Chapter Six: The Queen of Head Shots

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        "Hey, is that Temper? She hasn't been to a meeting in forever. Do you think she even remembers how to play anymore?"

I rolled my eyes and turned my back to the gawking group of my teammates. I pulled on my ponytail, making sure it was super tight, so it made my head throb. I tied my shoe, stretched a bit, and picked up a racket. Badminton was my bitch, and I was going to show those girls who's best and who's boss.

I scooped up a birdie-- or, shuttlecock (but who calls it that?) and began swatting it back and forth over the net with some random kid.

"Hey, Adagio! So you decided to show up today, huh?" Coach Jones hollered to me.

"Yeah," I grunted, slapping the racket to collide with the incoming birdie.

Don't ask me why I showed up for badminton on that random day. I guess I was just bored. I had been a part of the team at my school, Westerton High, before I had gotten in with Amber's crowd and all. Now, it was summer, so anyone coming to practice was doing so for... fun?

It's not like I had any other choice for entertainment. All my friends were busy. I couldn't exactly get with George, either, now that he supposedly hated me. I had known the guy for, what-- a few days? And I had already succeeded in getting on his bad side. Bravo, Temper. You've done it again.

"You're still alive?"

I whirled around, and came face-to-face with Colbie Ross, a girl in my grade that I knew, but never spoke much with. 

"Stellar observation, Watson," I barked out sarcastically, fighting my natural instinct to roll my eyes.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. I meant, that you haven't shown up to badminton in forever. What encouraged you to come today?"

I shrugged, nonchalantly showing off. "I don't know. Nothing better to do."


"Want to be on my team, or his?" I asked, referring to the kid across the net from me. He blinked in supposed terror. I didn't know I had that much influence on people.

"Yours, I guess. If you won't be a bitch."

I decided right then and there that I wanted to be friends with this Colbie Ross. She had a lot of gumption, and I liked that.

"So... I saw you vandalizing the other day with those druggies," she stated matter-of-factly, after joining my side.

I froze, and let the birdie drop at my feet.

"W-What?" I squeaked. My life was officially over. Colbie Ross just so happened to be the daughter of the Manhattan police chief, Officer Ross. I was screwed.

"Don't worry. I won't tell him. Besides, I can use this as a form of blackmailing you, now," Colbie joked. I had no idea why this girl I barely knew was doing me such a huge favour, but I wasn't going to complain.

"Thanks. Um... so, are you dating anyone?" I inquired nosily, trying to come up with a topic of conversation. What did normal teenage girls talk about? John Green novels? Starbucks? 

"No. What about you?" she returned the question.

My heart sped up. George...

Well, shit. That one went down the drain the day before, since any chance I had of ever being with him was seemingly crumpled to bits. Stupid graffiti. Stupid Amber, getting me in a metaphorical pickle again.

"Nope," I finally answered, attempting to hide the sadness in my voice. Suddenly, I remembered something. Colbie was friends with Alec...

"Has Alec introduced you to that new kid, George Arbing? He's from the county, or something."

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