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The eldest vampire took the wishing girl to the cave the others lived in. It was time to celebrate the newest addition of Santa Carla's gang of vampires. Candles lined around the cave and the three younger vampires watched as the new member introduced herself, the eldest standing behind her.
"She has come a long way," he explains to his peers, "she has looked a long time, finding how to join us. She eventually found an old friend of ours and here she is, transformed."
He gestured to the wishing girl, who smiled shyly. Like always, she was quiet and reserved, but her eyes couldn't help but wander to the dark-haired vampire. The only other time she has ever been this close to her love was when she saved him that fateful night. She hoped she could get even closer. It excited her thinking about it.
As they all made their acquaintances, the shortest vampire with the colourful coat left for a while, eventually coming back with food and wine for his fellow members to celebrate with.
Great sounds of laughter resounded the walls and splendid, wavy locks of hair sprawled around with the lively movement of the undead bodies, celebrating the newest addition to the team. The cave itself seemed to illuminate from their joy and every detail, no matter its size or obscurity, could be clearly and distinctly seen.
Songs and shouts could be heard from the vampires, often talking of unity and the night. It almost reminded the wishing girl of the words the traveling half-vampire spoke to her. He, too, showed her the wonders she hadn't noticed as a human, and she cherished all the things mentioned in the songs. There was a sort of difference in the other vampires' songs, however, for they discussed darker, more outlandish things they partake in together. They typically also sung with a sort of scratchiness or growl, not unlike the music the wishing girl would hear on the boardwalk.
The new girl raised her arms and smiled as she glided with the rest of the group. She moved and danced with her newfound friends and sang out and cheered with them. She sang the clearest and the sweetest out of all of them. Her new team applauded her with their hands and the rattling of the decoration on their jackets, as well as the jewelry on their wrists and ears. For a moment, the wishing girl felt satisfied and happy, for she knew she had the support of the ones she seeked the most. And she knew that she would be able to stay with them for a long time.
That night, she slept in the canopy she saw earlier. She bid her new friends goodnight and they walked deeper into the cave to the darkest area. There, they flew to the rocky ceiling and hung with only their dirtied leather boots grasping on. A new night awaited them.
That following night, the gang decided to venture out into the forest once again. The now five members of the vampire gang stepped out with only the light of the stars and the moon shining on them. Grey birds flew up to them, ate out of their hands, and allowed themselves to be gently stroked until they reached the satisfaction to be let free again. After that, they prepared their bikes and rode off into the shadows.
The wishing girl, in all her joy and wishes, rode with the dark-haired vampire. She observed the forest at night, but the thing that caught her eye the most was the flowing of the vampire's dark hair. Nothing else mattered, no one else mattered. It was as if there was a remote world where only the two of them existed. She hoped it would stay that way for a long time.
The handsome dark-haired vampire couldn't help but notice the wonder and excitement in the wishing girl's eyes. He liked the way she looked out into the sky. She fascinated him.
"You are not afraid of riding," he remarked, as the new girl sat behind him. She nodded, still looking out at the dark trees while still trying to catch a glance at the vampire she grew to love.
They continued riding off with the others until they made a stop miles away from where they lived. It was somewhere new, somewhere the wishing girl has never seen before. Once they stopped, the handsome vampire, who the wishing girl would later discover as "Dwayne", led her to a remote area, close enough to where the others could still see them, and they talked. He told her of his life as one of the undead and his encounters with many forms of life. He spoke of the dark and the night, and the strange things deep beneath it. The wishing girl, paying close attention, smiled at his descriptions and the comfort of his deep, soothing voice.
The wishing girl's smile, her black waves, and eyes of the night sky only drew Dwayne to be more enchanted by her. He wished to ask her who she was, where she came from, and how she found him. She stared into his eyes as a hint of sorrow and wonder gleamed.
"It's an interesting change finding someone as quiet as me," he told her. His words made her pale skin flush red.
"Is that okay?" she asked.
He nodded, a heart-melting smile forming on his face.
"While I love the remoteness and reservedness, I hope you can be as expressive as we are. We are creatures of the night, after all."
A small giggle sounded as the girl nodded.
"What do you wish?" he began to ask her, "What did you give up all your human qualities and all that you had in your old life for? Why did you get transformed?"
The wishing girl felt a rush within her. She couldn't say. Could she tell him of why she sacrificed all that she had? Could she tell him what she dreamed of each day? Could she tell him that he was the reason she looked forward to opening her eyes every day? Could she tell him that it was him that gave her so much yearning in her eyes?
I wish I could tell you, she thought, how I'd love to tell you! I love you, but I cannot say.
The wishing girl's mind wandered for a while until she eventually told him of her fascination with the unknown. She wanted to see if there was more out there for her. And she believed meeting the gang would be a way to expose her to a new life and new wonders that awaited her. Dwayne smiled at her description and leant in closer to her, his dark eyes still meeting hers.
"I would be happy to show you those wonders if you'd let me."
A smile formed on the girl's face. She nodded, "Please!"
The handsome vampire leant back slightly and chuckled as he moved a hand over his hair that reminded the wishing girl of silk. He continued, "I hope you can trust my knowledge. David may be the oldest, but I can show you so much. I'm sure you would love it as much as I do."
This became what the two would do for nights on end. They would often spend time as a group with the three fanged men with hair of gold, but occasionally, they would part and the wishing girl would embark on adventures of her own led by the wonderful vampire who she so loved. They would often make stops in the forest, the grassy area the wishing girl loved to visit, and many other places she would come to discover.
Nights passed and the wishing girl's feelings for Dwayne grew deeper as she loved him more fondly. He loved her as one would when seeing something that catches their eye, that draws them to whatever it is they saw. He wanted to know everything about her. They rode and walked together through the dark, eerie woods, where the finger-like ends of the slender branches brushed against their shoulders and hair. Birds sounded softly, but most of them hid. The wishing girl loved the tranquility, she loved how her body seemed to find rest. She could tell Dwayne enjoyed it, too, and she hoped he enjoyed her.
It was on a quiet night where they decided to sneak on the boardwalk. The gang usually visited it, but Dwayne and the wishing girl would go as often as they could. They decided to see a movie that day. On the far right of the boardwalk, a small theater would often play classics during the afternoon, right after showing the popular films of the day. The buttery, strong smell of popcorn stretch from the interior to the outer entrance of the theater; and while its age did show through the unpredictable wooden structure and its half-maintained corners, it was a pleasure for the multiple people who would visit.
Dwayne could feel stares from the others; he was a stranger to everyone. While some tried to ignore his tall, mysterious figure, others couldn't help but stare, including the young vampire walking next to him. Had she not met him, could she ever find excitement in her life? Unbothered with his surroundings, Dwayne marched forward.
The dark, velvet-clad room was almost completely empty, with the exception of an elder couple sitting near the front. The wishing girl surrounded herself with the darkness in the back with the love of her un-life beside her. He smiled as his head turned to face hers, his dark locks moving with him.
"Have you seen this?" he asked.
The wishing girl shook her head.
"Well," Dwayne said, "I'm sure you'll like this one."
With that, he turned his head back to the screen: "I Married a Witch."
Their eyes remained on the screen, taking in the beauty of classic cinema and the charming performance of Veronica Lake. But for a moment, the wishing girl could feel a gentle touch beside her. She could've sworn he was moving closer to her.
The film continued to play and she kept her eyes on the actors. She loved the idea of a beautiful witch placing a curse on all the descendants of the family who wronged her. And then, she meets one of the descendants 250 years later and makes him fall in love with her. The wishing girl was delighted as the plan played out.
She felt something again. Oh, how wonderful it felt to her. That gentle touch she felt before became even more apparent when she felt the texture of leather against her skin. It reached for her back and traveled to her shoulder, enveloping her. She looked to the handsome vampire beside her. He looked to her as well. Their eyes fixated on each other for a moment, and slowly, he held her even closer. The wishing girl exhaled as her dark curls began to sprawl on his left shoulder, where she eventually rested her head. They continued to watch the film, even closer together.
In a sense, the wishing girl could relate to the movie. Dwayne was like the witch, beautiful and charming. There is a possibility that he has been a vampire for a long time, perhaps even longer than he looked like. She was like the man who falls in love with the witch. While she was not as miserable as he was, they both were drawn and enchanted by the mysterious beings they met. She wondered if this love, this new and pure and wonderful love, would bring forth misfortune and destruction. She loved the dark-haired vampire, and she yearned to be closer to him each day. Her love for him was like the moon: beautiful, bright, and clear. Had her shyness and reservedness vanished, she would tell all who pass by of her love and adoration for the beautiful vampire she thought she would only see in drawings back home. Moments such as the one being spent at the theater grew her love, and it guided her love all day and all night.
But the moon could also be misty and clouded, obscured by its surroundings. It could be gray and ringed. Could she await stormy days and bad omens with her love? Would the moon be a lover to her or a liar? She hoped with all her optimism and adoration that her love would last and be undisturbed by whatever is to come in the future.
The two walked out of the theater and rode back to the cliff. The wishing girl caught a glance at the moon. It is bright, she thought, I will be happy with my love. She stared out at the vast lands and the trees that surrounded her. She loved to ride with Dwayne. It brought her peace.
When the two came home, they came to discover that the rest of the gang were not back home yet. It was quiet and dimmed in the cave, and every step and whisper echoed throughout. It was loneliness, but a peaceful and comforting loneliness.
The wishing girl made her way to the canopy, deciding to rest for the night. Though as she walked, she could feel a presence behind her. She looked back and laid her eyes on Dwayne. She smiled at him as he stepped closer. He took her in his arms again, with one hand stroking her curls. He tipped her head and leant in for a kiss. Her wish came true. A rush, swelling and growing, formed within her as she threw her arms around his tall stature. Despite the excitement, she was also calm and mellow. She was yearning, and she felt as though she achieved all. She has all she wished for now. Now, she must persist and keep her fulfilled wish with her.
They pulled away and they continued their longing stare. The wishing girl stared back at the canopy and could feel herself stepping in reverse. She looked back at the vampire towering in front of her, and before she knew it, he towered over her. She never dreamed she could achieve so much excitement and so much joy in only one night. It felt deserved to her. She will not have to wish anymore. She had everything she wished for now. And for the remainder of the night, all she will know are rising sensations, blossoming feelings, and sounds only the two would hear from each other. It would be personal and wonderful, and very much her. She was happy and in love. And she was ready to give all her love. The moon continued to glow, its rays shining down on the two throughout the night.
Hours passed and the sun was beginning to rise. The traveling half-vampire was treading to the cave. As he reached the cliff, he looked back at the horizon. He could see the sparkle of the sea, and right above it, an alluring deep blue mixed with various shades of orange, yellow, and purple. He loved to enjoy nature and the beauty it had to show him. Even though he could not call himself a man anymore, he was still very much like one.
The traveler crept silently in the deep cave, and observed the sleeping vampires, hanging upside down as their hair fell long. He noticed an absence of the wishing girl, as well as the dark-haired vampire he was familiar with. He looked back to the more lit area of the cave. He almost missed it, but he laid his eyes upon the canopy bed and saw Dwayne, in all his mysterious masculine beauty. He was at rest, just like his peers, but the way he rested that night was more curious and unique. It was almost human, the traveler thought. Right next to Dwayne, in his strong, bare arms, laid the wishing girl. Her wish was fulfilled and it was plain to see to everyone. The traveler felt proud, as if he allowed the wishing girl to discover a happiness she never knew she could experience. He only hoped her new life would treat her better than it did him.
He stared at the wishing girl and smiled, and glanced at the tanned vampire next to her, who whispered her name in his sleep. With a look of satisfaction, the traveler turns the other way and treads back home.

The Wishing Girl (..And The Creature She Met)Where stories live. Discover now