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I alone am the answer
I alone will make wrongs right
But in order to root out the cancer
It's got to be kept from the sunlight

I'm allied to the winter
I'm allied to the landslide
Gonna leave you all severed

- Severed ( The Decemberists ) by Colin Meloy


one. you whisper softly in my ear how you cherish the slight almond complexion deeming from beneath my glinting bronze skin under the sun.

one. you, being my sunlet, you shine on it so brightly. oh, you shine on it so brightly, it burns.

two. you plant kisses on my ankles and call me sunshine but you restrain my light in thick cold chains and call it my brightest outfit.

two. garments of silk are still excruciating if padded with thorns from inside.

three. your shade is gloomy but your heat is rusty and from between that rust, tiny flowers grow which you pluck and freeze between glass plates and hang them on your walls. so what do you call them? beauty or death?

four. you spread warmth. i say it's fire. then there's smoke. you say it's a musical siren come to a physical form. but it screams. so you hold me in your tight embrace and tell me that you'll make it rain to put out the fire. why does it rain corrosives from under your palms?

four. you pour your corrosives on the patterned wings of my imagination till they're neither able to flutter away nor burn down on the pyre. do you declare them deceased?

five. you call it love if it walks around our home with open wavy hair and pretty smokey eyes because you have raised it like your kid all your life.

five. i call it terror.

~ saccharin gilded terrors

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23 ⏰

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