Chapter Forty Three ~ Everlasting Love (LAST CHAPTER)

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Chapter Forty Three ~ Everlasting Love (LAST CHAPTER)

I stayed up the whole night with Baekhyun at the hospital, and watched Korean dramas. We laughed and smiled, yet kept quiet in the late hours. He held me close to him, and kept me from late night pondering, but I still had those thoughts. Sometimes, I felt like suiciding, and wished I never had this life. If he never came into my life, I would have died earlier, so sometimes I thought he was just another mistake that came across my life, but in reality, he is the most magnificent miracle that has ever happened in my life. I came to realize what love was, and what it meant for it to be true love or blinded love. To still love and forgive someone no matter what circumstances, and also to put them first before yourself, is true love. Sacrifices can be made, but a bond can be kept.

No matter how many times I've been hurt waiting for him, I love him. To me, blinded love isn't falling in love with someone for their appearance, but believing in the fact that he's an angel when he has his own sets of flaws, and denying the fact that he has anything wrong about him. Don't get me wrong, because seeing someone's flaws as their part of beauty is different from seeing their flaws as perfection. It's the fact of accepting their flaws, and still loving them even more, not adding jewels onto a car that makes you dream for it even more. To love someone, it's not to worry about the benefits you get out of it, but to do everything and anything to make them happy, because they are number one to you. Whether if it's sacrificing something for them, or truly smiling when they are with someone else. That's love. To love someone doesn't mean you have to or need to be with them, it means that their happiness is your priority. There's many ways in making someone happy, indirectly or directly. If you're not the one for that special someone, then it doesn't mean you can't make him happy. You can bring smiles to him by just supporting him with the one he loves, and giving your best wishes for them. Love is not to be greedy of something. You might think it is, because it's like how a monkey loves bananas, they'll do anything to get more and more instead of eating other different foods. Love is more of giving happiness, and in return you feel satisfied for being able to bring smiles to the one you love, just like how the banana gave satisfaction to the monkey.

Author's Note : I can guarantee that there are many people in this world that has their own definition of love that is different from what I've pointed out. I won't say anything to that, because they have their right, and it's also right to respect their opinions. My point I'm trying to get across is that it's hard to define a feeling, coming from different experiences.

I've always been told that my love for him was blinded love and not true love, because he was literally like a hero to me. He protected me when students and others tried to hurt me, and it may seemed that he was a figure of perfection. I was tired of trying to prove myself, because I actually had no evidence to prove it. Back then, I always focused on myself, that I never knew much about Baekhyun's background. Now I know it all, but forget about proving, it's still love I have for him. Whether it be blinded love or true love, or even both, it wouldn't even matter to me, because as long as it doesn't hurt him, I have no fear. It's a little selfish, but it's also a little bit more selfish to spend those hours pondering about what type of love I have for him, instead of spending actual time with him, because slowly, I will figure it out with my feelings when I'm with him.

Blinded love is seeing someone like a angel, as I've said above, and it makes one want to do everything for that someone. Now isn't there questions in your mind that you're asking? Isn't that quality of doing everything for someone a quality of love? Yes, it is. That's why the word love is behind blinded. Enormous sacrifices can be made because of love, and I guess that's why people say love has no boundaries. Forgiving is also a major role in love, and also a major role in healing. Maybe it'll be hard to forgive someone. For example of my adoptive mother killing my parents.. I couldn't imagine the truth, and felt like I couldn't forgive them at all. But forgiving them not only gave them a chance to live a peaceful, but it also gave myself a chance to heal those deep wounds.

I've been carried away with my late night thoughts again!! Ahh.. it's already sunrise! I held Baekhyun's hand in mine, as we stared out the window. Birds chirped, and it was such a lovely day for a picnic!! But that isn't our style! Our style is to hang out along our playground, and eat ice cream with each other.

"I'm not exaggerating when I say it too much.. because I've never really gotten to say it, so they're all bunched up in my heart. I love you I love you I love you so much (YourName), you are literally my everything. Before you came into my life, I was still smiling and able to imagine what a life I would have, but since the moment you came in, I can no longer imagine a life without you." He confessed. "The sun is shining now, and you've literally stayed up half the night, take a nap. School is just around the corner, so you need to get more rest to be more active in school."

"But.. I really wanted to eat ice cream with you at the playground, as we listen to you sing!" I playfully whined.

"Okay! I promise I will buy you a dozen ice cream cones with two scoops on top! I'll make sure you won't even be able to finish them!" He teased. "But first sleep, okay?"

I nodded, as I squeezed him. That feeling of knowing that someone cares for you, I really don't know how to contain my feelings, because just at the thought of being loved, tears came down my cheeks. I'm not exaggerating for a person that has never been loved right all these years. I cuddled with him on the bed, and fell asleep against his chest.

The sound of the swings got louder and louder, as the colors faded in. The field was green, and there were slides to the right of me. Baekhyun was on the left side of me, as we both were on the swing. We both were smiling, and laughing so hard. I don't even know what for, but looking at him adds more reasons for me to smile. I didn't know how to stop the swing, and it just felt like when we were little, because he was the one who taught me how to play on a swing. I blushed in embarrassment, but he kissed me on the cheeks as a response saying, 'I love you no matter what'. Tears came dripping down, like how ice cream would be dripping down in the hot sun. I was overwhelmed with happiness, the way the ice cream was overwhelmed with heat. Baekhyun kissed every tear away, as he smiled at me.

I woke up to Baekhyun asleep. I squeezed his cheeks, because I thought he was too silly. He kept telling me that I needed sleep, but it seems like he's the one who needs more sleep. I looked at him, as he turned from left to right, but still asleep. I laughed, but blushed as the thought that he must be dreaming about me the way I dreamt about him.

I suddenly got a call, that almost woke up Baekhyun. I laughed because if he did wake up, he'd be waking up to his own singing. I answered the unknown call, and realized it was ChinHee!

"Already so happy when we're gone?" ChinHee teased.

"No! You don't even know how much I miss you!" I stuttered upon my laughter. "How is Ja and Seok.. or I mean mom and dad?"

"They're doing just fine, all because of you!" ChinHee raised her voice with excitement.

"How about you? You know you're the one I worry the most.." I confessed.

"Ehh.. I'm getting treated, but they say it's really severe.. but it's okay, if it wasn't because I was worried about missing you, I wouldn't even have called you." ChinHee replied.

"Such great positivity you have there! Wow I'm really proud of you, with that spirit, you'll for surely recover in no time!" I mentioned, as Baekhyun wrapped his arms around my waist. He whispered, "Morning sweetie."

"Ahh I will leave you two alone now! I'll call you again! Hope you're having a wonderful wonderful time with him!" ChinHee teased. I imagined her winking at me, when she repeated wonderful twice. I blushed, as she ended all.

"Hey.. you just scared away ChinHee!!" I scolded him in a playful way.

"Ahh I'm sorry, but I couldn't stand waiting to hug you.." He teased.

He took my hands, and we ran miles, that felt like forever. We were at last, lining up for ice cream. Baekhyun decided to buy a jug and a box of cones, but I told him one was enough. I didn't want to be greedy, and I just wanted to enjoy life offered me, that is of course Baekhyun who is in front of my eyes, and not ice cream. We walked to the playground we always played around, and ate our ice cream, as we sat on the swings. One hand held the ice cream, while the other held each other's hands. We constantly stared at each other, and even with all these years we've been together, we were still shy in front of each other. I kept smiling, and licking my lips, which made Baekhyun kiss me. I smiled like an idiot, as my eyes were always on him. "Thank you for forgiving me.." I whispered, under my smile. I can imagine all the times I done wrong to him, yet he's still here by my side. "Thank you. I guess maybe I was once blinded in love with you, but now I'm so clear it's true love." I smiled.


I am so sad this story ended! Can you see my tears? Haha I'm sure you can't, but I really hope that you are smiling a lot after reading my fanfic! Thank you so much for your support, it means literally everything to me, and is my motive to continue to write! Thank you(: If you are going to miss my fanfics(until I start writing another fanfic), then you can always go to my instagram (BaekSooDae) for mini imagines~ Ahh anyways thank you!!

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