Chapter 3

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No one's POV...
Chase managed to find a quiet spot were no one could see him. A sonic screwdriver came out of his collar and made a screen for him to see details about the Spaceship. "I thought I'd find you here!" A voice said behind him. "Well you know me I'm a magnet for disaster" Chase replies. Meanwhile in a alleyway of Adventure City not far from Mr Porters café Alex Porter (Mr Porters grandson) was walking back from the movies with 2 of his friends. "That was a great movie!" Alex said exited. "Hey what are we doing tomorrow?" asked one of Alex's friends "I say we go to the park and clime a tree to see who'll clime the highest! and who ever manages to reach the top of the tree first shall have £20 of me..." Daring Danny X said smiling at Alex and their friend. Before they could reply to Daring Danny X they heard a noise coming from behind them. They turned around and saw 2 aliens walking towards them growling. they had a gun in one hand and a pincher in the other hand.
(The Wrarth Warriors)

Alex, Daring Danny X and their friend screamed and ran away as fast as they could

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Alex, Daring Danny X and their friend screamed and ran away as fast as they could. One of the Wrarth Worriers soldier was about to fire his gun, but the other one stopped him. "NO! It is the Meep we seek..." He yelled at his fellow Wrarth Worrier and they walked away into the shadow. Meanwhile back at the Steel Factory Chase was still looking at the little screen his Sonic screwdriver created...

Chase's POV...
I turned my head and saw the Doctor and the woman in the wheelchair. "Hi Doctor..." I said wagging my tail. "Hi Chase. Hey that's really cool that little screen of yours bud..." the Doctor said looking at the screen of the spaceship. "Thanks! The Tardis made this new sonic screwdriver for me in my new collar." I replied. "I'm Natalie it's a pleasure to meet you Chase!" The woman in the wheelchair said stroking the fur on top of my head. "It's an honour to meet you to Natalie..." I replied licking her hand. "Any sign of life?" I asked curiously. "No there's no readings or anything." Natalie replied. "Hmmm that means there's an Alien on the loose! I'm going on a walk and if I see anything I'll report it back!" I said walking off. "Okay bud but be CAREFUL!!!" The Doctor said to me worried about my safety. "I will!" I replied and ran off. As I was wondering around Adventure City, I began to think of that female pup again. After a while I got bored so I decided to go and visit Marshall and the rest of the Paw Patrol. I ran off towards the Lookout...

Marshall's POV...
Loona's acting strange. She's taking a first aid kit to her pup house. I walked up to Skye. "Hey Skye have you noticed Loona's been acting strange since she came back from her walk?" I asked worried about Loona. "Yeah she hasn't been herself. Why would she take a first aid kit into her puphouse?" Skye replied also worried for Loona. "Do you think we should go and talk to her?" I asked Skye curiously. "Yeah I think we should because this is unusual behaver for her." Skye replied. Skye and I walked over to Loona's puphouse and we could hear Loona talking to someone and we looked at each other confused. "Hey Loony it's me Marshall and Skye! can we come in?" I asked. "Just a minute!" We heard Loona yell from inside her puphouse. We could hear her moving her things inside her puphouse and then her door opens. "Hey bro! Hey Skye! What's up?" Loona asked us smiling. "What are you doing with the first aid kit?" I asked curiously. "Oh I needed the needled and bandage for a teddy of mine. I'm trying something new to make them more interesting that's all" Loona replied to us nervously. "Are you sure Loona? You seem nervous." Skye said confused. "Damn alright I'll show both of you, but you can't tell any body especially Ryder. Okay!" Loona asked with puppy eyes. "We won't we promise..." Both me and Skye replied...

No one's POV...
Marshall and Skye entered Loona's puphouse and saw a pile of teddies on one side of her puphouse. "Woah you usually have your teddies in a shelf to keep them tidy." Skye said looking around. There was one teddy that took their attention. "Awww that's the most cutest teddy I've ever seen in my entire life!!!" Skye said in awe by the cuteness of the teddy The teddy was actually the Meep hiding in the teddies. "Woah that's a new teddy were can I (the Meep blinks) get o- what..." Marshall asks confused. Skye approaches the Meep and pokes the Meep's right eye with her paw. "MEEP!!!" The Meep yells in pain. Marshall and Skye screams. Ryder and the others run out of the Lookout to see what all the screaming is all about...

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