Chapter 140: Speech (1)

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The political organization of Alvenheim, Elodia, included more than just a royal palace. Various politicians, including the Council of Elders, reside there, making it the seat of power in Alvenheim, boasting strict security measures.

The queen is no exception. The queen's residence is located on the highest floor of Elodia and has much stronger defenses than the place where the Council of Elders stays.

Unless Arwen is occupied with official duties, she spends her evenings there. Numerous attendants manage the queen's residence and even employ magic to enhance comfort.

Above all, Elodia stands right in front of the World Tree, imparting a sense of tranquility to the heart. While political institutions often buzz with noisy debates and chaotic maneuvering, Elodia's exceptional serenity is due to this reason.

The mana emitted by the World Tree is so sacred and profound that it purifies even the darkest aspects of one's being. Furthermore, the fact that the World Tree stands right in front signifies that the gods are always watching.

Hence, Elodia possesses somewhat unique characteristics compared to other political institutions, to the extent that one can hardly utter harsh words within its boundaries.

Although there have been disputes between the Council of Elders and the queen in Alvenheim, even that has improved.

"...I want to just hit everything."

However, even with the mana from the World Tree, there was one person who couldn't find inner peace: Queen Arwen. She sat on her expansive bed, her head buried in her hands, feeling defeated.

Tomorrow is the day she promised—the national address. It is scheduled to be attended not only by the citizens of Alvenheim but also by dignitaries from around the world. When leaders from other countries give a national address, unless they have a special relationship, they do not send dignitaries. Most often, only journalists seeking news headlines visit.

However, tomorrow's speech to the nation by her was slightly different. It was her first speech since her coronation, and the situation in Alvenheim was chaotic.

It is inevitable to wonder whether she will captivate public sentiment and govern the country stably through her speech, or if it will simply be an ordinary speech. If it's the former, neighboring countries will be cautious of Arwen, but if it's the latter, they will likely underestimate her.

Due to these reasons, Arwen couldn't help but feel increasingly anxious as the days went by. Even the mana of the World Tree couldn't calm her mind, and she reached a point where she couldn't sleep properly.

Fortunately, she was a resilient elf, otherwise, if she were human, she would have collapsed from sleep deprivation immediately.

'Can I do well...'

Arwen looked at the paper in her hand, her confidence diminishing as the days passed. It was the speech document Isaac had delivered less than three days ago.

Normally, she should have read it once and discarded it, but due to her rapidly diminishing confidence, she held onto it tightly.

Externally, she was known as a compassionate and benevolent queen, sometimes strict and resolute, but ultimately, she was just one person. Moreover, she faced pressure even from the Council of Elders, and the stress piled up day by day.

'There's nothing wrong with the speech. It should be enough if I just deliver it as it is.'

She checked the speech document once again with a troubled expression. The speech Isaac had delivered in just three days was more than enough to quell the current chaos in Alvenheim.

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