Chance Meeting

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The girl's mind did not leave her wondering for long, for it was the following night when something very special to her caught her eye. She had no plans or meetings that night, so she dressed in a black dress that flowed with every step and walked through the boardwalk of Santa Carla. She enjoyed having time for herself, but she knew she would have to stay alert in the place where she was. She knew what the town was known for, and she never forgot.
As she made her way through the bustling crowds, the half-inch heel of her strapped, black shoes hitting against the wooden walkway with every step, she thought about the other night. Could such a thing really happen, she wondered. No, of course not. She walked on. But a part of her believed that her friends' imaginations cannot be so accurate, either. They all had a chance of being proved wrong. But of course, the opposite could occur. They all had a chance of being proved right.
The wishing girl continued to walk in an isolated manner when the red flash of a light caught her eye. She quickly moved her eyes to where the light, now white, was coming from. This was followed by her moving her whole head, and right after, her whole body. There, to her left, were a group of tall, handsome men who all had a glaring look to them that was both alluring and intimidating. They were all so fascinating. Three of the four men had blond hair, one of them being gold in colour with waved curls. He wore a colourful coat, decorated in elaborate Italian tapestries. On his legs were black leather chaps over dark blue jeans. Despite his frightening appearance, the look in his blue, heavy-lidded eyes was almost sweet. Next to him was a much taller man whose chest was covered in mesh. He wore a studded leather jacket with multiple chains as well. His hair was much lighter and a lot messier. His look was very reminiscent of those who partaked in the heavy metal music scene. Quieter than the rest was a man with hair as long as his peers, but much darker. It layed flowing without any complicated style. He, too wore a leather jacket, but with painted designs. He was tanned and his eyes were dark. How beautiful he is, the wishing girl thought. They all drew her to them, but the dark-haired one much more.
The last of the four, wearing his jacket under a long, warm coat adorned with a few medals, stood facing the others, his bright blue eyes having a glow to them. His hair was almost white and styled in the same way Billy Idol wood. A silver earring decorated his left ear. He must be the oldest, the wishing girl observed.
The man spoke a few words, and when he opened his mouth, the girl sworn she could have seen a pair of the sharpest, whitest fangs she ever laid eyes on. Her eyes widened as she watched him, as well as the other three men present. When the man in the long, dark coat finished his speech, he positioned himself on the shining motorcycle next to him. The other three did the same and reved their bikes, starting them.
The wishing girl wanted to follow them, they interested her. As the four fanged men left the boardwalk, she quicky ran. She remembered a place where she and the brothers would always visit. It was an empty land where they would always sit, feeling so elevated from the rest of the town. They could see anything they wished, from the beach to the forest, to many houses they'd see.
The wishing girl arrived to the place, not missing any opportunity to watch the men. For a moment, she scanned for their bikes, but her eyes were as fast as they were.
The men rode off as a rush of excitement flowed through their bodies. They challenged their speed and their engined roared louder as they swiftly glided through the trees and vast bodies of land. The wishing girl watched from afar, startled at how fast they were going, but she couldn't take her eyes off them. She continued to watch them until they eventually blended in with the dark, unable to be seen by anyone. She imagined how wonderful it would be to ride with them. She wanted to enjoy the same things as them, especially if it meant being close with the dark-haired man. She remained sitting on the pale grass and observed them, satisfied with her current position. She stayed watching the four men go in and out of the dark until a loud crashing sound was heard. This alerted the girl. She could not see the men for a while. They were buried under the trees of the forest.
It was a long run, but she persisted. She ran through the dark forest, the blackness of the night blending her in with her surroundings, just as it did with the men, till she reached a young man and his crashed vehicle, who was left behind and felt weak. The girl could not see the other three, for they were already far away from the two of them. She stared at the one they left behind. It was the dark-haired one. The one she was fascinated with the most. She stared at his handsome face, observing how his hair was disheveled and rested in front of his face. He looked so peaceful, but she had to do something. Not only would she save someone, but she would have the chance to be near the man she was so enchanted with. He layed restful, his beautiful dark eyes closed. There were many possibilities of what could happen had the wishing girl never come for him. She prepared herself before lifting his larger, toned body, straining to bring him back home. He was much heavier than she could ever be, and it clearly shone in his tall stature, as well as the the toned shadow of his abdomen peaking from his painted leather jacket.
So she walked with the handsome creature in her arms to a sand-covered cliff, and she laid him in the pale moonlight. As she carried him, she could not hear the pulsating beat of his heart. Because of this, she wondered if any force on earth could hear her, and she begged for him to keep his life. Next to the cliff was a cave that was resulted from an earthquake. No one explores the cave, but she always saw it as a beautiful piece of scenery. She took care to raise his head higher than his body. She caressed his long, smooth hair as she stared at his resting face. He seemed to her like what she thought of when her friends talked of the undead. They pictured cruel fierceness and evil while she pictured an image it seemed that only she could be fascinated with. She held him tightly again and wished that she might see him again.
She continued to smooth his long hair and gently kissed his forehead. She admired the sight of the handsome man and stayed with him as long as possible. She held him in his arms until the sounds of motorcycles drew close to where they were. Carefully laying the man down, the girl quickly stood up and ran to hide behind nearby boulders. She observed the arrival of the men, and while the sight of them frightened her at first, that feeling was quickly replaced with excitement and curiosity. She could even feel a sort of affection for them, regardless of them never meeting before. She noticed the now bloodied clothes they wore and the way they wiped their fanged mouths with their clawed hands. Could they be, the girl wondered. She thought about their appearance as she watched the tree men carry their friend, and eventually their motorcycles into the cave. That's when the girl remembered the left-behind biked and quickly ran to fetch it. As she ran through the forest, she grinned knowing that the handsome man will have awoken, and the two will see each other again the following night.
But another thought formed in her mind. She remembered the way the four men looked. The sharp fangs, the dark clothes that would become bloodied, the glowing eyes, the clawed hands, the unbeaten heart. It was all too familiar with her.
During the remainder of the night and the day that followed, images of the night played on in the wishing girl's mind. She could not speak, even as she was discussing the paranormal to the brothers at the comic store. She had always reserved her silence and occupied herself with her thoughts, but even more so that day she was. When asked by her friends what she had seen the other night, she could not say anything. What would she say anyway?
The brothers continued their talk of the unknown and the supernatural. And with every word they spoke, she felt a force within her, urging her to tell of her own stories. She withstanded the feeling until, at last, she opened her mouth.
"Do you ever imagine what a vampire would look like in our town?"
The dark-haired brother almost scoffed at the question. "Of course," he replied, "That is why we talk about them."
"And do you, too, imagine such a creature with the brightest eyes and the longest nails?"
The other brother nodded. "That is exactly how they are described."
"And do you, too imagine him with sharp fangs and dark clothes?"
The dark-haired brother grinned. "Since a thousand years ago!"
"And would he live in a cave with others of his kind? And would he venture into the night with them?"
The two brothers nodded their heads and donned a look of confusion as they stared at the wishing girl. They looked at each other, remaining deep in thought. Finally, the brother with the lighter hair grinned.
"Do you think you've seen one?"
His question caused the girl to flush slightly. She could not say for sure, but how could they not be? Of course, they had to be. Somebody with that much beauty and mystique would have to be inhuman.
"Maybe... I can't say."
The girl only made the brothers wonder more. They moved close to her, their smiles becoming wider.
"What did he look like?" one of them asked.
"Did he see you?" the other followed.
"What did you do?"
The girl knew exactly what had happened, but she simply could not explain what she had encountered that night. Even if she did, she didn't think they'd understand. They only wanted to attack them and rid the town of any roaming supernatural creatures. But the wishing girl, in all her curiosity, wanted to love them. Or, rather, one specific individual of their kind.
Her silence left the brothers wondering, and she left for the same empty, grassy area where she sat the night before. It was daytime, and the pale yellow grass could be clearly seen, as well as the coloured clowers that scattered the scene. How the girl loved it so.
But something that was not there before was a figure sitting. This figure, with dark, tattered clothes, and a hat that casted a shadow over their face, sat peacefully as he stared out at the vast body of land beneath him. The wishing girl slowly moved toward him and sat down. This led to the man looking to her, and for a moment, she could see a yellow flash in his eye.
"Have we met before?" he asked softly. She shook her head slowly.
"I like to come here, it is a very peaceful place," he continued, "Watching during the day is just as entertaining for me as it is watching at night."
The girl nodded, wanting to continue the conversation. "Do you also come here at night?"
The man nodded, "Just last night, I saw three lights pass through the town. They were motorcycle lights."
The girl's eyes widened. He has seen them. Oh, she had to ask now!
"Do you know them?"
The question made the man chuckle. "The boys who ride them?" he replied. "Sure I do! All four of them!"
He smiled, and then paused. He looked back at the town.
"Now that I mention it, I do wonder why a fourth guy was not there."
The wishing girl flushed madly.
"He is okay," she told him, "His friends found him."
The man was now intrigued. He raised his head, making the shadow covering his face reduce in size.
"Have you been around them?" he asked.
The girl shook her head. "No, but I would like to. What are they like?" the girl asked.
The man smiled and shook his head.
"You must be warned, those men do look very interesting. But if you were to go near them, such a thing could lead to your destruction. I feel you should know that they are creatures of the night."
The girl tilted her head. "Well, isn't that everybody in Santa Carla? There are all kinds of people who are very active during the night."
The man nodded, "But these people are special. They can draw you in and take your life with those sharp, shining blades of teeth they have."
So they are, the girl thought. They are vampires.
The words of warning and discouragement confirmed her theories, but she only became more determined to see them again. She couldn't lay eyes on a creature so beautiful, and part with him forever, especially after having saved him. She must see him again.
"Please tell me more about them."
And so, the man explained the four men to the best of his knowledge. He spoke of how before crossing paths with them, he was a simple man who yearned for experience. He spoke with the four men, more particularly the eldest of the group, and they introduced him to the pleasures and wonders of life as a vampire. He grew attached to the idea, and quickly drank from the bottle transforming him into one of their own. As a result of this, he became a vampire, but only half. Still, he partaked in the same activities as his new peers and learnt of the behaviours and culture of the much-hidden group. And after many months of bonding and supernatural pleasure, the man parted ways with the men. He explained how he is now something of a traveler, and wants to travel far and wide. He also hoped that once he reaches the destination of his dreams, he will have found a cure to his vampiric tendencies, and continue living his life as a free man.
After the man told his story, the girl told her own. She spoke of her first glance at the beautiful undead men and how she sat at this same space they are sitting at now. She told him of the crash and now she rushed to the handsome vampire's side. She mentioned how beautiful he looked and how she instantly fell for him. She told him about how she left him at the cliff by a cave, and how she hid when the other three men came back for their friend. And lastly, she told him that she needed to see the dark-haired man again.
If I don't see the handsome vampire again, the wishing girl thought, I'll die.
When she finished expressing her adoration for the group, or rather, for one specific member of the group, the man sighed.
"You must know the dangers of your wish," he began, "but I will take you to them. I am sure they will appreciate your eagerness. Return to the cave at sunset and then you can begin your new life."
With an excited nod, the wishing girl accepted this plan.

The Wishing Girl (..And The Creature She Met)Where stories live. Discover now