The Dream (Chapter 3)

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I woke up in the white room again. But it was different. I don't know why. It was just different. Then it hit me. I could move. I looked around me. The same room I have always seen. The same neutral feeling that is hard to explain.

I already heard the footsteps behind me which heralded the arrival of Hyunjin. I turned around immediately. He was about 400 meters away from me. It annoyed me how slowly he walked towards me. I started walking toward him too. Finally we reached each other. And he smiled. I have never seen anything so beautiful in life as Hyunjins smile. I wanted to make a joke or something, sound funny. But all I could do was stare at his face. Luckily he started the conversation instead.
I see you found the book.
I did. I answered.
Have you read it already? He asked.
Then what do you know about me now?
For some reason I started blushing really bad. But I didn't let that stop me.
I know your name is Azazel but you prefer being called Hyunjin. I stopped for a moment, probably waiting for his approval. He nodded. And I continued: I know you're a fallen Angel who gets tortured everyday because of something you did in heaven. I couldn't look into those eyes anymore. They were too distracting. And I was blushing so hard right then I was sure he had noticed by then.

Sit down. He said. Pointing at a white bench I was sure that didn't stand there before. We walked over to it and sat down. There was a long silence.
I have so many questions. I finally said.
Ask away. He answered
I looked at him in surprise. Really?
Of course.
Why me? Was the first thing that came up to my mind. You could've chosen anyone but you chose me.
I didn't choose you.
Then can you at least explain what you are doing in my dreams?

Oh but this isn't your dream you see. This is mine. He said.
I looked at him in confusion. But then why am I here?
I don't know.
I got a bit irritated by now.
How do you mean you don't know?!
Magic has its own will.
NO IT DOESN'T MAGIC ISN'T... but he looked at me with those pitch black eyes. They were not mad. Not even disappointed. They had sympathy in them. Even worse. It shushed me immediately.

I'm sorry I didn't mean to scream.. I mumbled.
It's ok I understand that you're frustrated. He looked at me and continued. Magic has its own will you know. It may have been created by God but it got secrets even he doesn't know.
It was silent.
Do you already know how to summon me? He asked. His voice was soothing and calm.
No. Where there was supposed to be written how to do it there was blood instead. And all the next pages were empty.
He nodded. As if he had seen it coming or something.
I'm going to show you how to do it. But when you wake up you have to do it immediately, otherwise you'll be to late.
He stepped aside and walked past me. I turned around and saw a small wooden table standing there. It was like a high coffee table with one foot underneath it. In the wood of the foot there was a beautiful pattern carved in. Though I was unable to think of what.
There was a big red candle and 5 tiny regular ones. There were also 6 lucifers sitting beside them.
Hyunjin walked over to the table.
You need to watch carefully what I do. Ok?
He grabbed the red candle and a lucifer and lit the the candle. The candle was burning up too fast for a normal candle. It started dripping wax barely 10 seconds after. Hyunjin tilted the candle and drew a large circle around him with the wax dripping off. He stepped out of the circle and started drawing a star in the circle. After he was done he put down the red candle on the wooden table. As I was watching in awe what he was doing he grabbed one of the five candles and placed it out of the circle at one of the points of the star. He repeated that with every candle. Then he grabbed the five remaining lucifers and lit the candles.

Now. Nothing will happen now because we are here. But this is really important. He said in a business like tone. The moment the clock ticks 3 o'clock I want you to say just this word exactly this way.
I nodded.
I want you to repeat after me. APERIS!
APERIS. I repeated.
Exactly. He turned back to me. Thank you. And out of nowhere he hugged me. I felt millions of electric bolt go up my spine and felt my freckled cheeks get red.
There's a problem though. I stuttered.
Hyunjin let go of me and stepped back. What is it? He asked.
I don't have all that stuff... I answered awkwardly.
Don't worry you do. He laughed it off.
No I d... but I stopped.
Hyunjin suddenly looked really serious.
Felix. (How did he know my name?) I want you to listen to me. He sounded so serious it was almost scary. Whatever you do do NOT step in the seal. Do you promise?

I nodded. Still a bit confused.
I want you to promise me! He was almost panicking now.
Ok I promise! I wanted to say more but it was too late.
The white room started to fade and I woke up.

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