Tough Ice: Chapter 19 - Valery

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Ares and Natasha walk through the front door, thankfully not noticing Kat and I jump five feet away from each other.
"Kat?" Kat's cute terrified face looks up at her best friend.
"Can I talk to you for a sec?"
"Yeah sure." She gets up off the couch and follows her. What's going on?

Kat walks out 10 minutes later with her car keys and a jacket.
"Where are you going princess?"
"Just to grab something, I'll be back soon." Ares and I exchange a quick 'wtf?' glance, but then I nod at her and she takes off out the door.
"What do you think that's about?" I look back at Ares and shrug.
"I don't know man, you think Natasha's okay?"
"I hope so."

She walks back through the front door panting, rests her hands on her knees for a few seconds, then sprints back into Natasha's room with a bag in her hand.
"Did you see what was in the bag?"
"Just some sort of box I think." Shit.
"What?" He looks confused, then it hits him. "Fuck."
"Do you have reason to think she might be?"
"No! We're always safe." I run my hands through my hair and rest my forearms on my knees.
"What are you going to do? If it's positive, you're seriously fucked man."
"I don't know Valery, not that it would be a bad think if it is positive, but we're just not ready, I'm only 21, she's 20, we don't have that kind of money."
"Kat does, being famous and all, I'm sure she'd help you guys out."
"I guess." Ares' leg starts bouncing rapidly as he looks at the hallway, waiting for one of them to come back out.

They both walk out about 7 minutes later, them both obviously having cried. Ares stands up quickly and looks at Natasha.
"So?" She walks over to him.
"Negative." Ares' and I let out a huge sigh of relief and he hugs her tightly.
"Are you okay baby?"
"Yeah, I'm relieved though, not that having a kid with you would be bad, but we're no way in hell ready."
"That's what I said!" I look at Kat smiling, and she looks up at me and smiles big.
"They're so cute!" She mouths at me and I nod, then move over to her.
"Do you want to go out tonight?"
"How would we play that off?"
"Just say we're going to the rink to practice, they're both aware that we're doing that program together."
"Okay then, you have anywhere in mind?"
"Yep, wear something good for a festival?"
"Are we going to a festival?"
"No." She furrows her brows at me.
"So then where are we going?"
"It's a surprise princess."

She walks out into the lounge room looking amazing. She's got leggings, and my hoodie on, I fear I may be falling in love with her. Natasha whistles at her, making me laugh, and Kat roll her eyes.
"You're looking very pretty today, aren't you just going to the rink?"
"I just put my hair up and did a little more makeup then I usually do."
"You literally wear only mascara, you've got practically a full face on right now." She only wears mascara and she's that beautiful? That's what I call natural beauty.
"Why not? Just felt like experimenting."
"We'll have fun sweating it all off while you're skating Kat, you do look gorgeous though."
"Thank you, bye Nat, and tell my brother I said goodbye." She nods and I stand up and walk over to her, then she starts moving toward the front door, so I follow her after grabbing both of our skating bags.

"You're actually bringing our skating bags?" She says to me, after closing the front door.
"They're gonna figure out we're lying if we say we're going to the rink to practice if we don't bring our bags, we'll just leave them in my car." She nods and I put my arm around her shoulder.
"This is technically our first date Valery."
"I better make a good impression then." She rolls her eyes and pushes my other shoulder lightly.
"You're about 5 years late." I laugh and kiss her temple, making her blush.
"That's unfortunate, lucky me, I charmed you just enough to make you fall in love with me."
"Woah, love is not on the table here."
"Don't lie to yourself." She rolls her eyes, but laughs softly. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"
"Yes, multiple times."
"You're so beautiful Katerina." She blushes even more, then she hides her face. I use two fingers to tilt her face back up toward me.
"You're not so bad yourself Orlov."
"I'm aware."
"Cocky much?"
"And proud." She giggles and steps inside the lift.
"What level are you parked on Val."
"2, I love when you say my name."
"I- what? You love when I say your name?" Clicking the number 'CP2' button, I stare at her.
"Yes, your accent says it so perfectly."
"I literally have a Russian accent, everyone says it like that."
"No, you have a Greek/Russian accent, and goddamn it's beautiful."
"Thank you," She says quietly, looking down.
"You're very bad at responding to compliments." She flushes red and folds her arms.
"I don't know."
"I guess that means I need to step up and give you as many compliments as I can so you respond to them better. Lucky me, I love giving you compliments, it's a win win situation." She laughs and looks up at me. She wraps her arm around the top of mine, and I immediately flush.
"How did I ever hate you?"
"Was I actually that annoying?"
"Oh very, you're much better now."
"Well, the only reason I acted like that is because I liked you."
"You've liked me for 5 years? You've have like 6 girlfriends since then."
"Even if I liked them, it couldn't take away my feelings for you."
"How? I'm not that amazing."
"Oh yes you are, you're perfect." The lift doors open and we step out into the car park, and she does a cute little run over to my car. "You okay my love?"
"Yeah, it's just always so cold down here, even though it'll be summer soon, it's still freezing down here." I chuckle and unlock the car for her, and she instantly gets in, so I chuck our skating bags in the boot, then get in and drive out.


I love writing him, men written by women>>>>

Also this man is one of the many reasons why fictional men are better than real men.

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