CHP.12 [Troubling Individuals PT.2]

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The students attended to their next assigned class once recess ended, in both Team JNPR and Team RWBY's (And Kris) case, they're next class is history, as their teacher, Professor Bartholomew Oobleck, was explaining an incident known as the 'Faunus War' while zooming from one spot to another and talking really fast, forcing his students to keep track of him. Most were awake, even Kris, with Jaune being the only exception.

"Did Professor Oobleck put 50 bags of caffeine into his coffee or what?", Kris thought to himself as he listened. Aside from focusing on his professor, Kris also made sure Jaune, who's sitting right next to him, wasn't falling asleep. Nudging the blonde sleepyhead if his body starts going limp. But on top of that, there's also Cardin he has to deal with, who sat right behind Jaune, readying himself in case the bully of Beacon ever tries pulling anything.

"Now! While this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events! Why, the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day!". Professor Oobleck zooms to another spot before taking a sip of his coffee and then continuing to zoom to another. He then asks amongst the students, particularly Faunus, if they've faced discrimination due to their heritage. Nobody raised their hands at first, until one student did, followed by several more and the rabbit girl Cardin bullied not too long ago.

"Dreadful, simply dreadful! Remember, students, it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence!", the professor said before taking another sip of coffee. Oobleck then brought up something known as "White Fang", using them as an example of discrimination turned war before asking his students of what theory many believed to be the turning point during the war. Weiss raised her hand and answered "The battle at Fort Castle".

"Precisely! And, who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune's forces?", Oobleck questions his students more. While waiting for a student to answer, Kris was eyeing on both Jaune and Cardin, to which he then notices the latter trying to flick a small paper ball at Jaune, who was of course on the verge of sleeping. In the blink of an eye, he caught the ball before throwing it back to it's sender, hitting Cardin directly on his forehead before turning back to face the front and nudging Jaune to wake up, which he thankfully does.

Cardin grunts before glaring at Kris, "Why you little-", he growled which caught the attention of Oobleck, who then zooms up to the right seating area, calling out to Cardin, "Mr. Winchester! Finally contributing to class! This is excellent! Excellent! What is the answer?". Cardin's anger was then immediately replaced with confidence after fixing himself.

"Well, I know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier"

Oobleck shakes his head in disappointment, other students were more disgusted by his answer. Phyrra spoke up, commenting to Cardin how he isn't the most open-minded of individuals. Which he clearly took offence to, something both Kris and Jaune chuckled at, as he asks her if she has a problem. "No, I have the answer! It's night vision. Many Faunus are known to have nearly-perfect sight in the dark", she answered, causing Cardin to growl as he slowly averts his gaze from her. Blake also added, that due to General Lagune's inexperience, his army despite being massive, was outmatched, resulting in the capturing of his army, as well as himself.

"One should take into account that Faunus aren't just exclusive to mammals, but also other classes such as reptiles, avians and insects. So while one may not possess night vision, they might possess incredible hearing, flight, camouflage or venom", Kris brought up more advantages of Faunus'. Hearing this, Oobleck complimented the three, satisfied with the points they raised. Kris then turns to Cardin and says, "Y'know, perhaps if you focused more on studying instead of tormenting, you wouldn't embarrassed yourself infront of the whole class. But of course, it's naive to expect any changes from a man who's intellect and personality lines more closely to a chimp, huh, Cardin Chimpster?".

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