Chapter 2

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No one's POV...
Chase reached the steel factory the ship crashed landed in. He noticed a lot of soldiers there. He recognised them straight away. They are known as UNIT. UNIT are friends with him and the Doctor so he just walked straight in and sneaked into the factory quietly. He didn't want them to know he's there, because they would call the Doctor, but to his surprise The Doctor was already there. Chase didn't want them to know he was there, because he decided he was going to do this mission alone. He noticed a woman in a wheelchair, but thought nothing of it...

Chase's POV...
I heard the Doctor and the woman talking. "Funny way to crash?" She asked. "It's not crashed. It's parked." The Doctor said looking at the Spacecraft. I smiled and carried on climbing the stairs until I was halfway up. I examined the ship and went to find a quiet place to sit were no one could see me. But I can't get that pup out of my head! Who is she and since when has she been part of the Paw Patrol? I decided to leave it for now and continue on my mission...

No one's POV...
Ryder and the pups got back to the Lookout, but Marshall noticed something was wrong with Loona. "Hey sis you okay?" Marshall asked Loona worried. "Huh oh yeah I just thinking that's all hehe..." Loona replied nervously. 'Who was that pup and how does he know the Paw Patrol and how do they know him?' Loona thought to herself in her head. Skye knew what Loona was thinking about. They entered the Lookout and saw the Christmas decorations up already. "Woah!!!" They all awed at. Katie heard them and went to greet them home alone with Calli her cat. "Hey pup! Hey Ryder! How was your night out?" She asked smiling at the Paw Patrol. "Hi Katie!" All of the pups said the same time. "Great job at the decorating Katie!" Ryder said kissing Katie's cheek. "Hey Katie did you see that crashing spaceship?" Loona asked curiously. "No but it was on the news. Don't worry the agency known as UNIT are there, so there's nothing to worry about..." Katie replies scratching the top of Loona's head and walks into the Kitchen to help Ryder...

Loona's POV...
Huh why does nobody believe me! Even that German Shepard who helped me confirmed it was a spaceship! I need to find out. I decided to go for a walk down the driveway. As I reached the bottom the bins began to rattle and a strange sound came from behind a bin bag. I shuffle the bin bag out of the way and to my shock there's an alien hiding amongst the rubbish. "Meep, Meep..." It says scared.

(The Meep)

"Hello?" I said unsure if it could understand me

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"Hello?" I said unsure if it could understand me. "Hello!" It replies to my surprise. "My name is Loona I'm half German shepherd and half wolf. What's your name?" I asked curiously. "I am a visitor from the stars. I am the Meep. My ship was shot down and I hurt my paw." The Meep said showing me its hurt paw. "Let me take care of your paw." I said getting closer. "No I'm not safe out here!" The Meep said nervously. "What? Why?" I asked curiously. "I'm not the only one here!" The Meep replied to me. "Why? What else is here?" I asked confused. "Monsters..." The Meep replies...

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