What happens when your soulmate is someone you don't appreciate?
"-Can you stop talking so much? The boy said to Ivy.
-Well technically i'm not talking!
-Sorry nerdy, anyway why are you complaining so much? The boy asked."
Start date: 22/11/2023
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Today was the weekend, Ivy was laying down on her bed not doing much.
After a while she heard her parents talking, it sounded like they had invited guests over.
She kept thinking about going down to see who was there.
Eventually she decided te get up from her bed and go downstairs.
As she arrived down the stairs, she was surprised to see Taesan and his grandparents.
She made a quick eye contact with him but looked away quickly.
"Great this rude ass boy is in my house now!
What is he even doing here?"
"Hi Ivy! As i told you yesterday they moved ou next to us now! Her mom said looking really happy.
Oh, we should present our daughter Ivy! She's our little genius, she always brings back good grades. Ivy's dad said and Ivy rolled her eyes internally.
That's awesome! I kinda wish our little boy would be the same, but he's still a great kid! Taesan's grandma said"
"Pff 'great kid' my ass
What my mom meant by 'they're gonna move next to us SOON' she meant today, she's always like this!"
Ivy's parents were gonna help The Han family move into their new home.
Ivy had no choice but to help too.
She was just standing there while the others were taking boxes into the house when Taesan's grandma called her name.
"Ivy! Can you please take this box to Taesan's room? It's kinda heavy and my back really hurts." Taesan's grandma said holding her back in pain.
"Uhm sure where is his room?"Ivy asked, she didn't want to go to Taesan's room but she couldn't refuse to help his grandma.
"It's upstairs, first door on the left." Taesan's grandma replied giving the directions.
"Okay I'll go right now!" Ivy said taking the box giving a smile at his grandma.
"Thank you!" Taesan's grandma thanked her and Ivy left in the house making her way to the room she least expected to be in.
On her ways upstairs she struggled a little as the box was kinda heavy just like his grandma said but she was strong enough not to drop the box, she for sure didn't want a broken arm by Taesan at the end of the day.
As she arrived on top of the stairs she felt a little uneasy.
She was hoping he wouldn't be in his room so there would not be any conversation.
She looked at her left and the door was opened but she didn't see anyone.
She entered the room quickly and was about to put the box down when the box was snatched from her hands.
"What are you doing with my stuff?" Ivy knew it was obviously the person she was 'so exited to see'.
"I was just taking it to your room-" Ivy replied but was cut off by Taesan.
"Did i ever tell you you could touch my stuff?" Taesan said taking a step closer to Ivy intimidating her.
"No- bro, chill i didn't even want to touch your stuff in the first place, by the way it was heavy as fuck, your grandma wanted ME to take it to your room because she said her back hurts.There! You're happy now that i gave you an explanation ?" Ivy said in frustration, luckily she probably wasn't gonna go back in his room for a while.
"That box isn't heavy, you're just weak now get out of my room!" Ivy scoffed while he smirked at her.
"Gladly!" Ivy went out of his room and shut the door.
"Gosh the nerves on this guy!
Luckily he can't beat me here! But...he might do something to make me suffer...
He's for sure gonna do it, i can feel it coming."
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