Chapter Fourteen ~ When I'm With You

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Chapter Fourteen ~ When I'm With You

Time flies with Baekhyun. It only felt like five minutes ago, that we held hands, while watching the movie. I placed my hands on the palm of the hand Baekhyun held. Those precious, most beautiful fingers tangled with mine. I looked at myself in the mirror, seeing a reflection of Baekhyun smiling at me in the movies. He was the brightest light in the movie room, the light that guides my heart. My eyelids started growing heaver and ever, or at least that's how it felt. I didn't want to sleep yet, I only want to imagine the scenes from today, when Baekhyun and I were smiling to each other, for ten million more times. His laughter is the most beautiful laugh I'll ever get to hear. I want to put that on replay, so I can listen to his laughter from night to daytime. Maybe Baekhyun has his reasons, I don't know what they are, I'm curious, but I won't ponder on that question anymore. From now on, I'll only ponder about two questions. One, why do you have nightmares the way I do? Two, who could possibly be the murderers of my parents?

I wonder what you might be thinking about right now as you lay down on your bed. Are you busy texting ChinHee goodnight, the way you use to for me? You're always so sweet. Being your girl, is like being the queen of the whole world, because when I hug you, I have everything in my arms. Don't ever guys wish girls can text them first? Society has made an image, where men should text first, but that's a false image to follow. I took my phone and texted Baekhyun.

Text: Yah Baekhyun, are you still awake? Still looking up at the stars at night? Don't think anymore, go to sleep. Okay? Thank you for today, I really missed times like today. Being able to hold your hands, while watching movies, is the cuties thing ever. I love you so much. I don't mind being the third person, I don't care what people have to say, I love you. I love you I love you so freaking much okay. Goodnight cutie, I'l be there first thing when you wake up from a nightmare. So don't be afraid to close your eyes, I got your back. *Kisses*

I feel cheesy! I placed my phone on the table, as I smiled. My cheeks started hurting, but I couldn't stop smiling. I used my fingers to bring my smile down, but my smile was still there. People cry to sleep.. well I can just smile to sleep. Maybe I'll have sweet dreams of Baekhyun, that will push away my nightmares.

Baekhyun's Text: Thank you sweetheart. Hey.. I know you're smiling. Stop smiling! Save those muscle work for tomorrow! Okay.. because I want to see your smile! Don't smile away at night when I'm not even there.. okay. Goodnight! Where should we go tomorrow with ChinHee? We should let ChinHee decide! Because either way, we'll be together <3

My heart! I'm overdosed with happiness. Oh.. is it good for the heart to beat at such a fast rate? I hugged my phone, as if I was hugging Baekhyun. I guess it can be a miniature Baekhyun! I don't know how to answer this question, can someone please answer it for me? Why is Baekhyun so perfect?!

~Baekhyun's Point of View~

Phone rings. I jump out my seat, covered my ears, and sat on the floor. I rolled back and forth, until my cousin called me over to the phone. I slowly picked up the phone, and relaxed just a bit. Why is (YourName)'s parents calling at such late hours?  I answered the phone.
"Hey.. do you think you can put up a show?" Ja requested.
"I'm not an actor.. but what is it?" I questioned.
It's the first time, I listened so well to an adult. Usually words come in and out the other ear, but I just can't believe these words I am hearing. I knew I was on the right track about her adoptive family. I would never ever do this to (YourName), but it's my only way to understand the side of them that (YourName) doesn't see.
"Why would I do this for you?" I commanded for an answer.
"Because.. you are the only one who can help (YourName). There's something we can't tell her so openly, and the only way to break it in, is with your help. I'll pay you, for everyday you are to do what I've requested. Keep your mouth shut about this. This will be considered your job." Ja replied.

She hung up on me the second after she was done talking.
~End of Flashback~

~My Point of View~

If each smile brightens up someone's day, then it's Baekhyun, who brightened up my everyday life. He's so perfect, at least to me. Just the image of his face can leave me smiling all night. Imagine if he was to hold me right now, I think my cheek bones would crack. Haha.. I never thought my love for him was this strong. I never even thought my feelings for him were developed into love already. It only felt like two days ago, when we met at the playground, and when I started liking him. With him, my whole life can pass without even knowing. I don't mind living like this for the rest of my life, as the third person in this relationship. I really don't. From the beginning, he was already mine, so ChinHee should be considered as the third person. Being the third person or his girlfriend really doesn't matter, because I can still be with him. I've never been so silly like this before.. I would never be the third person in a relationship, but there's exceptions to this. First, ChinHee doesn't even love Baekhyun. Second, ChinHee can't give the happiness Baekhyun deserves. Third, ChinHee doesn't need Baekhyun to survive. Fourth, I'm the one who understands him most. Five, we're just meant for each other from heaven. Okay. Nothing will break us apart. I won't let it. Slowly, I fell asleep with my smile still there on my face. I awoke suddenly, from actually a beautiful dream rather than a nightmare. I looked at the clock, and walked over to the window. I tripped over a box, an old dusty box I've never touched or opened. I opened the box slowly, afraid of what could be inside. Pictures. Multiple pictures of my parent's death scene. When did this get here? Is it a substitute for the nightmare I didn't have tonight. I prefer this much more than those dark scenes in my nightmare. I grabbed the box with me, as I climbed out the window, the way he always did into my house. Quickly, I ran to Baekhyun's house, and into his room. The moment, I closed the windows, he jumped up out of bed. I hugged him tight in my arms, throwing the box to the floor, as I whispered, "I'll always be here for you, so don't ever worry."
I was just almost late, and not in time to hug Baekhyun before he awakes. If I hadn't tripped over that rock in front of my house, I think I would have made it in time. I sat next to Baekhyun, ignoring the scraps on my knees.

"Yah.. it's so cold, and you're wearing shorts? And.. what.. what is this?!" Baekhyun raised his voice, as he touched my knee. I carried me bridal style to his bathroom, and washed down the injury. I stared at him. I didn't plan to, but I couldn't help it, I pulled his face towards mine, and kissed his soft lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, assuring that he'll never leave me. After the kiss, everything got quiet and weird. I still smiled as I watched him place a bandage on my knees.
"Don't you ever dare do anything to harm yourself ever again!" He commanded.

He's even cuter and manlier when he raises his voice. Hehe. I leaned to kiss his cheeks that were flushed red from being upset at me. I took his hands, and got on my feet. The moment I placed my toes on the floor, Baekhyun carried me bridal style again to his chair. I picked up the box I dropped, and opened it once again.
"Baekhyun.. look.." I whispered, in fear and amazement of these pictures. Amazing that the scene can be captured, I really hope I'll find evidence! Baekhyun placed one arm around me, as we looked at the pictures together, trying to pull everything we know, together.

I admit, it was so hard to focus on the pictures, when you have a handsome, adorable face right next to you. I whispered into his ears, "I love you."

...To Be Continued~~~

OH MY GOSHH sorry.. but I cannot! *Fangirls over own fanfic* !! hahahaha~ okay seriously why is Baekhyunnie so perfect *-*

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