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Ivy POV.

This morning, after getting ready, I went downstairs to get my breakfast as usual.

But this morning I was more exited than normally since today was my special day!

As I arrived in the kitchen, nobody said anything to me.

I looked at my father who was ready to go to work.

Nobody's POV.

"I'm gonna go to work now, bye honey, bye Ivy!" He put on his coat and gave a peck to his wife.

"Wait! Dad!" Ivy called out to her dad making him stop in his tracks and turn around.

"Yes Ivy? Is there anything wrong?" Her dad questioned.

"Aren't you forgetting to say something to me?" Ivy looked at her dad waiting for his response.

He looked for around for a while  in confusion trying to find what he had forgotten to tell her.

"Oh yeah! You said you had an english exam didn't you? Well good luck then! And make sure you get all the questions right, you don't want to make us disappointed don't you?" Ivy got upset because of her dad's response but she acted like it was no big deal and nodded while slowly looking down.

She noticed her mom taking glances at her and preparing something.

"Here darling." Her mother gave her the traditional seaweed soup.

"I know you're upset with your dad but work gets in his head a lot, happy birthday thought!" She put her hand on Ivy's shoulder to reassure her.

"Thank's mom!" Ivy replied looking happier than earlier now that someone remembered her birthday.

"Also i know it's your special day but like your dad said, make sure you get every questions right to that english exam you have." Her mom reminded her, just like her dad.

"I know don't worry!" Ivy replied in an annoyed tone.

"Don't you get to finally speak with your soulmate today?" Her mom asked with a little smile on her face.

"Yes! I'm so exited, what time do i get to talk to him again?" Ivy's smile appeared on her face as she was now excited.

"At 3 p.m, make sure to ask him lots of questions! I hope he's a smart guy." Her mother replied laughing a little.

Ivy looked beside her in annoyance.

"Of course you'd hope that".Ivy though to herself.

Ivy then went out to go to school, on her way there she was asking herself a lot of questions.

"What if...my soulmate was actually a girl!?

I can't even imagine myself being with a girl.

What if they're not even my age like a pedophile!


I mean i don't mind if he's older but just one year older, yeah.

If that's the case i'm sure my soulmate has been waiting for me for a while by now.

I have to stop making myself doubt so much!"

As Ivy walked in the hallway of the school she walked by the "gangsters" of the establishment.

"I swear they're always making out with their girlfriends, get a room gosh!"

While she was thinking, she felt someone staring at her.

She looked to the side and found Taesan looking right in her way.

"Uhm that's awkward."

Taesan is known as the "fighter" of that "gangster" group.

As you can guess this boy gets into a lot of fights.

Talking to him feels like being in front of the most solid brick wall ever, in a cold night of about -23°C.

But try to mess with him and you'd be sure you're getting sent to the emergencies with something broken.

"Just get him expelled" some people said, the principal wished it was that easy or not, but with his grandparents money, he gets away with everything.

His grandparents paid everything even the principal.

The school is not as wealthy as it looked, so when the opportunity came to the principal, he never declined.

The school is not as wealthy as it looked, so when the opportunity came to the principal, he never declined

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Author note: Hello everyone, I hope you guys liked the first chapter for now! The story seems a bit too like wattpad mafia stories, but don't worry it will be great i swear 😭

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Author note: Hello everyone, I hope you guys liked the first chapter for now! The story seems a bit too like wattpad mafia stories, but don't worry it will be great i swear 😭. English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes. Also if you guys are interested, I have a finished story on Leehan, you can check it out on my account! Thank you!

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