What happens when your soulmate is someone you don't appreciate?
"-Can you stop talking so much? The boy said to Ivy.
-Well technically i'm not talking!
-Sorry nerdy, anyway why are you complaining so much? The boy asked."
Start date: 22/11/2023
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"You really ditched us to go here?" Ivy turned around knowing who was talking this rude to her.
"Uh?" She was surprised by the person in front of her.
"Are you deaf? Do you need me to speak louder?" Taesan replied knowing if he started to yell it would be an awkward situation in the library and Ivy did not wanna deal with that.
"How did you find me? How did you know i was here?" Ivy asked in a annoyed tone, was he stalking her now?
"Your parents were worried because you were gone for so long and when they found out you weren't even in the house anymore they tracked you and told me to get you. Anyway why are you here?" Taesan replied making now her parents the stalkers at this point.
"To get away from you obviously." Ivy got up and started to leave but she noticed Taesan still standing there, maybe Ivy's words hurt him?
"Aren't you coming?" She said crossing her arms with a frown on her face.
"Just go first, i don't wanna be seen with you!" Taesan replied glaring at Ivy making her scoff before finally leaving.
"WOW, the audacity of this guy!"
Ivy left the library and made a straight line to her house went in and shut the front door.
"Hey Ivy, did you talk to Taesan?" Her mother asked with a little smirk on her face.
"I hate this guy!" Ivy said loudly taking out all her frustration.
"Ivy! We do not talk about people like that!" Her mother exclaimed reprehending Ivy's behavior.
"I could say the same for you, you haven't seen how rude he is!" Ivy then went to her room.
The next day at school she hung out with her friends like she always did while complaining about Taesan.
"I just saw him for 2 days! And this guy is making me wanna pull my skin off!" Their friends were confused about his behavior, normally he'd just ignore others unless they did or said something bad to him.
"To be honest he always scared me. Just the way he stares at people gives me the chills. But, there has to be a reason why he's so rude to you. Maybe he heard the joke you made last time?" One of her friends said.
"I know he gets mad easily but, for a joke!?" Ivy said with a confused look, maybe behind his cold stone face was a little sensitive boy hidden there.
Ivy leaned back in her chair when someone tapped on her shoulder.
"Hey...you left your crayon in the class this morning."
It was a boy named Dylan.
Ivy knew him since elementary school, he liked to draw and Ivy liked his drawings, we can say that they got along pretty well.
He was already cute when she knew him but he for sure had a glow up and Ivy couldn't help but notice it.
"Oh...thanks." Ivy replied shyly and took her crayon.
"That's Dylan!? Bro he had a huge glow up!" Her friend said as it had been for sure a while that they hadn't talked.
Her friends kept talking about how handsome he was but Ivy was just thinking of the crayon he gave her.
"That doesn't look like mine...maybe it was beside my seat so he thought it was my crayon."
She just put the crayon in her bag and ignored it for the rest of the day.
After school she went back home and Taesan had just arrived too on his motorcycle.
She watched as he removed his helmet and quickly went into his house.
"Wow, i' m surprised he hasn't annoyed me even once today. At least i get a break from him."
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