Chapter Thirty Seven ~ Don't Underestimate Love

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Chapter Thirty Seven ~ Don't Underestimate Love

The leathery smell mixed with a fragrance scent disturbed my nose, as I hid in fear. From left to right, I felt tamed in a non-capacious box. Aggravating screams kept me in fear, as I covered my ears and tightly shut my eyes. I crawled into a puddle of blood, as I stared at mom and dad, who laid on the floor with wide opened eyes. Against the wall filled with drawings, was a shadow. A wicked laugh came from the door, as the shadow slowly disappeared. I crawled into mom's arms, as I used all my effort into carrying her arms around me. After minutes, I was in dad's arms, as I was exhausted.

~Baekhyun's Point of View~
I'm tired of being used, tired of being pushed around with no power to keep my girl happy. And at the thought that everything I done, was suppose to help her, but only scarred her deeper. What am I becoming? Going 'undercover' was meant to get evidence that Ja never loved her as her own daughter. I had to pretend to be in love with someone, who was her sister, in order to get closer to Ja. I hoped (YourName) would hold on just a bit longer, knowing she was in pain. In the end, I only caused more damage to her innocent heart. Maybe I helped her find out her parent's killer, which was all she ever wanted to do, but because it turned out to be Ja, whom she loved the most, it would hurt more than her not even knowing the truth.

"I'm tired of being your toy, tired of being the fish bait into hurting (YourName). I will no longer listen to what you have to order me to do. Don't get me wrong, because I was not greedy for your money to have been listening to you. One step at a time, I got closer to you, and observed you very well. When you invited ChinHee and I for a lunch together, you bragged to each friend that you bumped into, about how your precious daughter has a boyfriend. One day after another, you made stories to cover up another. The truth is that you knew I was being too close with (YourName). Being close with her means nothing, but the fact that we were getting clues of who killed her parents. You thought that if you separated us, we'd stop investigating into it. You did everything to hurt us, so that our love would disappear. You made up the story that I was her brother so that we would argue with each other. Then you planned a sudden marriage between ChinHee and I, as you earned my dad's consent. While (YourName) was in the US for school, you gave her flowers and chocolate. She thought for once, you cared for her. It was only but a trap. She ate it with joy. Can you imagine her warm smile? You poisoned her so that if she ever finds out about my marriage between ChinHee, she'll never make it back to Korea in time with the headaches, chest pain, and much more. You underestimated her, she came through thick storms. You can't deny anything anymore, because no matter what you say, you'll always be a murderer to me." I scolded at her. "I don't know why you hate (YourName) and her parents so much. Remember the night you gave me a random call for a talk, you questioned me about my background? I answered you with a hundred percent truth, but you took all of it and made it into a story to use it against us. I told you about my mom and dad divorcing because my dad cheated on my mom, when I was only one years old. You took that, and made it into a horrifying lie. (YourName)'s mom cheating with my dad? I couldn't ever thought of how wide your range of imagination is. Now I understand. You make me sick."

I looked into her eyes with rage, as my hands clenched into a fist. I needed an answer from her! She avoided my eyes, as she clawed the couch. The fire within my eyes didn't die down, but actually increased, as she sat there without a word from her mouth. I wanted to get up and leave, because I thought it was a complete waste of time. She would never confess her faults, and she will always have something to back her up! It's useless! The moment I was about to get up and leave, she opened her mouth. I just hope it won't be another story made up again..

"If loving my daughter is something you are sick of, them excuse me!" Ja shouted with anger. "Yes yes! I killed her parents! They don't deserve to be alive! They go around the neighborhood, and everyone will praise them as if they were gods, but it was only because (YourName) was a really smart girl at a very young age. She 's talented, pretty, and has a perfect life! Look at ChinHee! Why doesn't she deserve that type of life? Can you not see her state in health conditions? She has GAD(Generalized Anxiety Disorder)! Do you know how much that hurts my heart to have someone I love constantly worrying about sudden death or being unloved? I only wanted to help her, to make her feel better. I didn't know how to, and I thought it would do something if I killed (YourName)'s parents. There would be no more praises to them, and ChinHee wouldn't have to feel left out. I wanted to make her life easier, and that when she looks into her 'sister', she'd feel that she's better and she'd have more confidence in herself. We did our best from morning to midnight, teaching ChinHee how to read and write at a young age. She was not old enough to go to school, so we hired teachers that would teach at homes. I was tired of everyone talking about how smart (YourName) was, so I decided to amaze he neighbors that ChinHee was even smarter. She always got C's as her test scores no matter how long she studied or how hard she worked. Everyone started looking down on her, and schools denied her application. Money wasn't a problem for us, but teachers couldn't put up with ChinHee's attitude. She always wondered off into her bedroom, and drew drawings of her teddy bear. That's all she ever done! They weren't even the best drawings either. She was getting older, and older. I had no choice, but to change her environment. If there was no one to brag around, then she would feel better about herself. I also wanted people to look up to ChinHee the way they did for (YourName), because I wanted my daughter to know how loved she is. She constantly repeats before she sleeps that no one loves her.. yet I tell her everyday and night that I love her, I love her. I didn't know what I could do, I wished the neighbors were more helpful than to praise (YourName) like a goddess. I started losing hope in ChinHee being smart in school after a while, so I took in (YourName) like my own daughter so that she'll be the smart one in education. (YourName) was good in everything, and I thought it might have been a threat to ChinHee.. so I made everything unfair for her. I ordered her to do chores, and give up part of her meal to ChinHee. I just wanted to make ChinHee feel loved.."

I kept quiet as I saw tears streaming down like a waterfall. Her grip to the couch tightened, and I wanted to comfort her, but felt ashamed as I was upset without knowing her feelings. It was pure jealousy that she had towards (YourName) and her parents, but I felt ashamed to push her to her limits. She cried tears that smudged her make up, she clawed the couch, that ruined her nails. Image was everything to her. Image was nothing to me, but it was life to her.

I thought of how I could tell (YourName).. Would she be upset with me to force Ja to tell the truth? Would she be upset if I made Ja cry? I feel so ashamed!! I felt so much anger in her because I thought it was so beyond craziness to kill (YourName)'s parents, that I forgot how she might have been feeling.

~My Point of View~
I stood behind the wall, with ChinHee tagging along my side. She held onto my shoulder, and her grip tightened as each second passed. It was to the point her nails surpassed my jacket, and into my skin. I couldn't even keep a balance of myself about what I was hearing, so I wondered how ChinHee would be feeling. It was true.. no matter how many times we tell ChinHee we love her, she always says the same thing at night.. "No one loves me.." she would mumble.

...To Be Continued~~~

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