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NOVA===============30/04/2003Alto, New MexicoSilverwing Base================

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Alto, New Mexico
Silverwing Base

"Albuquerque. He's in Albuquerque," Vincent sighs.

I immediately tense up, goosebumps sprouting on the back of my neck as a breath hitches deep in my throat.

Fucking Albuquerque? The bastard may as well have waltzed right up to goddamn base. It feels as though he's just around the corner.

"How do we know for certain?" Leo leans forward, keeping a discreet comforting hand on my knee under the desk.

"Shields, you may want to step outside," Vincent sighs, opening his laptop.

I shake my head, "it's alright. I want to see whatever it is,"

He nods firmly, tapping at his keyboard before spinning the laptop around to our direction.

It's a grainy video, and Nicholas has his devilish grin right up in the camera. There's what looks like a large amount of open floor space, some sort of commotion happening behind him.

"I know you're looking for me, and we're right under your fucking noses. 173 Avenida Lane, Grande Heights, Albuquerque."

He snickers, then the camera falls black as the clip ends. Leo, Yamato and I all stare at the screen in silence.

"Has anybody checked what that address is?" Yamato finally whispers, Vincent hums.

"Old hotel,"

"The bastards challenging us," Leo seethes.

"There's a chance he isn't telling the truth," I shrug, "he could easily be trying to throw us off track,"

Vincent shakes his head, shutting down my theory as he pulls out a printed sheet. It's a photograph of a lobby, crimson carpet splayed across the floor. He rewinds the footage to the beginning, the psychotic face jumping out of the screen again.

"Look at the background," he gestures to the screen, "and then look at this,"

My eyes dart back and forth between the paused video and the picture in front of me. It doesn't look like he is lying, they match up perfectly.

"That was taken in the lobby in 1999, before the owners got too old and had to abandon the business for retirement," he explains.

"What hotel is it?"

"'The Hotel Isabel'," he shrugs.

"Well, what the fuck are we waiting for?" Leo stands up, "we know his exact location, let's get it over with."

Normally I'm one for a strategised, thought out plan. However, I'm with Leo on this. I just want Nicholas dead under any circumstances.

"It's not that simple, Hendrix," Vincent sighs, "he said 'we're' right under your noses, implying he's got company. Also, we've got no sort of blueprint as of yet,"

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