Tough Ice: Chapter 18 - Katerina

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We're at the rink and I'm getting very annoyed at Valery. He's refusing to do a lift where he has to throw me in the air.
"Let's just finish for the day, go get changed." I skate off the ice and waddle into the change room, take off my skates and pull my jacket over my clothes, then I put my sneakers on.

We reach the outside of the rink, and all my anger comes out at once.
"I don't get why you won't do the lift!" I stand on a rock to match his height a little better.
"Because I don't want to drop you, I haven't been doing this very long Katerina." He puts his arms out beside me after realising I wobbled a bit, I didn't notice.
"I think you're ready! If we want to win this competition, you're going to have to do it!"
"I know my limits love."
"Don't you dare love me, I'm leaving." I step down and walk over to my car.
"Go away Orlov."
I hear a faint "Fuck," but I don't turn around, and immediately hop into my car and drive back home.

I open the door to my bedroom and see him standing by my bed, facing the opposite direction.
"How the fuck did you get home before me?" He turns around and looks at me, a very dark look in his eyes. "Well?" He walks over to me and pins me against the door, then lowers his mouth to my ear.
"I'm not going to risk hurting you Katerina, you're too special for that."
"You won't hurt me Valery."
"I don't think I'm ready." I scoff and he pulls away slightly then looks deep into my eyes, his full of lust.

He crashes his lips against mine, and I reciprocate quickly, wrapping my arms around his neck. He lifts me up by my thighs and presses me against the door again, then moves his mouth down my neck.
"Are you sure about this love?" I nod quickly, and he kisses me again. "I need to hear it."
"Yes Valery." He wastes no time and practically rips my shirt off me, then pulls down my tights, leaving me in my undergarments.
"God you're so beautiful." I tug at the end of his long sleeve, and he takes it off with ease, then kisses me again and takes me to my bed.

"So, do we keep this private?" I turn over and look at Valery, who seems to be lost in his own world.
"Valery? Val? Orlov?" It doesn't work. "Captain?" He finally snaps out of it and turns his head to me.
"I fucking love when you call me captain, but what's wrong love?"
"Do we keep this a secret? This relationship?"
"For a little bit yes, while it's still new." I nod and kiss his cheek softly.
"Okay, Ares might kill us when he finds out though."
"Please don't talk about my best friend right after we fucked." I giggle and roll back around to face the ceiling.
"I'm so glad we're home alone."
"Yeah, you are very vocal princess." I hit his arm softly, but a smile creeps up onto my face.
"Usually I'm not, you should take it as a compliment?"
"Usually? Damn princess, never thought you'd be that kinda person."
"I'm full of surprises."
"Well, I'll take the compliment." I laugh and sit up, still wrapping the sheets around me. "It's nothing I haven't seen before love, you don't need to do that."
"It's just cold."
"I'll get you a hoodie." He stands up and pulls his boxers up, places a quick kiss on my forehead, then leaves my room.

He comes back a few minutes later with a hoodie, then he grabs a fresh pair of underwear for me.
"There you go my love. Do you want privacy?"
"You literally just saw all of it, why would I care?"
"Just being a gentleman, I'm going to give you some privacy anyway." He turns around, and covers his eyes with his hand.
"Thank you." I slip his hoodie over myself, then tap his shoulder.
"You look so cute in my hoodie, why don't you keep it?"
"Really?" He nods, then wraps his arms around me, and kisses the top of my head.
"I love how much shorter you are than me."
"We've got like an 8-inch height difference." He smirks and I hit his chest. "Shut it."
"I never said anything love."
"Your face said it for you." He laughs and kisses me softly.
"You're so goddamn cute Katerina." Blushing, I tie up my very messy hair, which he very clearly likes, because he smiles.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Nothing love, nothing."


I'm running out of things to write about, can someone give me ideas please

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