The Journey continued

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You wake up to the damp morning air. Damp, humid, wet air...God you were thirsty. Where are you going to find water? You really should've left something out to collect water last night, but it completely slipped your mind. It's that orc's fault well technically it's yours but blaming him is easier. What was with him anyway? Well, there's no time to waste on this on him whoever he was.

You get up and wipe off the morning dew the best you can, then begin to walk down towards the town again. Looking at the map you see a river you have to cross the get to the town hopefully, you were close enough to it. Later you arrive at the river from the map it looks nice, gentle, flowing, calm but it must be outdated. Because this river definitely isn't any of those.You contemplate the pro's and cons of drinking out of the river, you hadn't drank anything in over 12 hours.So waiting until you got to the town wasn't idle,you had no idea how far away it was. "Screw it" is all you can think before drinking the river water it tasted kind of dank, but considering how dehydratedyou were it didn'tmatter to you. You later look up and see the orc from earlier taking a nap? He was just kind of lying there.....God is he dead? He was an asshole but he shouldn't die for it hopefully he wasn't. For that reason and he could probably tell you how far away the town was.

But how were you going to cross the river without getting dragged down the side of a cliff? You look along the river and see a path of big rocks leading to the other side. Atleast it was easy because this orc is about to be so pissed when I wake him up. You get up and carefully step onto the first rock almost slipping off. Carefully moving from rock to rock you glance up and see the orc starting to walk away. You speed up causing you to fall off the last rock onto the grass, managing not getting much mud on you just the bottom of your pants and shoes. You get up and speed walk toward the orc but damn he was fast like was he running or something?

You really didn't want to have to yell for him, but he was walking a little too fast and sprinting isn't exactly what you were expecting to do right now. "Hey!" you shout, you were hoping he would turn around or stop but no he kept walking like he didn't hear you.

"HEY! STOP FOR A SECOND" you shout as loud as you could seeing as you were now running to catch up to him. He stopped for like a millisecond and kept walking. You sped up soon catching up to him bumping into his arm. You grab his sleeve and stop to catch your breath "Wait a second" you say practically gasping for air.

Practically seething he said"What do you want."

"Do you know how far away the town is from here?"

"A mile."

"Theres no way thats only a mile are you sure?" You glance towards the town.

"Yes, now let go." The orc glares at you and you let go of his sleeve. He then turns and starts going left which wasn't the way he was going earlier. He must really hate you I mean why else would he completely change direction as soon as you talked to him. You can't let him distract you again though, you need to focus on getting to the mage and going home.

You start walking towards the town, letting curiosity get the best of you glance in the orc's direction. He was walking towards the town too. Did he just noy want to walk by or talk you. Did you smell bad or something? You hadn't exactly showered or anything since you got here but it has barley been a day you can't smell so bad that he would walk so far away.

But it's fine, the town is just a mile away so you could beg someone to let you use their shower when you get there maybe the mage would give you some new clothes or something.

That orc better not have lied about how far away the town was. He doesn't really have a reason to but he was being a dick so who knows.

~After the war~  Orc × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now