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(Finally reached 1k views on this story! Thank you so much <3. Also about the next updates, they will come really late since i have a lot of exams and a rlly big importent one, so sorry about that 😭)

 Also about the next updates, they will come really late since i have a lot of exams and a rlly big importent one, so sorry about that 😭)

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When Ivy woke up the next morning she didn't dare to come out of her house

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When Ivy woke up the next morning she didn't dare to come out of her house.

She remembered everything, what she had said, when Taesan hugged her and apologized for how he treated her.

She was too shy to face him after what happened.

But she had promised her mother she would go grocery shopping with her.

So, after getting ready she joined her mom who was waiting for her already.

When they arrived at the grocery store Ivy just walked around looking for things to buy.

She got lost in her thoughts thinking about what she will say if she ends up running into Taesan.

Her thoughts where interrupted when she heard someone calling her name.

Ivy froze for a second before turning around just to see...

Her mother, she just wanted to ask her a question.

Ivy kinda felt relieved that it was her mother calling her as she didn't want to be surprised by the coincidence that Taesan could be there.

Luckily he wasn't, after about an hour of groceries shopping she finally went out of the store with her mom.

On their way home they ended up stopping at a market to get fresh fruits and vegetables.

Ivy thought that if she didn't see Taesan at the grocery store it would be safe to say that she wouldn't end up seeing him at a market, right?

She was just following her mom when she suddenly lost her in the crowd.

"I'll probably find her at the car" She thought to herself.

She then proceeded to just look around a little when someone passed quickly accidentally pushing her on someone.

The person caught her and Ivy wasn't hurt, she turned to apologize just to see Dylan.

Ivy quickly backed off surprised that he didn't end up in the hospital.

She looked at him in disgust and it looked like he wanted to say something but quickly ran away like something scared the shit out of him.

Just then, she felt a tap on her shoulder, can't be Taesan right?

Well it wouldn't be fun if she didn't see him of course, she turned around and as expected it was him.

"uhm hey" he said with a smile on his face, Ivy just kinda stood there and just smiled a little.

"so...about yesterday" Ivy knew he was gonna talk about that and just then a brilliant idea came up in her head.

"yesterday...? I don't remember what happened yesterday." Ivy said giving a confused look and Taesan's eyes widened a little.

"wha- you sure?" He said looking a little sad wich Ivy found cute, she nodded quickly and he sighed.

"Is that why you looked so surprised when you saw me?" He asked.

"Well...i looked surprised because you're nice now! You know you're supposed to hate me for i don't know what reason." She laughed awkwardly.

"You know what, just see you around." He smiled again and left making Ivy sigh out of relief.

" He smiled again and left making Ivy sigh out of relief

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