Damned Job (Chapter 8)

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Time skip 1 month:
Felix hadn’t stopped his job, though for some reason he seemed to be handling it better. He looked less exhausted and much more happy. Though weird enough I haven’t been able to read his aura lately. Like, not at all. Even his thoughts sounded like a noise in my ear, though of course I couldn’t make a remark on that because he didn’t know I could see his feelings and read his mind. But honestly I still bothered me.

I looked at the clock: 12:21. At 12:30 Felix always goes drinking coffee in the cafe near his work. So I decided to visit him.
  After I got dressed I grabbed the keys and walked towards the cafe (honestly there are so much faster ways to transport but that would be asking for attention). When I finally reached the cafe it was already 12:34. I walked in and immediately spotted Felix. Though he looked… different… sick almost.
  He looked up. For a split second I tried not to gasp of the way he looked. He looked more exhausted than ever. Huge bags were under his eyes and he was almost laying on top of the table. Then he caught my eye. And in barely a milisecond all was gone. He looked the happy and cheerful Felix again. The bags were gone. And he didn’t look tired at all. How didn’t I see through this mask…

The younger boy looked up. There in the doorway he saw the demon staring at him. Quickly he put on his mask and smiled at him, but he immediately knew he was to late. Hyunjin almost sprinted towards him and grabbed the youngest wrist. He pulled him off the bench and began dragging him out the shop, with multiple curious eyes looking their way.

“Hyunjin what are you doing?” Felix asked through gritted teeth.
He didn’t answer. Was Hyunjin mad? Thought the younger. I tried so hard to hide it from him, he must be mad…
The demon dragged the boy into the house and closed the door firmly. When he looked at the boy his heart broke. Felix’s mask had slid off again, he looked as tired as ever and this time there was fear spread across his face.

“Are you mad?” Felix asked carefully.
The demon’s heart broke by the way Felix sounded so scared, he didn’t want that. Before he realized it tears were where falling down his cold cheeks and he hugged the younger. “Wh-why?” He sobbed. “Why didn’t y-you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to worry you.” The exhaust in his voice only made it worse for Hyunjin as he started sobbing uncontrollably. “Felix I love you b-but you gotta trust me and l-let me h-help you.”
The younger stayed silent. And the elder drew the line. He didn’t care anymore what Felix wanted. He wasn’t going to that job anymore. It was destroying him.

“You’re not going anymore.” Hyunjin said, trying to sound strict.
“What do you mean.” The younger pulled back from the demon. “I have to I got to earn mo-“
“WHY WONT YOU LISTEN TO ME.” The demon screamed desperately. Felix looked terrified at the sight of the demon screaming. “YOURE FUCKING FALLING APART FELIX AND I CAN HELP YOU b-but I-I”
“We talked about this Hyunjin.” Felix said, trying hard not to cry. “It’s not fair if you use magic to manipulate socie…”
“If it would be for your health I would destroy the fucking world.” Hyunjin said, sounding scarier at the moment.

“That’s why you’re a demon.” Felix thought he had said it in his head but he had said it out loud. Slowly a hurt expression crept upon the elders face. He looked almost heartbroken. The younger immediately regretted what he said and tried to make it up. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that really!”
“It’s ok…” Hyunjin said with a dark voice. “Find out yourself if you don’t want to be helped. I give up.” His voice broke at the last few words. Hyunjin looked down and walked away.

Felix wanted to run after him but just… couldn’t. He collapsed onto the wall and he curled up into a ball holding his knees, letting out quiet sobs, secretly hating himself for being such horrible person. He wanted Hyunjin to come back and comfort him and hug him, but at the same time he knew that wouldn’t happen and that he didn’t deserve it anyways.

Hyunjin heard it all from the other room. The most horrible thing he’s heard anyone say to themselves was so loud it was almost unbearable. He wanted to comfort him so bad. But he was also hurt in this situation.

I hate myself.
Felix please stop.
Why am I like this?
I wish I could be a better person to Hyunjin.
Stop please…
I wish I’d just die, I don’t deserve to live anyway.

That’s what broke the demon. He shot up, then sat down again. He didn’t say anything, as silent tears sled down his face.

About 10 minutes later Felix walked over to Hyunjin . He moved over so Felix could sit on the couch. He sat beside the elder and let his head rest on his shoulder. The elder wanted to push him away but quickly changed his mind.
“Hyunjin?” He asked. His voice was quiet.
“Yeah.” I didn’t want to sound too mean but I was still hurt.
“I love you.” He just said. When nothing followed I answered: “Then why did you say that? It hurt”
And that says something, if you manage to hurt a demon.

“I don’t know.” Was all he said. “Because I’m a bad person? Or because I’m not perfect? Or because-“
“You don’t have to be perfect.”
“You are.”
“Of course I’m not.”
“Yes you ar-“
Why else would I be kicked out of heaven hmm?”
He was quiet at that.
“I’m sorry.”
I could tell he was genuine.
“Please promise me that you’ll never put on that mask again?”
He was silent. But eventually still said: “Yes. I promise.”
I turned him to face me and I hugged him. Then I kissed him on the lips, and he kissed back. That loving peck on the lips quickly turned into a heated make-out session.

Felix pushed the elder onto the couch as he climbed on top of him. They had never gone this far before. I mean they cuddled and very sometimes made out but this was different. Hyunjin could tell Felix was blushing like crazy and felt the younger’s heart beating rapidly. But he let Felix do his thing.

At some point Hyunjin got a bit ‘bored’ and decided to take the dominance now. He flipped Felix over on the couch, earning a cute squeak from him, and crawled on top of him again. Their lips were fighting for dominance. Hyunjin licked Felix’s bottom lip to give entrance to his tongue, though he didn’t get the hint. Eventually Felix had to gasp for air. Hyunjin immediately took his chance. He smashed his lips back on the younger’s and stuck his tongue in, as Felix squealed of excitement and surprise. Hyunjin let himself discover every single inch of Felix’s mouth.
Suddenly Felix let out a moan midway through the make out. Hyunjin and Felix immediately pulled away from each other as Felix hid face in embarrassment.
So. Fucking. Hot.

Hyunjin decided to tease Felix and removed Felix’s hands from his face. A huge blush spread across it.
“Now what was that?” He asked, knowing damn well what it was.
“Nothing.” Felix mumbled almost unbearable.
“Do it again.” Hyunjin said in a seductive tone.

But Hyunjin didn’t let him finish. He smashed his lips back on Felix’s heart shaped ones and started going even rougher now. He sucked on his lips and abused his mouth in every way possible.
After what felt like ages to the elder, the younger finally let out that beautiful sound again.
He tried pulling way but Hyunjin didn’t let him. Now completely taken over by lust the elder lifted Felix up and walked him up the stairs, not even taking a break for the make-out.

Next chapter will be smut😏😉

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