Tough Ice: Chapter 10 - Valery

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I can't pretend that her pinning me up against the wall wasn't one of the most attractive things she's ever done. She looked amazing, she always looks amazing, but I love it when she's angry at me, I love how much of a feminist she is and how passionate she is about what she's talking about. I really hope I didn't hurt her though, I did not intend for that to be 'creepy' whatsoever, I really want her to know that, and to know that I would rather kill myself than make her feel uncomfortable or hurt her.
I knock on her door softly.
"Katerina?" I can hear her sobbing quietly, it breaks my heart.
"Fine." I Walk into her room and sit down on her bed beside where she's got her face shoved into a pillow.
"Princess I just wanted to make sure you knew I didn't want to make you uncomfortable at all, you don't have to forgive me, and I don't expect you to, just as long as you know I would never ever ever do anything to make you uncomfortable or hurt."
"You're sure about that?"
"I'm 100% sure, I am no idiot, I would never treat a girl like that." She rolls around and smiles at me slightly.
"You might be a slight dickhead, but you were raised right."
"Why do you look drunk Kat?"
"I do?"
"Oh, weird." I chuckle and kiss her forehead, making her eyes widen even though you can easily tell she's blushing, yay!

"Hey bro, what's up?" I look up and see my best friend, wearing a unicorn onesie.
"I- what the fuck are you wearing?"
"Hey guys! Oh, jeez Ares, what are you wearing. Katerina swoops under his arm and into my room, then looks at her brothers outfit.
"Hey Orlov you took a photo right." I hold my phone up to her, a perfect picture. "Awesome." Ares has now gone bright red.
"Don't you dare tell anyone."
"Does your girlfriend know you're wearing this?"
"Yes Kat, she does, she loves it."
"Yeah but Nat's too nice to judge you, also, she's your girlfriend."
"Hm, well you guys can go to hell for not liking it."
"We'll see you there man." Kat snickers and looks at me.
"You better send me that."
"Oh obviously." She giggles and starts walking out. "Kat?" She turns back around to me, when I take a very candid photo of her.
"VALERY." She runs up to my bed and jumps on me and tries to take my phone, so I stand up and hold it above my head, she may be 5'9, but I'm 6,5, so she's going no where. "Give me your phone Orlov."
"No, you look very cute in that photo."
"No, I look horrendous, let me delete it."
"Absolutely not." She keeps jumping on me, when she finally climbs on my like a sloth and tries to reach the phone like that, it doesn't work.
"Give up princess."
I prop her up on my knee, and she finally gets my phone. "Thank you." I smirk when her face drops when she realises she still needs my passcode, but that smirk is wiped right off my face when she just turns it around to my face so it unlocks.
"Wait no Kat, don't delete it." She shows me her finger about to press the delete button, so I grab her and push her onto my bed slightly, then start tickling her.
"ORLOV!" I laugh and continue tickling her stomach. When I finally stop, she's breathing very heavily. "I'm gonna kill you Orlov."
"Oh are you love?"
"Mhm." She raises her arms up, but I catch her wrists and hold them in place while she squirms trying to get them out of my grip. "Let me go."
"But then you're going to kill me."
"I think you just need to accept your fate." I drop her hands and pick her up, making her squeal. "Valery put me down."
"But I'm so heavy."
"Katerina, you weigh like 40 kilos, I lift 150 daily."
"Oh." She wriggles and tries to get out of my grip.
"I'm not gonna put you down Kat."
"Why not?"
"Because I love having you in my arms."
"Weirdo, put me down!"
"Fine." I place her down on the ground very gently and look at my door. "I kind of want to go back to the rink."
"It's closed Vale- no."
"Yes, let's go."
"I am not going with you to break in at our ice skating rink."
"I have a key, I'm a captain. So technically, it's not breaking in, if I am literally allowed to go in there whenever I want."
"What if we get caught?"
"Princess it's 11pm, we're not going to get caught."
"Fine." I smile and we walk out of my bedroom, grab our skating stuff and leave the apartment.
"Who's car are we going in."
"I'm driving us."
"Why don't I get to drive?"
"If we crash, I get to dictate who gets hurt."
"So you're trying to kill me." I scoff at her.
"No way, I would rather die then live without you, literally." She giggles and walks to the other side of the car, and waits for me to unlock it.

She's skating around the ice, practically luring me in like a siren does a sailor. She's fucking mesmerising. The way her body moves with the ice, the unworldly ability to glide along the ice, she's beautiful.
"You were the one who wanted to come here in the first place, stop staring at me and do something."
"I'd rather not, I love watching you skate, you look at one with the ice."
"Valery I've been skating since I was 2, 17 years, I'm bound to be 'connected' with the ice."
"Point taken, but I can't really do anything since I've got no one to play against."
"You could do some figure skating with me?"
"You want to teach me?"
"I guess, it could be fun, it would also be very funny to watch you fail."
"Watch your words love."
"What are you gonna do Orlov." I smirk at her and glide towards her. "Valery?" I pick her up and skate around the rink with her. "Valery?"
"Yes princess?"
"What if you drop me?"
"Only a fool would drop a girl like you."



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