly behind me.

"Mom?" I whispered.

"Oh! There you are, hon. It's about time you're home!" she bellowed from the living room. It was almost as though she forgot that dad was here...

"Uh... where is he?" I asked. I wasn't entirely eager to see him.

"Who? Your father? Well, you see... he's not actually here," she explained, her voice thick with guilt.

"What?!"  I screamed. Why would she...?

"Sorry, Tem. It was getting late and I wanted you to come home," she elaborated.

What. The. Actual. Fu--

"So you used dad as bribery? I hate you!" I screamed, and stomped off to my bedroom. Basically, I hated the whole world right then. I just wanted to ditch New York and go live on some deserted island with George. Wait.... George.

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