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TW - Gore

NOVA============11/01/2003Alto, New Mexico Silverwing Base

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Alto, New Mexico
Silverwing Base

It only takes me a few steps outside of my cabin to realise that it's absolutely fucking freezing.

There's a thin sheet of snow covering the entire base; resting on the roofs like a blanket. The grass that had been green and lush is now completely invisible. One thing that is visible is my own breath, as it disperses into the air ahead of me.

Training in this type of weather is not particularly ideal.

"What should we start with today?" Lisa asks, glancing over at me; cheeks completely flushed because of the cold breeze.

"As long as it's indoors, I don't mind." I chuckle, she nods in agreement as we head towards our training area.

Yamato is already in there, practicing some hand to hand combat. He turns around and briefly waves over at us, finishing off his round and heading over.

"Cold, huh?" He mumbles, folding his arms around himself as though it's going to help.

"You don't say." Lisa grimaces.

We aren't all in a particularly talkative mood as we head over to the wall littered with guns, she picks up a rifle, I just pull the Smith and Wesson from my belt.

"You really can't let go of that thing, can 'ya Novie?" She says with a chuckle, earning a nod from me.

"It may as well be surgically attached to me at this point," I say, checking the safety as Lisa grins.

We begin our target practice drill, Yamato joining us as we stand in a line facing the targets. It's still unusual to have training sessions without them being consistently interrupted by him.


"You're not as good as you think you are y'know, Shields?" Leo snickers as he loads up his own rifle, standing in the box next to me.

"I have the skills to blow your head off, though." I jab back at him. He shakes his head slightly and looks away, glimpsing back at my face with a small smirk.

"You act as though you're some sort of force to be reckoned with." He murmurs.

"Maybe it's not an act, Hendrix." I hiss back at him with an angry glare. He just looks away and back down at his rifle with another smirk.

"Maybe you're right." He mumbles after a few seconds.


For some strange reason, especially since I'm thinking about my time at the Hawk group, I feel like now might be a good opportunity to speak to them about the phone call I had seven months ago when I was there. I've kept it right against my chest up until now.

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