Chapter Thirty: Everything Happens for a Reason

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  • Dedicated to You!


I yelped, jumping up from the sofa and racing down the hall to the front door.


"God, what's your problem? Are you trying to rip the door out of the frame? Do you need to learn how to shut a door properly? You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I spat at him, glaring daggers into his hard brown eyes.

"No, shut up!" he hissed, pushing his way past me and stomping off to his room.

"Wait! Ronnie, get back here now!" I shrieked after him, grabbing the collar of his shirt and yanking him back around.

"What?" he growled, prying my hands off of his shirt. I planted my hands on my hips and cocked my head at him.

"Would you like to tell me what's wrong?" I inquired.

He shook his head vigorously. "No! Screw off!" he screeched some nasty choice words.

"Actually, Ronald, that wasn't an option. You have two choices: one, you can come sit down and calmly explain why you're so mad; or two, I can pin you down on the ground and force the words out of your mouth. Your decision," I muttered evilly.

"Fine! Beth kissed me, alright? Stupid Beth Arbing kissed me! Got it? Are you happy now?" he jeered, throwing open the door to his room and slamming it in my face.

I stood there for a few seconds, completely caught off guard and perplexed.

Then I burst into laughter.

"Oh, this is hilarious! I can't believe it! My brother, my ten year-old twerpish brother got kissed by a girl! And he's angry!" I bellowed, kicking open his door and shutting it behind me.

Ronnie was face-down on his bed, not moving. I dodged the obstacle course of action figures, clothes and left-over food to reach him. I sat down on the edge of his un-made bed, hesitantly placing a hand on his back.

"Dude, I don't understand why you're so upset. It's your first kiss! And with Beth! What's wrong with Beth? She's pretty, and friendly, and smart, and--"

"I don't care! I was just playing video games next door with Jack and then she wandered in and watched us for a few minutes. I started talking to her, and she just lunged forward and kissed me! Right on the lips! And in front of Jack! I'm so humiliated!" he mumbled into his pillow.

I took this new information in, fidgeting with my hands and flicking nervous glances at my absolutely-distraught little bro.

"Well... don't you like her?" I whispered gently, tapping him on the shoulder. He stayed silent for so long that I thought he hadn't heard me.

"I dunno," he shrugged, flipping over to face me.

"It's a simple question, Ron... do you like Beth?" I repeated softly, waiting patiently for his answer.

He bit his lip and closed his eyes. "Igweth," he murmured in an almost-inaudible voice.

"What was that?" I prodded him on.

"I guess!" he replied louder.

"Hmm... then if you like her, why did you leave her? Just imagine how confused and upset she must feel right now..." I trailed off sadly.

"So what are you saying? Should I go talk to her or something?" he asked curiously, propping himself up on his elbows.

"Well, yeah! Go talk to her and tell her how you feel... trust me, she'd be so thrilled," I smiled at the thought of my little brother dating a girl. He was only nine! 

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