Tough Ice: Chapter 45 - Valery/Katerina

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I get off the plane at Vorkuta airport, still a 5 hour drive away from Katerina.
"Let's go, every second we waste is more time she could be getting hurt."
"Mr Orlov, if I may, is it really worth it having this much manpower spent on one girl?" I turn around and look him dead in the eye.
"Say something like that again and I'll have each and every one of my guards skin you inside out." He gulps and gets in a car, and then I step over to my car, and I look at my driver as I get in, and the car drives off.

I clench my hand around my gun as my leg bounces nervously against the car floor. Snow slowly starts building up around us, as we draw closer to where Katerina is, and I hear the car make the occasional squeak.
"Как долго?" (how long?) I grunt and turn my head to the driver.
"2 часа, сэр." (two hours sir) I tip my head up the roof, and pinch the bridge of my nose.
"Fuck." I slam my hands against the dashboard, and rest my head against it while breathing heavily.

The car stops and my head perks up.

We're here.

I step out of the car and strap gear on myself, before grabbing my gun and beckoning my guys over.

"I don't fucking care what you do to anyone in here, kill them, hurt them, hold them hostage? I don't fucking care, all that matters is that we get her out of here safe." They nod, and start running off to surround the building.

I walk up to the front door and lean against it, with my gun held flush against my chest. One of my guys kicks down the door, and we charge in, and scan the room...

no one.

We search around the whole building, the only sign that anyone was ever here, is Katerina's ring, sitting on a chair in some hostage room.
"Come on baby, where are you?" I run a hand through my hair and start pacing up and down the room.

A few more of my guys walk into the room and shake their heads.

I punch the wall and watch as the thin plaster breaks off.
"For fucks sake, they must've found out we were coming." I start pacing again, and I stop infront of the chair, before picking up the ring, and sliding it into my pocket. "I'll find you love." I whisper as I look into the cracked mirror, then it hits me, there's a comms room down the hall, meaning they'd have access to the security cameras, maybe, just maybe, they'd tell us where they want. "Sokolov, Ilyin, comms room, find out where they went." They look at me like a deer in fucking headlights. "The security cameras? Go!" They stalk off and out of the room, and I sit down in the chair and put my head in my hands, while my jaw ticks endlessly.


A sob wracks through me as Lev shoved another punch into my abdomen.
"Fucking bitch, you thought you could call your precious idiot and not get found out?" I glare at him and spit out,
"What the fuck do you want Lev?"
"You! Isn't it obvious Katerina, all this is happening because of my love for you." I scoff and roll my eyes.
"Bullshit, if you truly love me as you so claim, you wouldn't be here, having kidnapped me, flown me over to Russia, and abusing the fuck out of me."
"I'm only doing that because you're a little slut who can't look past any flaws."
"You killed your mother!" He scoffs and rubs a hand over my bloody cheek.
"Oh love."
"Don't call me that," I spit in his face and my brows furrow deeply.
"I'll call you whatever the fuck I want, cause as far as Valery knows, you've called off the engagement."
"He knows I wouldn't do that, not after the stuff we've been through together."
"Ew. Talk about real stuff, like how I'm better in bed than him."
"One: We never fucked; two: ew, that's your brother." He chuckled and smirks, and kisses my thigh, and I grimace, then he walks out and waves with twinkling fingers.
"Sleep well slut." I huff out and look around this new room. I don't even know where the fuck they took me, I just know I'm about 2 hours away somewhere south of where I was before.

I wake up at God knows what time, and I look down at my bruised body. The little clothes I had on now ripped to shreds. The door slams open and I look up slowly, expecting to see Lev...


"Kat- sweetheart." I watch as he walks up to me and kisses my forehead softly, then he walks behind me and undoes the binds around my hands. He tucks a piece of raggedy hair behind my ear, then he takes my hand. "Say something baby."
"Hi." He chuckles and lifts me up. "What did you do to them?"
"You'll see." He opens the door and I look around in horror.

Dead guards, everywhere.

More importantly, Lev and his dad, tied up against a wall, and they look at us, murder in their eyes.

"I decided not to kill them, I left that for my guys, I'm just not really one for killing." I laugh softly in his arms as he walks out of the building, and he sits me down in a black range rover.
"How did you find me?" He rubs my cheek worriedly, then sighs.
"The security camera's in the old building had microphones on them, so I had a few of my guys listen and find out where they were taking you." I smile softly, and he goes around the other side and sits down. "Are you okay darling?"
"I think so, I'm just in a lot of pain," I say breathlessly as I lift up my shirt to show him the bruises, and his hand goes to his mouth.
"What did they do to you?" He looks into my eyes and his gaze flits between them both.
"It's fine, I'll be okay... did you get my ring?" He looks away and clenched his jaw, then reaches into his pocket. I smile and take it off him, and I slide it back on my finger. "Valery-"
"I know you're not fine Kat, you don't have to act fine, you were kidnapped and tortured for 5 days! By your ex-boyfriend!"
"I am fine, trust me baby."
"Of course I trust you sweetheart, I just don't think you're okay, you've got to be feeling some sort of trauma."
"I mean a little, but I'm okay, I will be." He sighs and kisses my cheek before starting the car.

I tuck my knees up to my chest when we're about 3 hours away from the airport, and my stomach growls.
"When was the last time you ate love?" His voice takes me by surprise, and I rapidly look up at him.
"Since you last saw me, he took me right after you left that morning." He groans and grabs my hand.
"I'm stopping at the next petrol station." I nod softly as he kisses my hand a few times, and doesn't let go.

"I miss my phone." Valery's eyes dart to me and he chuckles.
"You miss your phone, not your friends or family."
"Well I talk to my friends and family on my phone, so the phones more just the middle man, you're the only family member who I talk to in real life though, actually I see Nat all the time, and she's my sister in law." I look over at him and he has a soft blush on his cheeks. "You're blushing Orlov." He looks over at me and grins widely.
"You called me a part of your family." He stops the car and kisses me softly. "I love you so much sweetheart."
"I love you too honey." He grins and starts the car again, and I see the sign that says, 'welcome to Vorkuta' and I smile. "How long is the flight home?"
"It's a 3 and a half hour flight from here to Moscow, and then a 12-hour flight back to LA."
"And how long is the layover?"
"4 hours." I groan and tilt my head back against the headrest, and he reaches into the backseat, then passes me a blanket. "Figured you'd be cold since you're wearing tiny shirts and a thin shirt in 2° weather- stupid northern Russia- it's summer!" I laugh and pull the blanket over myself.
"Do you have a change of clothes or something  for me? I've been wearing this for five days straight and have not showered, I feel disgusting."
"I have 4 outfit options for you love." I smile and kiss his hand.
"You're such a good boy- fiancée." His eyes darken and he quickly looks at me then back at the road. "I'm sorry baby- force of habit."
"I would be mad but you just got kidnapped and also you're you and I'd make any exception for you."
"Crazy boy." I grin and ruffle his hair. "Your hair is so soft!"
"I used your shampoo and conditioner cause I missed you."
"That's so cute Valery- I thought you smelt a little cinnamon-y." He laughs softly, but then it fades, along with his smile, too quickly, and it feels like a slap in the face.
"I should've killed him." I look at him in shock and his eyes flit to me rapidly. "Lev. I should've killed him for what he did to you."
"No darling-" I grab his hand softly. "I'm so glad you didn't, I don't want you having that on your record, it's good you left some of your guys to do it for you- plus it's northern Russia so they can make it look like the place got attacked my wolves and no one would think on it." He smirks slightly. "It wouldn't have felt good to kill your brother and father, no matter how much you wanted to."

I board the international plane in Moscow, with Valery standing beside me protectively. The lady directs us to first class and I look at him confused.
"Первый класс?" (first class?) He nods and sits down, and pats the seat next to him, and I sit down reluctantly.


I don't even know tbh

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