The Book (chapter 2)

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Felix stood up out of his bed. He walked over to the bathrooom to brush his teeth. He looked in the mirror. Looked at those things of freckles on his face he hated so much.

Oh how stupid of me. I didn't even introduce myself.
I'm Felix. 23 years old. I'm of Korean blood but was born and raised in Australia, where is still live to this day. Unlike most Koreans I have tanned skin and a lot of freckles on my face. People always tell me I'm "cute" or "have hot features" but honestly I don't see it.
However let's continue the story.

Felix brushed his teeth and ate breakfast (something he didn't do every morning pure because he didn't have any energy for it). Felix was planning to just read a book and chill the entire day. Since it was in the middle of his vacation.
After Felix was done eating he went up to his room. It was like a light went on his head. A picture just sprang to life in it. .
A picture of an ancient bookshop, named: LIBER PULCHER, ancient books
Strange. I've never been anywhere near that shop. I don't even recognize the alley. But it definetely looked like it was in the center of the small town I lived in. But how did I come to that bookshop? I have never seen it before. And why would I wanna go there? Then it hit him.
Find the book
The book... It must be there.
The freckles boy jumped into his clothes as fast as he could and walked out of the door.

It was like he knew exactly were to go. Felix walked past shops and alleys that all looked alike to the alley of LIBER PULCHER but somehow he knew it wasn't that one. The boy walked past another one of those alleys. He stopped. Walked back and looked into the alley. This was the one. He just knew it. So Felix walked into the alley.
It was completely deserted. Not a living soul. Felix stopped. Looked to his left. There it was. LIBER PULCHER. He read on the window. It looked closed. Shit. The boy walked to the door anyway. He pulled the door, thinking it wouldn't open, and was quite suprised when it did. He walked in.
Uneasiness. The first thing Felix felt. Even though every horror movie said otherwise he walked in anyway. There was barely any light. There was no living soul. For all he knew. "Hello?" He said. Nothing.
He walked along. Along the dusty shelves that looked like they hadn't been dusted in two decades. Which could be possibly true.
The room wasn't too small, with about 6 book alleys. Every book shelf filled with ancient looking books.
The sounds of his footsteps were muffled by the thick layer of dust on the ground.
Felix stopped in front of one book. It didn't look special from the rest. But it just kinda... attracted him, pulled him towards it.
Felix ran his finger along the spine of the book, leaving a line between the dust on the book and black dust on his finger. He wiped his finger on his pants. Leaving black dust all over it. But he didn't care. Because now there were words capable of being read on the back of the book. Saying: Demons & Fallen Angels, encyclopedia.
Felix slowly grabbed it off the shelf. He dusted the book with his hand and just stared at the cover. As he stared at it Felix jumped up when out of nowhere an old short man was standing beside me. He shrieked.

"Well I know my appearance ain't that pretty no more but you don't got to be so rude about it." Said the old man. He was at least 25 cm shorter than Felix was. He had a little bit of grey hair on his head. The rest was bald. But the thing that struck the freckles boy the most were those ice blue piercing eyes. Though they weren't cold. They were shining from kindness and, what was it? It kinda looked like the curiosity of a child.
"N-no that's not what I m-meant..." Felix stuttered "I just didn't expect you to stand there sir."
The man burst out in laughter. "I was just kidding lad I knew you didn't mean it like that!" He said while the laughing. Felix just looked at him, a bit confused. But he was immediately sure he liked this man and could trust him.
"I see your gonna summon some demons?" He said, to break the silence. "Demons?" The boy asked confused.
"Yeah why else would you want that book?" He asked, a mysterious smile on his face. Felix didn't answer him. He just looked at him, confused.

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