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(Sorry for the super late update :c )

(Sorry for the super late update :c )

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After school ended, Ivy stayed at the reception waiting for her parents since the principal said he wanted to talk to them

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After school ended, Ivy stayed at the reception waiting for her parents since the principal said he wanted to talk to them.

Of course she wasn't the only one waiting for a meeting with the principal.

Ivy sat with Taesan while his ex friend group stayed on the other side of the reception but Jaehyun stayed alone.

"I'm glad you're not gonna get bothered by them anymore." Taesan said slightly squeezing Ivy's hand looking into her eyes with pure relief written over his face.

"Yeah but we're not gonna be able to have our moment alone in the library anymore." Ivy chuckled resting her head on Taesan's shoulder.

"I can't believe all of this happened just because we decided to date in secret, you were right my 'friends' wouldn't like you." He sighed.

Ivy stayed quiet, she didn't wanna tell him about what happened earlier today.

Taesan might turn into a killer if she even told him so she decided to keep her mouth shut.

"You know Jaehyun is actually nice right?" Ivy said breaking the silent.

"After what he tried to do to you?" Taesan said surprised.

"I know that what he tried to do to me is definitely not nice but he's just like you. He wanted to revenge and protect his girlfriend and you do the same for me. But sadly his girlfriend didn't actually want him so he apologized to me..."

"His girlfriend didn't actually love him? So the rumor was true? I do feel bad, he his a very nice friend actually." He said looking down at his lap while fidgeting with his friends.

A car had just arrived outside and everyone were wondering wich parent arrived.

Ivy knew it was her parents as she was the second one called into the principal's office.

She sat on a chair waiting for her parents with the principal to enter.

"Hello Miss and Mr Miller, please have a seat." The principal said when her parents entered pointing at the other chairs available.

"I called you to talk about a very serious matter that we found out about today, your daughter has been a victim of bullying, I won't go into detail unless you want to." He paused but her parents didn't say anything.

Ivy looked over at her parents before the principal started talking again.

"Before our meeting I had another one with one of the girls that bullied her and I am informing you that her parents want to press charges against Ivy since she punched her in the face pretty hard. Now I don't know if it was for self defense or not but I suppose it was. That was all I had to say for now." The principal finished talking but her parents just nodded again saying nothing.

"Uhm I guess our meeting is over then." The principal said awkwardly before they left the building.

On the ride home there was complete silent, Ivy didn't even know how her parents felt about the information they just found out about.

She couldn't read any expressions on their faces, it's like she was with robots and she felt out of place in the car.

After arriving home they sat for dinner, she looked at her paren again but they didn't even glance at her.

"Are you guys giving me the silent treatment? Did I do something wrong? Why didn't you guys say anything during the meeting?" This is when her parents finally looked at her.

"Ivy I think those girls were teaching you a lesson, maybe if you weren't so entitled they wouldn't have done that." Her mother said as Ivy dropped her fork on the table.

"S-sorry? Entitled! I didn't do anything wrong, did someone brain wash you??" Ivy said almost choking on her food.

"Your behavior has been awful these days what happened to you Ivy? Dylan came to us earlier today to tell us about how he was upset that you rejected him so rudely! And then at that party, I can't believe you decided to use substances! He was telling us all about it! When he had to hold you outside to get you safely home but since he lived too far he decided to take you to Taesan so he could get you closer to home, without them I bet you would've used more of those stupid drugs!" Her dad said, they believed Dylan without even hearing her side of the story first.

"How can you guys believe that liar, he's the bad one here!" Ivy defended herself.

"Ivy we know Dylan ever since he was little, this is not the kind of thing he would lie about!" Her mom said again taking Dylan's side.

She tried to talk but was quickly shut down by her parents.

"We think you should be grounded, you are not allowed to go out of this house unless we tell you to!" Ivy at this point lost the energy to fight back, she was filled with anger and any argument had to say would probably fall on deaf ears.

She left without saying anything else and locked herself into her room before bursting out crying.

She left without saying anything else and locked herself into her room before bursting out crying

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