Tough Ice: Chapter 33 - Katerina

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"Do you want something to eat love?"
"No, I'm not hungry."
"When was the last time you ate sweetheart?"
"I don't know." Valery's lip trembles and he lifts me up off the bed slowly.
"I'm going to make you some food, how about mac and cheese?"
"I'm not hungry Valery."
"I don't care, you need to eat princess, if you're not going to take care of yourself, I will." He brushes a strand of hair away from my face, and starts walking out to the kitchen.
"Fine, but only a little bit."
"Of course my love." I wriggle out of his arms and follow him to the kitchen and sit on the bench. I prop my head up on my hand and I admire him cooking. "What?" I smile and hop off the bench, then I move next to him and I rest my head on his arm.
"You're so handsome." He looks up from the pot and blushes.
"Thank you." I kiss his arm softly, then I wrap both my arms around his torso from the back, and I lay my head on his back.
"I missed you."
"You missed me princess?"
"Don't mess with me."
"Yes ma'am." I blush heavily and bite my lip as I smile into his back. He places the spoon down and moves his body to face me, and laughs at my red face. "Blushing." Valery runs his thumb over my cheek and smiles. "Beautiful," he whispers into my neck, then leaves a soft kiss there. I smile and jump back onto the counter and dangle my legs off it, and he grips my thighs tightly, then kisses me. "You're mine and only mine, you hear me princess?"
"I'm all yours baby."

I yelp as Valery lifts me off the bench after starting some music.
"Let's dance." He grabs my right hand and wraps his left around it, then he puts his hand on my waist, and I smile as I put my left hand on his shoulder.
"Yes darling?"
"I don't really know how to dance."
"I'll show you." He takes a step back and I follow him, then he continues dancing us around the kitchen, then he twirls me out, then back in and dips me. I smile as he wraps his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder.
"The foods going to burn!" He chuckles and takes his arms off me, then pours the pasta out into two bowls.
"There you are princess, I want you to eat all of it, if you promise to, we can watch the office in bed."
"Okay!" I jump and grab a fork, then the bowl out of his hands and I walk back into Valery's room, with him following me smiling.

I rest the fork in the bowl and I turn my head towards Valery. "I finished all of it!" He turns his head towards me and smiles widely.
"Good girl, I'm so proud of you." I smile and tuck my knees up to my chest after breaking eye contact. "You're gorgeous, you know that love?"
"I've been told." He laughs softly and wraps his arm around my shoulder, then he kissed my temple.

My phone starts ringing and I pick it up, then I pick up the call.
"Kat! Where are you? Your brother and I are worried."
"I'm just spending the night at Val's, it's just easier."
"Oh... have fun then if you know what I mean."
"Natasha!" She giggles and hangs up the call and I laugh softly as Valery has a confused look on his face. "Nat and Ares just wanted to know if I'm alright."
"No I got that... I just want to know what she said at the end."
"Oh..." He raises his eyebrow and puts his hand on my knee.
"What she say love?"
"I'm not telling you!"
"Why not princess?"
"Because!" I fold my arms and stare into his eyes.
"You drive me crazy when you look at me like that."
"Like what?"
"With those beautiful siren brown eyes, staring into my eyes." I smile and pull on my right eyelid. "What are you doing love?"
"My eye has been twitching for the past couple days, it's pissing me off." He chuckles and moves his face closer to mine.
"I'll check if it's an eyelash, can you tell me when it starts twitching?"
"It's twitching right now." He looks straight at my lashes, then moves his hand up and yanks an eyelash out.
"Is it still twitching?"
"No... thank you! Oh this is so fucking relieving." He smiles and rubs my knee softly.
"You're welcome princess, happy to be of service." I sigh loudly and lean my head back against the headboard. "It was really that annoying?"
"Yeah, it was distracting me from skating too, every two minutes it would start twitching so I'd have to stop training, it was so fucking annoying."
"Jeez darling, how long did you have it for?"
"About five days, once my papa had and eye twitch for six months, so I'm very thankful you just fixed mine."
"Six months? Holy shit."
"I know, I feel bad for my poor papa, I think I would've died."
"Let's not say things like that, cause if you died, I'd die too, and I'm not ready for our story to be over."
"We've been dating for a couple hours."
"We dated for 6 months before though, all of that stuff I said then still applies to now."
"You still want to marry me."
"I always will, even when we are married."
"That doesn't even make sense." He smirks and kisses my knee.
"I don't give two shits about what makes sense, I love you so fucking much it doesn't make sense."

He's fucking obsessed with me.

"I'm so thankful I actually know you because otherwise I feel like you would be my stalker."
"And the problem is...?"
"That it's illegal."
"Right..." His smiles fades slowly, but it comes back wider when I start giggling.
"You're really obsessed with me huh?"
"I'm not seeing the problem with that, you're all mine, what's not to be obsessed with about that? This hair," he twirls my hair around his finger. "These eyes," he runs a thumb across my eyelids. "These lips," he goes to put his thumb across it, but he stops.
"What?" He smashes his lips onto mine and pulls away a couple seconds later smirking.
"These lips are mine, not my brothers, not any other guy you skate with, not any guy you are friends with in college, mine."
"I'm happy with that." He grins possessively and I shift slowly.
"I love you being mine... I'm going to show my beautiful girl off to the world for every jealous girl to see and feed off your beauty."
"Feed off my beauty?"
"Shit- that sounds so weird- I'm sorry, it's late."
"Let's go to bed baby."
"Yeah... good idea so I shut up."
"It's cute don't worry." He smiles and turns off the light, then tucks both of us under the covers, lays a soft kiss on my temple, then he wraps his arms around me and holds me tight.
"Goodnight princess, sleep well."
"I will now that I'm in your arms." He smiles into my shoulder and kisses it softly. "Night Valery."


Sorry it took so long, I just ran out of ideas 😭

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