Heartbroken (Chapter 7)

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It was even better than I imagined it. He tilted his head slightly and we started to make out gently and passionately. I let my hand go through his fluffy brown hair. He tasted like cherries and he felt like sunshine. Though something felt… off… wrong…

I had not seen that coming. When I first felt his lips on mine I could feel a nest of butterflies explode in my chest. But something just didn't sit right with me.

You promised you’d take a distance from him.
I know but his lips are so fine.
But you promised yourself! He will get your heart broken. He’s a demon.
I know…
You should stop this.
Yeah probably…
Right. Now.
  And so I did. I pushed him away from me.
“What's the problem?” Hyunjin asked seductively. Don’t let him trap you.

“I can’t do this.” I wasn’t going to make up excuses. I mean, he would watch trough them almost immediately and I’ll only end up breaking his heart.
Hyunjins smile dropped. “What do you mean?”
“I can’t let you hurt me.” I just said it. At the moment I was trying my best not to cry.

“Hurt you?” The demon looked shocked. I felt a little crack forming in my heart seeing his hurt expression. “B-but I’d never do that!” He stuttered. Obviously trying to keep in his tears.
“I’m sorry.” I said. I walked past him.
“What are you going to do?” He asked. Though he tried to keep himself strong I could hear his voice break.
“I’m gonna ready myself.” I felt quilt creeping up.
“For what?” I decided to just say it straight forward.
“Hyunjin I’m going on a date tonight.”

If my heart wasn’t already broken enough by his rejection and accusations I could now feel it crumble apart. “A few of my friends are coming too but they’ll come apart.” Felix said. Trying to make it more bearable for me. I tried to keep myself strong. But I still fell to my knees. “I’m happy for you.” I’ve never had so much trouble pushing out words from my mouth.
“I’m sorry.” Was the only thing he said in response. I looked at the clock on the wall. 7 o’clock.

Felix turned around and walked away. I felt myself stand up and walk to the guest room. What now? I probably ruined the only real friendship I’ve ever had just by confessing my love for him.
As I cried I felt myself fall asleep.

I woke up from a car honking. I jumped out of my bed and almost flew downstairs. I grabbed Felix by his arms. He turned around. And my heart did a flip.

His normally brown hair was now bleached and blonde. He was wearing a tight black shirt with a see through thin fabric and flowers embroiled at his chest. He was wearing loose dark blue pants and black and white sneakers. Also he wore a tiny bit of makeup. It wasn’t a lot. Just enough to make his features stand out.

I could stare at this man forever. I wanted to say something. Stop him from going. But I couldn’t. He jerked his arm out of my grip and walked towards the door. “Whait-!” I tried to yell. But only a choking sound came out of my throat. I stood in the doorframe. Completely defeated. I could hear Felix open the door of the car. There was a seductive voice that asked him who that person in the doorway was.

“Oh. He’s just my roommate.” He answered. Just a roommate. Not even just a friend. Just a roommate. As I saw the car drive away I caught a glimpse of the driver.

He had a  sharp face with pretty hot features. He was wearing a bandana around his forehead, apperently more as a joke. But the thing that struck me the most was the very pleased smile on his face. Hyunjin didn’t like that smile. It predicted a disaster. But he couldn’t do anything about it. So he walked in and closed te door. He walked like a zombie to his bed and fell asleep, emotionally exhausted.

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