Chapter 25

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Patrick stood there shaking his head. He couldn't allow Tate to corrupt Angel. He had to find a way to stop Tate from doing so. But he would need help. That and he would need someone who knew where Angel liked to hang out when she wants to get away from Tate. Just have to find someone who would know Angel best. Someone who knows where her secret spot is, Patrick thought to himself.

Violet was walking up to the gate, getting ready to make her way through the gate to walk into the house, when she was stopped by Leah's voice calling out to her. Violet turned around and found Leah approaching her. "Leah, I didn't expect to see you coming back to the house so soon. Again, I'm really sorry about what my friend did to you. He took it a step too far. I told him not to hurt you."

"You had two people in that basement. But only one was making any attempt to hurt me. The other one, she was a girl, I feel as though she was there to save me from your psycho friend who was trying to kill me. Though something tells me that she was more of a spirit presence trying to protect me, because your psycho friend didn't see her," Leah explained. "Before that incident, I didn't truly believe in ghosts. But now I do, because I was saved by one."

"Leah, do you know how crazy you sound talking like that? If anyone else hears you talking like that, they will think that you are insane," Violet said.

"I'm not though. I know what I saw in the basement of this house. I believe that the girl's spirit is stuck in the house," Leah said.

"I can ask my friend Angel about it. She may know something. Her family has lived next door to my house for years. I'm sure she would have to know the story behind it,' Violet said before spotting angel walking by. Violet took the opportunity to call out to her causing Angel to turn and make her way over to Violet standing next to Leah. "Angel I was just telling Leah about you."

Leah turned to the girl and her eyes widened as they landed on Angel. "That's the girl who saved me from your psycho friend. She's the one who is haunting your house."

"Nice way to give a first impression to someone you just met. Nice to meet you. I'm Angel. You are," Angel asked.

"Just leaving. I'll see you in school Violet," Leah said before walking away.

"Well, that was an interesting introduction. Did I say or do something to offend her," Angel asked confused.

"No. Leah swore up and down that she was saved by a ghost who looks like you. And well, she thinks that you're the ghost."

"Funny how she would go and assume something like that," Angel said lost in thought. Angel quickly snapped out of her thoughts before speaking up again. "Is that the only reason as to why you called me over here?"

"No. I have another reason as to why I called you over," Violet said.

"And that other reason would be," Angel asked.

Violet licked her dry lips, trying to figure out the best way to ask the question that was running circles through her mind. "Why didn't you tell me that you were the one who was dating Tate? Why did you make it seem like you wanted nothing to do with him? God, I feel like an idiot, because I confessed that I like Tate and you kept it hidden from me that you are dating him. Why would you do that to me?"

"Would you have believed me if I came out and told you that Tate and I were dating? Would you have accepted that answer, or would you have accused me of lying to you to keep you away from making a move on Tate? Now you see why I didn't say anything? Because if I had said something to you, you would have told me that I was making things up to keep you away from Tate. If there is one thing that I can't stand, it's being accused of doing something out of spite, when all I'm trying to do is keep you safe. Yet, you didn't want to believe me. So, I had to let you find out the hard way, though I didn't want to. But as I said before, you would not have believed me if I told you that Tate Langdon and I were dating. But I doubt that changes the way that you feel about him now. I doubt you will take into consideration that Tate is with me, and you will continue to flirt with him, trying to get him to fall in love with you. I'm telling you right now, you're only wasting your time. He won't see you in that light. So, you might as well settle for one of the boys you go to school with," Angel said before walking away.

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