Tough Ice: Chapter 32 - Valery

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"Go away Nat, I need some time alone please."
"I'm not Natasha, love." I open the door slowly, and I see Katerina, her eyes red and puffy, her cheeks tear-stained.

"Valery?" I walk over to her and I run my thumb over her cheek, then I wipe a tear away.
"Only a fool would treat a girl like you like that." I take her hand in mine, and I lay a soft kiss on it. "I wish I could've told you that our papa's the head of a Russian mafia and that Lev was set to take it on sooner, but I was forced to keep my mouth shut, I'm so sorry princess."
"Just tell me one thing?"
"Anything for you princess."
"You're not involved in it, right?"
"No, I always hated it, and I had to get Lana away from there the second she was born, when my mama died, I couldn't have her seeing the horrifying stuff my papa and his crew do."
"Yes, love?"
"Do you forgive me? For not coming back to you?"
"Yes princess, don't you even think on it." She smiles and pats the bed next to her.
"Is your papa still living with you?"
"I'm hoping he moved out after I hung up on him."
"You hung up on your papa, who is a mafia boss and could kill you in mere seconds?"
"I also could kill anyone in mere seconds, but I would only do that for you, and yes I did, he started saying something like, 'that silly little girl was so hurt when he told her everything' and I came straight over." A light blush has spread across her cheeks, and I lay my forehead on her shoulder. "If you need more time love, I'll wait for you, I'll always wait for you, just as long you don't go after another one of my relatives, or anyone for that matter." I lift my head back up and she smiles at me, then grabs my face and kisses me passionately.

"I guess I won't be waiting anymore then." Katerina giggled and I wrap my arm around her, and I pull her to my chest.
"I would say that this breakup doesn't count, but we weren't together for five months, I feel like it does."
"It's okay, we can still add on our previous time together, because I still loved you during those five months apart."
"I still loved you too Valery... I think Lev was just a rebound to get everything off my mind, but thank you, for never giving up on me."
"Of course darling, just don't ever leave me again, I don't think I would survive it."
"I wouldn't think of it... also, I think that new girl Sienna has a crush on you."
"Is that why you were acting all jealous earlier?"
"Oh shut up."
"So I was right, but don't even worry love, you looked very pretty jealous."
"She definitely has a crush on you."
"And? I have a girlfriend she can shove her limp arm around someone else's bicep." Kat laughs louder and rests her head on my shoulder. "Hey love, I have something for you."
"It was your birthday about a month ago, and I got you a present, but I couldn't give it to you, so, I'm going to go back to my apart and get it."
"Can I come?"
"Of course princess, my papa might be there though."
"Oh whatever you know how to fight."
"Atta girl." I kiss her forehead and stand up, then I reach my hand out, and she takes it and stands up. "Ares is going to kill me."
"You said you could kill someone in mere seconds?"
"Yeah but... I'm terrified of your brother sometimes." She giggles and opens her bedroom door, and drags me out of the living room, where Nat's and Ares' eyes snap right to us.

"So," Ares eyes me. "Are you guys back together?" I look to Katerina for help, but she only laughs. "I'm just kidding, congrats!" I take a sigh of relief and hug Ares, then I pull away smiling.
"We're just going to my place so I can finally give her the birthday present I got her, it's currently sitting on my dresser and I think it's getting a bit sick of waiting."
"What did you get me a cat or something?" I laugh and start walking out of the apartment with Kat.
"No I did not get you a cat, much to your disappointment, you will love it though, I promise." She smiles widely and locks the front door, and I press the down button on the lift.

I walk into my apartment and I find my papa about to leave the house, suitcase in hand.
"Finally leaving now are we papa?"
"Да, now shut up and leave me alone." He walks out the door and I smile smugly at Kat. "I feel like the airs been cleared, like I can breathe again." She laughs softly and I glare at what used to be Lev's room.
"Hey why'd you glare at your brothers old room?"
"I heard you guys earlier."
"What do you mean? I haven't been here in ages, since we broke up actually."
"Oh- then..."
"I think my brother was... jerking off to you then."
"Don't blame him, I'm hot." I laugh and wrap my arm around her waist and guide her into my room. I then move my mouth to behind her ear.
"Don't you dare ever say that again princess, I'm the only one who gets to think about you like that." She blushes and opens my bedroom door, and she smiles widely when she looks around.
"It's all the same, every thing." I smile at her and walk over to my dresser, and I take the letter and the jewellery box out of the top right drawer.
"Kat?" She turns around to me and smiles. "Sit down my love." I quickly sit down on the bed in front of her, then I hand her the jewellery box, "Knowing you, you'll like the other part of the gift better."
"Cartier?" She opens the box and gasps. "You got me a Cartier bracelet?"
"I heard you telling Nat a while ago, I've had that in my underwear drawer the moment I heard you say that."
"You're crazy."
"Crazy about you." I smile goofily at her, then I hand her the long love letter.

I watch as she reads down the multiple pages of it, and I watch a few tears fall from her eyes every so often.

Her head lifts back up to me, and she sniffles.
"What was I thinking?" I chuckle and she pulls me into a tight hug, and I kiss her temple softly.
"I don't know sweetheart."
"You're so pretty."
"Oh yeah?" She pulls away and turns her head away, blushing, but I grab her chin and turn her face toward me. "Don't turn that pretty face away from me."
"Ah ah, don't say sorry princess, that's not how we work, remember?" I kiss her neck softly, then I trace my nose along her jawline. "You're divine love."
"You're not so bad yourself pretty boy." I smile into her neck.
"Say that again."
"What? Pretty boy?"
"Yes- yes say it again." She runs her hand up and down my back, and I groan into her shoulder. "Don't do this to me, not right now, stop doing that princess- it's driving me insane."
"Make me." I smash my lips onto hers and push her down on my bed.
"Are you sure you want to do this love?"
"I haven't had sex with anyone in 5 months, yes I'm sure."
"You never fucked Lev?"
"No? It felt to weird to have sex with my ex's brother."
"You do not understand how happy you just made me." I leave a trail of soft kisses down her torso. "You're so fucking beautiful, it's unreal. All mine, all mine in my arms."
"All yours." I smile into her abdomen, then I start kissing her thighs.

I run my hands up and down Katerina's arms as she sleeps in my arms.

Should I be taking her back home? Yes.

Do I give two shits? Fuck no.

I have been waiting months to hold my girl in my arms again, and I never want to let her go again.

She might have to start partner skating because I don't think I could ever not be touching her.

"Hey baby." I smile and kiss her shoulder.
"Hi darling, nice nap?"
"Yes, also can I just stay the night here? I'm sure Ares will understand."
"Of course."
"Can I maybe borrow some of your clothes?"
"I still have some of yours in the cupboard, but of course, t-shirt? Hoodie?"
"T-shirt, it's almost summer." I kiss Kat's forehead and I get up out of bed, grab her a shirt, then I walk back.
"Do you want to go shower first? Or just go straight to bed? Whatever makes you happy my princess."
"Shower, you wanna join?"
"If I ever say no to that question, it's not me." She laughs softly and stands up, wobbles a little and I catch her arm. "Alright that's it I'm carrying you." I scoop her up and walk toward the bathroom.
"You got stronger."
"I did."
"You're carrying me like I weigh as much as a feather."
"Katerina you're 40 kilos, you'd feel like a feather to anyone, especially me since I bench double my weight daily."
"How much is that?"
"About 180 kilos."
"Holy shit!" I laugh softly and place her on the bench gently as I turn the shower off, and I undress her fully, then I pick her up and step us both into the shower. "You're so good with aftercare."
"Anything for you my princess."
"So if you had to, you would get on your knees and beg me for forgiveness?"
"In a heartbeat."
"Lucky you the only time I'd want a man on his knees for me is if his face is between my thighs."
"I'd also do that in a heartbeat, I would give up the whole world for you, I would drop a bomb on the world but lay a shield over you, only you matter princess." I kiss her shoulder. "Do you want me to wash your hair?"
"It's Wednesday right?" I nod. "Then yes." Grabbing the shampoo, she grabs my arm.
"What's wrong love?"
"I love you Valery." The smile that creeps up on my face must look horrendous, but I don't care.
"I love you too Katerina." I squeeze out some of the shampoo, and I start washing her long curls.


Best. Day. Ever.

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