The Town She Lived

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It was in a place called Santa Carla where everything happened. Good things, bad things, the possibilities of what would happen if someone were to step foot in the area were endless. There were many things out there for the human eyes to see, and even more hidden for said eyes to find out. The people of Santa Carla typically spent their days on the lively boardwalk, attracting all kinds of folk from all walks of life.
Through the boardwalk flowed a diverse stream of people, walking through every attraction to music of the new-wave in the background. No other time of day was the boardwalk as lively as it was when it was nighttime. And no other time of the day was it as dangerous.
The area kept up a reputation for being the "Murder Capital of the World." Many crimes such as drug distribution, kidnapping, and of course, murder, were very prevalent in Santa Carla. And it seemed that it would stay that way for a long time, for not much really changes except for the clothes people wear and what music they listen to. Nevertheless, people still enjoyed the excitement of the night life.
People, both young and old, moved through the stores and attractions available for the public as birds flew among the roofs and peaks of said areas. In a small section of the boardwalk stood a comic shop. Its shelves were decorated with colourful comic books ranging from old to new, action to horror. Posters of superheroes and popular figures plastered the walls as the hits of the year played through the shop's radio.
The shop itself was a home to a pair of brothers who often tried to befriend any youth who entered. One had dark hair and tanned skin, and he was typically more reserved than his brother, who had light hair and a rounder face. The two of them dressed in a similar style, often incorporating black, green, and sometimes red would be seen as well. One of the brothers typically wore his hair over a blue or red headband. The two devoted themselves to the eradication of the undead and evil spirits. They had a particular interest in vampires and would try to form conversations with the people who entered the shop. They'd often give them a comic or discuss the latest occurrence that has happened in the area. They were every bit fascinated as they were obsessed.
Their hobby and behaviour drew a girl who was older than the two of them, but she still had a childlike curiosity about the unknown. Quiet and thoughtful, she was fascinated in the strange and different. She was not very familiar with Santa Carla either, so she was glad she was able to find friends of common interests. Ever since then, the comic shop was the roaming place of three young, energetic friends. But the oldest, the girl, was the prettiest and maturest of them all. Her skin was as soft as a rose-leaf, her big, curled hair was dark as the night sky. And her eyes, in all their wonder, were a beautiful sight for many. And in the back of her mind, she was always left wondering as the brothers discussed their usual vampire talk.
While she also spent time discussing the unknown with the two boys, she also wondered if there was anything else for her and if she would ever find it. During her adventures with the brothers, her mind would start forming scenarios and wondered how life would be if those scenarios were ever to happen. She recalls a time when the three were out near an alley. One of the brothers suggested they search there because a lot of shady areas were the perfect homes for creatures of the night. They headed there, and the whole time, two of the three were thinking of bringing justice to their town. They would be heroes, they often thought. The other one was thinking of the possibility of a creature they often talked about, and she thought of how the creature's face would look in the pale moonlight. She imagined sharp features with even sharper teeth. She imagined red eyes with hints of orange and strong, firm hands. That's when she started to imagine its touch. Would she attack if such a creature were to touch her? Her friends sure would, she knew that, but would she? A small smile appeared on her face as she thought of the strength and surprising gentleness the creature would possibly have.
After the little meeting, the girl quickly rushed home and found a pencil and paper to draw with. She sketched for almost an hour until her masterpiece was complete. The drawing, sketched and shaded in greyscale, was the representation of a vampire, what she thought a vampire would be if she ever came in contact with one. He was handsome with piercing eyes, his face looked carved out of stone and he donned dark clothes. The drawing only made the girl love the idea of vampires more. And though it was a drawing, she hoped to see someone like that, just passing by one day. She often liked to write and draw as she pleased, especially after a night with her friends. She believed her imagination was even more wild than theirs. With a sigh, the girl stared out at a window in her room and walked towards it, opening it to let the air in, as well as allowing her to see the beauty of the town. When the wishing girl looked out at the open window, staring out at the bright-speckled, dark sky, she pondered in all its activity, even through the yelling of those who passed by. She had a wish, a fantasy. And all she needed to know is if such a thing could really happen.

The Wishing Girl (..And The Creature She Met)Where stories live. Discover now